
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Determinants Of Rural Water Project Sustainability: A Case Of Rufiji District, Pwani Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the determinants for rural water project sustainability in Rufiji district, Tanzania. A household questionnaire to 180 respondents in six villages was used in data collection. This was supplemented by discussions with ordinary water users and water attendants. Descriptive statistical methods such as percentages and cross tabulations were used as qualitative analytical techniques. Quantitative methods included Pearson Chi square and Logistic regressi...

Comparison Of Productivity, Cost And Energy Expenditure When Sawing On Pits awing And Portable Platforms In Agroforestry Farms In Kilimanjaro

ABSTRACT  Although future increase in timber supply in many countries is expected to come from agroforestry, the problem of on farm timber sawing, physical strain on sawyers caused by “Pitsawing” has to be addressed, to increase timber sawing productivity. This study was aimed at analyzing the productivity and energy expenditure by sawyers when using Traditional Pitsawing Platforms (PSP) and Portable Steel Log Sawing Platforms (PLSP) in agroforestry farms in Kiruweni and Nduweni villages...

Effects Of Watering Regimes, Fertilizer Levels On Nutrients Uptake, Growth And Yield Of Upland Rice In Mwea, Kenya

ABSTRACT Upland rice contributes substantially to food and nutritional security in many African countries. Introduction of NERICA cultivars was meant to boost the production and hence area under upland rice. Factors such as poor soils and inadequate rainfall limit both the quality and achievement of yield targets. The research aimed to establish the impact of water levels, fertilizer rates on nutrients uptake and performance of NERICA 1 rice variety. It was carried out in a greenhouse settin...

Evaluating The Effects Of Cobalt/Molybdenum, Rhizobium Inoculants And Diammonium Phosphate Fertilizer On The Growth And Yield Of Soya Beans In Kisii County

ABSTRACT Soya bean is an important crop grown globally. It is the main source of dietary protein and oil and is used commercially to produce livestock feed and food for humans as well. Soy farming is mostly practised in the western and central regions of Kenya but the yield is low compared to other countries. Production is low in Kisii yet the potential for optimum yield is documented. Poor soya bean yield is thought to be caused by infertile soils due to poor agronomic and management practi...

Effects Of Intercropping Amaranth With Common Beans, Green, Grams, And Cowpeas On The Growth And Grain Yield Of Amaranth In Kitui Central Sub County

Abstract Amaranth is an important crop owing to its highly nutritious grains and leaves. The leaves have high vitamins and calcium levels while grains are rich in proteins. Amaranth flour is used to fortify other flours due to its highly digestible proteins. Some industrial and medicinal properties have also been associated with amaranth leaves and grains. Green grams, common beans, and cowpeas are important sources of proteins from plant. This makes them cheap and valuable substitutes for me...

Effects Of Socioeconomic And Environmental Variables On Renewable Resource Degradation In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigeria is faced with many environmental problems. Available data indicate that Nigeria is losing her renewable natural resources (including arable land, forest, pasture/rangeland and water resources) beyond sustainable limits. Economic and environmental systems interact in many important ways and hence the need to understand these interactions and develop effective public policy. While economic systems derive many invaluable inputs (some commodified, others free) from environmental...

Response In Growth Performance And Yield Of Broilers Fed On Processed Acacia Tortilis Seed Meal As A Replacement Of Soya Bean Meal

ABSTRACT Livestock provide food to humans and income to producers. Chicken and their products provide 28 per cent of all meat globally. Chicken producers are always looking for new feed ingredients for use in feed formulations. In Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya, Acacia tortilis trees grow in the rangeland and produce large quantities of seeds during the dry season. The leaves and pods are eaten by ruminants and hence, presents an opportunity to fed chicken. There exists no empirical evide...

Effects Of Climate On Revenue From Oil Palm Production In Southern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Effects of Climate on revenue from Oil Palm Production in Southern Nigeria. The broad objective was to examine the effects of climate change variables on Oil Palm Production. The specific objectives are to: (i) identify farmers’ perception on climate change variables in the study area; (ii) identify the choice of adaptation strategies and determine the factors affecting the choice of adaptation strategies by farmers in the area; (iii) estimate the cost and...

Climate Change Information Needs Of Rural Farmers In Enugu State, Nigeria

Abstract Adaptation is considered an appropriate response to climate change and variability, especially for rural farmers. However, the farmers’ ability to effectively respond to climate change challenges is determined by the quality of information available to the farmers and how easily the information is accessed. The study sought to assess the information needs of rural farmers on climate change. A total of I52 respondents were selected using multistage sampling technique. Percentages, ...

Response Of Communal Grazing Land To Selected Rangeland Improvement Practices At Lubungo Village In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study consisted of two experiments, (i) Assessment of pasture composition and productivity during dry season, (ii) Assessment of the response of communal grazing land to selected rangeland improvement practices (oversowing, manure application and furrows for rain water spreading) on pasture composition and productivity was conducted at Lubungo village in Mvomero district, Morogoro Tanzania. In study one, data of vegetation ground cover, dry matter yield of pasture and tree dens...

Effects Of Water Conservation Methods And Cropping Systems On Growth And Yields Of Maize And Beans In Wairaka, Jinja, Uganda.

Maize and beans form a significant part of the diet for thousands of households in Uganda and neighbouring countries, but the yields of these crops have been greatly affected by erratic rains and prolonged droughts. Irrigation schemes are often prohibitively expensive for small-scale farmers in Uganda and elsewhere. Low-cost water conservation practices such as double digging, mulching and effective cropping systems can greatly reduce evaporation, surface runoff and increase water retention i...

Climate Change Adaptation Measures Among Smallholder Farmers in Mvomero district, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Climate change in Tanzania is emerging as one of the most important challenges among smallholder farmers who depend largely, if not solely, on rain-fed agriculture. Weather forecast and prediction indicate that drought and flood will be more frequent and inconsistent rainfall will be experienced. These changes will affect smallholder farmers, due to the fact that these farmers are more vulnerable because of limited resources and low knowledge on how to adapt to climate change impact...

Assessment Of Factors Influencing The Use Of Icts In Accessing Market Information Among Smallholder Rice Farmers In Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agriculture have the potential to facilitate greater access to market information and it can connect the rural poor farmers with well-established markets. The aim of this study was to assess the factors influencing the use of Information and Communication Technologies in accessing market information among smallholder farmers in Kilombero District. A cross-sectional research design was used and data were collected using structured ...

Effects Of Plant Population And Harvesting Interval On The Growth And Leaf Yield Of Slenderleaf (Crotalaria Brevidens) In Kisii County, Kenya.

  Slenderleaf (Crotalaria brevidens), also known as rattle pod, is a prominent species of Crotalaria used as a vegetable in Kenya. It is a highly nutritious leafy vegetable, good sources of provitamin A, Vitamin C, carotenoids, iron protein, and calcium. At an average of 3 tons per hectare production of slender leaf in Kenya is low compared to an average potential of 11 tons per hectare. Previous studies done evaluated the influence of nitrogenous and phosphoric nutrients on slenderleaf grow...

The Effects Of Tourism Investments On Poverty Reduction In Rural Communities In Tanzania: The Case Of Serengeti District

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the few countries in the world endowed with vast range of tourist attractions. The tourism industry is Tanzania’s greatest success story since the introduction of free market economy in 1990s. Despite its impressive recent economic performance, Tanzania remains a poor country. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess the effects of tourism investments on poverty reduction in rural communities in Serengeti district. The specific objectives were to: identi...

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