Economics Research Papers/Topics

Analysis of county government expenditure and county economic growth in kenya

e modern devolution development across the globe has been in part driven by assertions of a supposed ‘economic dividend’ linked with the devolved expenditure. There is however, little empirical evidence to validate these assertions in Kenya. Most empirical studies across different countries have used different methods of analysis, different time periods and diverse techniques of measuring variable which have generated mixed conclusions and others are inconclusive. More so, in Kenya these ...

An Empirical Analysis of Public Debt Sustainability in Kenya

The study provides a focused analysis of Kenya’s determinants of debt sustainability owing to its consistent budget deficits and higher debt servicing costs. Unlike broader studies, this research focuses on Kenya's unique economic conditions and talks about the consequences of unchecked debt servicing payment failures in Kenya that could undo macroeconomic progress if unchecked. The study deploys a single equitation regression analysis followed by a series of robustness checks and a genera...

Public and private investments and economic growth in Ghana and Kenya

A general conception is that investment induces economic growth, but there is still debate over which type of investment contributes more to economic growth. The disaggregation of investment into public and private components allows estimation of the impact of the two types of investments on economic growth. This research, therefore, empirically estimates the relationship between each investment component against economic growth by constructing panel data for Ghana and Kenya from 1991 to 202...

Decoupling Economic Growth and Carbon Footprint: An Empirical Analysis of Ghana's Export Sector, Manufacturing, and Renewable Energy Adoption

The prospect of decoupling economic development from CO2 emissions in Ghana is examined in this paper, with an emphasis on the manufacturing, export, and adoption of renewable energy sectors. The paper investigates the long-term and short-term correlations among CO2 emissions, renewable energy consumption (RNE), population growth (POP), manufacturing value-added (MVA), Economic growth (GDP), and exports (EXP) using an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing method using tim...

Fiscal Deficit Financing and Inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract Financing fiscal deficit in any country is undertaken with the sole purpose of promoting economic growth and development. However, fiscal deficit financing can be a major source of macroeconomic instability, especially inflation, depending on how it is achieved. Inflation in sub-Saharan Africa has persistently been high, almost double-digit, and volatile compared to other areas with developing countries such as Asia and Latin America. Thus, this study aimed at analyzing the relation...

Real Estate Development, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Kenya

Abstract Having a stable and high level of economic growth within a country is associated with numerous benefits to the citizens. In developing countries such as Kenya, the rate of economic growth has been low and always below the projected rate each year. In developed countries such as Germany, Japan, and Iceland, development in the real estate sector and investment in human capital have been identified as probable boosters of economic growth. In Kenya, many of the studies done to investiga...

Competition, Profitability, Risk-Taking Behaviour and Stability of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Abstract Stable commercial banks stimulate economic growth by facilitating value exchanges. The stability of commercial banks in Kenya has been a concern because of the waves of collapse that have dotted the history of the banking sector. Studies on the drivers of bank stability are essential for providing policy directions to improve bank stability. Due to existing conflicting empirical evidence, this study further analyzes the relationship between competition, profitability, risk-taking be...

Capital adequacy,income diversification,competition and liquidity creation of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Abstract Banks create liquidity which in turn improves capital allocation and accelerates economic growth. Liquidity creation is essential and critical as it may lead to a stable financial system and provide growth opportunities. Liquidity has been observed to be more unstable in developing countries than in developed nations. Despite the rise in minimum deposits, commercial banks in Kenya, a developing country, struggle to optimize their profits due to reduced liquidity creation capacity. T...


Abstract Agriculture is very important to any society’s future. In most developing and developed countries, it is the major backbone of the economy and its production over the last three to four decades has increased significantly. In 2018, the agricultural sector boosted the Gross Domestic Product globally by 4% and in 2020, its average contribution was 35 percent to the Gross Domestic Production (GDP) and 65 percent to foreign exchange earnings in Kenya. Agriculture provides the main sou...


Abstract Tourism has evolved into a vital sector of Kenya’s economy by contributing to employment, alleviation of poverty, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign exchange earnings, and a balance of payments surplus. Tourism is a productive economic activity that needs a stable macroeconomic environment for continued growth. Kenya’s Vision 2030 highlighted tourism among the economic pillars that will spur its achievement. The vision posits an annual growth rate of 10%. However, since Kenya...

Option Pricing of an Asset with Seasonal and Periodic Supply

Abstract/Overview In option pricing the rate of change of asset price with time can be viewed to be directly proportional to the Walrasian [6] excess demand. Scholars such as Jacques [3] and Onyango [4], have used the excess demand concept with linearised demand and supply functions to derive and solve both deterministic and stochastic logistic differential equations for stock price. The underlying assets in option pricing are unique and can be seasonal and periodic like for electricity, ...


Abstract Globally, revenue is viewed as a critical element of any state as it provides needed finances used to support key government projects such as investment in human capital, infrastructural development, and administering services to citizens and businesses. Kakamega County initiated revenue reforms in 2019 to improve revenue collection. However, the county is still experiencing massive deficits and shortfalls in its revenue collection which has hindered the completion of key projects a...


Abstract For any government to effectively carry out its primary function and other subsidiary functions, it requires adequate funding. Taxation generates public funds to governments through structured approaches. The amount of tax revenue realized or expected by any state is determined and influenced by various economic factors ranging from micro to macro-economic. In Kenya, tax revenues have, for quite some time, remained low relative to the effort and tax policies in place. This study exa...


Abstract ABSTRACT Development of the real estate sector immensely contributes to the economic growth and development of the country through upgrading the living standards of the people by providing better infrastructural facilities, social amenities, telecommunication facilities and better housing. Kenya in recent years has experienced a surge in the growth of real estate in the suburbs of its major towns and cities. This has been brought about by the increasing pressure for modern housing u...

Effect of Currency Depreciation on the Economy of West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) (2000 – 2017)

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of currency depreciation on the economy of the countries of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ). This was done through the use of a sample of six member countries including: Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Gambia and Guinea. The scope of the study included the period 2000 to 2017. The analysis was carried out using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression method of estimation. The results revealed that currency depreciation has a negative and non-s...

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