Accessibility Of Agricultural Production Information By Coffee Small Holder Farmersthrough Identified Ict Channel In Mt Elgon Sub County.

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This study was conducted to assess the factors that influence  accessibility of information   by coffee smallholder  farmers  using selected ICT channels  in mt elgonSub County.  Systematic sampling technique was used to interview 500 sample populations from kapkateny ward, chebyukward, cheptais ward, Elgon word,kaptama ward.  The researcher expects to administer questionnaires in a face-to-face interview. Data would be collected using frequencies in tables, bar charts. Chi-square test was employed to test for the hypothesis. The tests are expected to reveal that significant or insignificant relationship existing between information communication technology and access to agricultural information through different ICT channels. Overall, this study established the need to  useICT information communication channels especially the computers on coffee production. The information generated from the study will be used by information providers to make appropriate contribution to the advancement in dissemination of information to the farmers for knowledge in better farming practices. The study will enhance adoption of agricultural technologies for improved livelihoods

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