
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Assessing Success Factors of Partnership Building and Rural Institutions Development amongst Smallholder Systems in East Africa

Abstract: The nature and form of collective action varies. It is contextually specific and may change over time. It arises when individuals jointly tackle constraints, make decisions and achieve outcomes with mutual benefit. Strong and vibrant smallholder groups do provide opportunities to the community to play a role in rural development and benefit from it. However, most of those groups do not have the capacity and ability to individually influence rural development. Linking groups across ...

Effect Of Temperature On The Efficacy Of Metarhizium Anisopliae (metchnikoff) Sorokin In The Control Of Western Flower Thrips In French Beans

Abstract: Metarhizium anisopliae isolate ICIPE69 is a highly virulent fungal pathogen against several thrips species such as western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), bean flower thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti), onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) and others infesting key vegetable crops in Africa. Recently the isolate has been commercialized for pest control under the trade name, Campaign ®. The efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungi is known to be influenced by the prevailing climati...

Evaluation of Different Management options of Fall Armyworm, (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Assessment of its Parasitoids in Some Parts of Ethiopia

Abstract: The fall armyworm (FAW) is a major pest of maize in America and its outbreaks in 2017 in Africa threatened maize, a staple food crop in the region. The effect of parasitoids, nine synthetic insecticides, eleven botanicals, five entomopathogens and pheromone lures have been studied against FAW in 2017 and 2018. Survey conducted in Jimma, Awash Melkasa, Hawasa, East and West Gojam identified three different species of parasitoids from FAW larvae belonging to Hymenoptera and Diptera. ...

Occurrence of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Commercial Pineapple Fields and Effect of Biocontrol agents on Meloidogyne species in Kenya

Abstract: Plant-parasitic nematodes, in particular Meloidogyne spp., cause significant yield reduction in commercial pineapple (Ananas comosus) worldwide. In Kenya limited studies have been conducted on nematodes in pineapple although the main commercial producer in Kenya has sole mandate to use Telone II (1, 3-Dichloropropene) indicating the seriousness of the problem. The current study was conducted to provide an update on the occurrence of plant-parasitic nematodes in commercial pineapple...

Efficiency of Xanthopimpla Stemmator against selected Lepidopteran Pest and its Interaction with Pupal Endoparasitoid Pediobius Furvus in Graminaceous Plants in Kenya

Abstract: Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a major pest and a threat to cultivated poaceous plants in many pa1ts of Africa. The adverse ecological and environmental effects as well as the cost of chemical insecticides commonly used in its control, besides its limitations makes it necessary to explore environmentally friendly control methods. Classical biological control is one important approach in the control of exotic pests. A larval parasitoid Cotesia jlavipes Cameron...

Resistance status of the tobacco spider mite ( Tetranychus evans1) to currently recommended acaricides on tomatoes ( Lycopersicon lycopersicum) and the effects of these acaricides on natural

Abstract: Laboratory studies were performed on tobacco spider mites (Tetranychus evansi) collected from Chinamhora and Mutoko to investigate grower claims of resistance to commonly used acaricides. Bioassays of T evansi collected from tomatoes showed presence of resistance to dimethotae, malathion, abamectin and amitraz. The RF values for Chinamhora were 1.2 for abamectin, 1.0 for malathion and 1.4 for an1itraz and dimethoate. For Mutoko RF values were 1.2 for aban1ectin and malathion, 1.4 f...

Studies on seed conservation and Propagation of the Neem Tree (Azdirachta indica a juss) in Sudan

Abstract: Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss ) is a multipurpose tree widely planted in Sudan. Recently the tree has been singled as a high priority species for natural pesticide this gives it an economic importance. Fresh seeds germinate readily if sown directly after collection but they lose their viability very quickly (4-12 weeks). This study was conducted at the National Tree Seed Centre, Soba-Sudan (June-December 1995) and University of Gezira farm (Dec.94 -Jan.1996). The main objec...

Evaluation of Knowledge and Practices of Managing Citrus Pests And Diseases and the Willingness to pay for an Integrated Pest Management Strategy in Selected Counties in Kenya

Abstract: Citrus is a major source of income in Kenya for both large and small scale farmers. However, citrus productivity has been declining over the years mainly due to pests and diseases, particularly the African Citrus Triozid (ACT), Huanglongbing (HLB) and False Codling Moth (FCM). Management of pests and diseases is sorely dependent on synthetic pesticides, which not only increases production costs but also are associated with high health and environmental risks. Use of integrated pest...

An Analysis factors influencing demand for poultry and fish feeds in Kenya

Abstract: Poultry and fish are important sub-sectors in Kenya providing rural farmer households with income and contributing to their food and nutritional security. Although ownership of these enterprises is not gender specific women are the ones involved in taking care of them. The study utilized cross-section data from a sample of 386 poultry farmers and 278 fish farmers randomly selected from three counties which are Nakuru, Kisii and Kirinyaga Counties. The feed demand for both poultry a...

Assessment of Health and Environmental effects of Mango Integrated Fruit Fly Management Strategy in Meru County, Kenya

Abstract: Mango is among the three most imperative crops in Kenya in terms production and crop area. However, mango production is limited by a number of issues, among which pests and fungal disease infestation are major. Among the pests, mango fruit fly present a real challenge to producers due to losses incurred at the farm level. Majority of the farmers have decided to use of pesticides which have negative impacts on health and environment. To promote sustainable and environmentally friend...

Potential of Entomopathogenic Fungi and in combination with Bacillus Thuringiensis for control of the Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) in Tomatoes

Abstract The susceptibility of third install larvae of Helicoverpa armigers to 7 strains of 3 entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) species ie Bueauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae (M.a) and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (P.Fr) was tested under laboratory conditions. Three best performing strains in 3 species/strains ie B. Bassiana 124, M. Anisopliae 79 and P. Fumosoroseus 14 were selected to examine their effectiveness against different larval and pupal stages of H. armigera. Sublethal doses were d...

1321 - 1335 Of 4613 Results