Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


1.1                Introduction to Programming Languages 1.2                High Level Programming Languages 1.3                The Structure of the Program 1.4                Introduction of Translators 1.5                Why Study Compilers 1.6                What is the Challenge in Compiler Design? 1.7                Compiler Requirements 1.8                The Co...

CSC 335 Properties of Context-free Languages: Chapter 7 Note

Simplifying CFGs, Normal forms Pumping lemma for CFLs Closure and decision properties of CFLs

CSC 335 Finite Automata Chapter 2 Note

Finite Automaton (FA) Deterministic Finite Automata Language of an NFA Advantages & Caveats for NFA Technologies for NFAs Differences: DFA vs. NFA Equivalence of DFA & NFA NFA to DFA by subset construction Correctness of subset construction A few subtle properties of DFAs and NFAs

CSC 335 Notes 2 Chapter 1

Introduction to Automata Theory What is Automata Theory? Theory of Computation: A Historical Perspective Languages & Grammars The Chomsky Hierachy The Central Concepts of Automata Theory Finite Automata Formal Proofs On Theorems, Lemmas and Corollaries


Editing Text Features of Word Processing Documents Objectives of Word Processing Word Processing Packages Electronic Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) Spreadsheet Packages Computer Network Applications/Purpose of Computer Network Components of Computer Network Network Benefits Disadvantages of Networks Classification of Area by their Geography Peer to Peer Network Advantages & Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Network Internet


FILE ORGANIZATION ·         Introduction ·         Storage Devices Characteristics ·         File Organization ·         Sequential Files ·         Indexing and Methods of Indexing ·         Hash Files INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS ·         What is Data, Database System, DBMS? ·         Single and Multi-User Systems ·         Advantages and Drawbacks of DBMS ·         Architecture of DBMS ·   �...

Note on Systems Concept and Environment

SYSTEM CONCEPTS AND ENVIRONMENT Characteristics of the System Elements of System Information System Environment Types of System MIS: Management Information System Introduction to Structured Methodologies SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE Figure SDLC System Analysis System Design System Design Chart ROLE OF SYSTEM ANALYST Multifunctional Role Figure Illustrating Multifunctional Role Multifunctional Role of System Analyst Skill Set Required by an Analyst Graphs for Skill Set MIS Organization SOFT...

CSC 335 Note on Java

Introduction to Computers the Internet and Java Introduction to Java Applications; Input/Output and Operators Introduction to Classes, Objects, Methods, and Strings Control Statements: Part 1; Assignment, ++ and -- Operators Control Statements: Part 2; Logical Operators Methods: A Deeper Look Arrays and ArrayLists Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look Object Oriented Programming: Inheritance Object Oriented Programming: Polymorphism and Interfaces Exception Handling: A Deeper Look GUI Components...

CSC 335 Notes 2 Chapter 7: What is a Compiler Design? Types, Construction Tools, Example

What is a Compiler? Features of Compilers Types of Compiler Tasks of Compiler History of Compiler Steps for Language processing systems Compiler Construction Tools Why use a Compiler? Types of Parsers in Compiler Design Parse Tree | Derivations | Automata Properties Of Parse Tree Yield Of Parse Tree- PRACTICE PROBLEMS BASED ON DERIVATIONS AND PARSE TREE

CSC 335 Notes 2 Chapter 6: Pushdown Automata (PDA)

PDA - the automata for CFLs δ : The Transition Function PDA for Lwwr PDA as a state diagram PDA for Lwwr: Transition Diagram PDA’s Instantaneous Description (ID) Principles about IDs PDA for Lwwr: Proof of correctness PF==> PN construction Equivalence of PDAs and Equivalence of PDAs and CFGs CFGs == PDAs ==> CFLs Converting CFG to PDA Converting a CFG into a PDA Formal construction of PDA from CFG Simulating g strin 0011 on the new PDA Proof of correctness for CFG ==> PDA Proof of corre...

CSC 335 Notes 2 Chapter 4: Context-Free Languages & Grammars (CFLs & CFGs)

Context-Free Languages Applications of CFLs & CFGs Structure of a production CFG conventions Syntactic Expressions in Programming Languages String membership Generalization of derivation Left-most & Right-most Derivation Styles How to prove that your CFGs How to prove that your CFGs are correct Parse Trees, Derivations, and Recursive Inferences Interchangeability of different CFG representations The connection between CFLs Connection between CFLs and RLs CFLs & Regular Languages Ambiguity in ...

CSC 335 Notes 2 Chapter 3 (Regular Expressions)

Regular Expressions vs Finite Regular Expressions vs. Finite Automata Language Operators Building Regular Expressions Precedence of Operators Finite Automata (FA) & Regular Finite Automata (FA) & Regular Expressions (Reg Ex) DFA to RE construction RE to NFA construction Algebraic Laws of Regular Expressions


BASICS OF AUTOMATA THEORY Theory of Automata Types of Automata Some important points about DFA and NFA Transition Diagram Transition Table

Concepts of Plasma

Plasma, its formation, properties, types and its applications

ZOO 102 Past Questions


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