
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Influence Of Farmer Organizations As A Market Information System On Market Access And Income Of Smallholder Vegetable Farmers In Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Vegetable production is of great importance in terms of nutrition improvement, income generation and food security. Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation (Africa RISNG) action research project actively integrates vegetable farming and marketing practices in order to reduce the vulnerability of indigenous populations of Babati district located in the Manyara region of Tanzania. In Tanzania smallholder vegetable famers receive asymmetrical and incomplet...

Gendered Analysis Of Risk Attitudes And Vegetable Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers In Kilifi Count

ABSTRACT Commercialization has potential of enabling rural households to advance in vegetable production through better access to financial services, and enriched market coordination and participation. In recent years, there have been efforts to boost vegetable commercialization particularly among smallholder female farmers in Kilifi County. Since risk attitudes vary from male to female farmers, the differences in risks and risk perceptions of farmers may in part explain the unwillingness of ...

Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Towards HIV/Aids Among Bara Baig Pastoralists Of Hanang And Babati Districts -Tanzania

ABSTRACT Change in the mode of pastoralist livelihood activities and resultant consequent activities have made pastoralist to move out of their traditional safety environment. Despite of pastoralist being exposed to HIV risk they are holding strong cultural practices some of which are HIV spread risk factors. The HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to grow with thousands of new infections occurring every day. Prevention remains the backbone of programs to curb the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and will be effe...

Effects Of The Benue Adp’s Cassava Production Technologies On The Productivity And Incomes Of Women Farmers In Benue State, Nigeria

Abstract This research work was carried out to assess the effects of the Benue ADP’s cassava production technologies on the production and incomes of women farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to identify and describe the cassava production technologies available in the study area; to describe the socio-economic characteristics o f cassava women farmers in the study area and determine their effect correspondents productivity and incomes; to determine and compa...

Production Performance And Contribution Of Dairy Goats To Income Of Small-Scale farmers In Mufindi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  A study was conducted in the Mufindi district to determine the production performance and contribution of dairy goats to the income of small-scale farmers. Purposive sampling was employed to select eight villages from five wards and a sample of 80 dairy goat farmers and another set of 80 non-dairy goat farmers. The farmers were individually interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Non-dairy goat farmers were included as a control to ascertain the effect of dairy goat productio...

Insect Abundance And Food Intake By Agama Mwanzae In Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The kopjes of Serengeti National Park, can be considered to be an understudied ecosystem although harbours a diverse distinct flora and fauna; even basic information such as knowledge about the food of Agama mwanzae is unknown. Thus, the study involved the investigation of the spatial and seasonal variation of insect abundance and agama food intake in the grass plain kopjes of Serengeti National Park. The insects were sampled by pitfall, sweep net and tray traps monthly within one y...

Adoption Of Innovations In Participatory Agricultural Development And Empowerment Project (Padep) In Tanzania: Case Study Handeni District, Tanga

ABSTRACT In developing countries like Tanzania, Draught Animal Power (DAP) technology could be appropriate technology which many farmers can afford as a first step from using a hand hoe before stepping forward for using a tractor in agricultural activities. This study intended to determine factors hindering the adoption of draught animal power innovation under Participatory Agricultural Development and Empowerment Project (PADEP) at Handeni district. Five villages were used to get a total of...

Economic Assessment Of The Warehouse Receipt System For Cashew Nut Marketing In Mtwara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study to assess the economics of the Warehouse Receipts System (WRS) for cashew nut marketing was conducted in the Mtwara region, in southern Tanzania. Three districts namely: Masasi, Newala, and Nanyumbu were randomly selected. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect primary data from 90 farmers, 30 primary cooperative societies, three bank institutions, six exporters, six processors, and three input suppliers. Secondary data were secured from CBT, TANECU, MAMCU, MDC,...

Influence Of Timber Trading On Poverty Reduction In Mufindi District, Iringa Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Sustainable use of forest resource products such as timber has been reported to produce different benefits, which enhance households’ income and reduce poverty. This study assessed the influence of timber trading on poverty reduction to the selected communities in Mufindi District, Tanzania and its contribution to district revenue. As well the study focused on the challenges and opportunities to timber trading in the study area. Structured questionnaires and checklist were the da...

Village Travel And Transport Programme, Peoples’ Income, Community Participation And Access To Social Services In Kilolo District - Iringa

ABSTRACT Despite that VTTP was introduced in Tanzania over two decades ago, there is inadequate information among the community members on its contribution of such projects to people’s livelihood and levels of participation. Inadequate rural transport infrastructure and lack of mobility pose constraints to rural development in SubSaharan Africa including Tanzania. Without physical access to various socioeconomic services, centres rural communities would have difficulties in obtaining healt...

Evaluation Of Protocols For Regeneration Of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas (L.) Lam.) In Tissue Culture

ABSTRACT Tissue culture techniques have opened a new frontier in agricultural science for addressing food security and poverty issues. These techniques have involved development of suitable plant regeneration protocols that can reduce disease infestation by producing healthy plants rapidly and hence increase yields in Kenya. The current research focus in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) has been the development of transgenic sweet potatoes, with ability to resist viral diseases of whic...

Forecasting Consumption And Substitution Of Sawnwood Products In The Building Industry In Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The future consumption and substitution of wood products in the building industry is not well analyzed and examined hence the demand for wood in the industry remain uncertain. The study on forecasting consumption and substitution of sawn wood in the building industry was carried out in Dar es Salaam city. Consumption forecasts of sawn wood for the years 2016, 2021 and 2026 were determined through the income elasticity of the demand forecasting model. The sampling unit was obtained f...

Influence Of Nutrition And Value Chain Governance On Enterprise Performance In Smallholder Pig Production In Kenya

ABSTRACT Smallholder pig production in Kenya is a popular livelihood strategy but is faced with serious challenges, key among them being high cost and poor quality of feeds and weak value chain governance which result in high enterprise costs. To minimise losses, smallholders use locally available alternative feed resources (AFR) which coud be impacting negatively on performance. This study investigated feeding decisions, bio-economic benefits of using alternative feed resources (AFR), benefi...

Determinants Of Post-Harvest Milk Losses Among Milk Producers And Transporters In The Dairy Value Chain In Nyandarua North Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Nyandarua County has enormous milk production potential and has a high amount of milk due to large population of dairy cows coupled with the huge milk market demand from within and without. Despite this potential, milk post-harvest losses have posed a major challenge to the dairy sector in the county. The objectives of the study were: to characterize the socio economic and milk handling attributes of milk producers, to estimate mean milk losses attributable to milk producers and tran...

Soil Dispersion And Hydraulic Conductivity In Relation To Clay Content, Exchangeable Sodium Percentage And Electrolyte Concentration In Soils Of Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of some soil properties on dispersion and hydraulic conductivity of soils. Twenty soil samples collected from a depth of 0-20 cm were analyzed for their physical and chemical properties. The total clay fraction (clay) of the particle size distribution ranged from 80 to 380 g/kg with a mean of 203 g/kg and a coefficient of variation (CV %) of 47.5%. Total silt was between 20 and 400 g/kg with a mean of 129g/kg and a CV of 86...

2401 - 2415 Of 4653 Results