
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Assessment of Health and Environment Effects of Mango Integrated Fruit fly Management Strategy in Meru County

Abstract: Mango is among the three most imperative crops in Kenya in terms production and crop area. However, mango production is limited by a number of issues, among which pests and fungal disease infestation are major. Among the pests, mango fruit fly present a real challenge to producers due to losses incurred at the farm level. Majority of the farmers have decided to use of pesticides which have negative impacts on health and environment. To promote sustainable and environmentally friend...

Effect of farmer’s knowledge and attitudes on management of the tomato spotted wilt virus in Sironko District

Abstract: Over 80 percent of the population in Uganda live in rural areas and is mainly engaged in subsistence agriculture for their livelihood. Crop farming especially tomato growing is an activity that communities rely on for their livelihoods as well as a source of income for many households in Uganda. Tomatoes contribute to the household income, food and nutritional security yet they are affected by pests and diseases due to poor agronomic practices, lack of improved varieties for high y...

Perfomance of Exotic Chicken fed insect-based diets effect on laying Capacity, Egg Characteristics and Economic Returns

Abstract: Increasing demand for soybean meal and fishmeal for use in formulating animal feeds has led to increased prices and moreover their availability in future might be limited. Insect rearing can be part of the solution because they take a short period to mature, require small space and fewer resources to start. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of substituting fishmeal (FM)with black soldier fly larvae (BSFLM) at different inclusion levels, as a protein source in exotic ch...

Phosphorus Availability and Carrot Growth as Influenced by Phosphate Rock Management under Acid Soils in Murang’a and Tharaka Nithi Counties

Abstract: Soils from Central Highlands of Kenya are characterized by low phosphorus (P) availability with crops exhibiting P deficiency symptoms. The objective was therefore to determine the P sorption characteristics of the soils and to assess their standard P requirements in order to recommend the P fertilizer required for different crops in the area. Besides, the study aimed at assessing the efficiency of lemon and pineapple juices and the concentration and time needed to release more tha...

Dietary supplementation of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanecio biafrae leaves alters stress and immune responses, antioxidant status, and meat quality in broilers raised in a hot-dry environmen

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the influence of dietary supplementation of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanecio biafrae leaves, which have nutraceutical properties, on stress response, cytokine expression, antioxidant status, blood chemistry, abdominal fat and meat quality in broilers reared in a hot, dry environment. 2. One day old, Ross 308 chicks (n = 350) were randomly allotted to basal diets containing either no supplement (D1); 2.5 g/kg Solanum aethiopicum leaf (SAL; D2); 5 g/kg SAL (D...

Analysis of the Determinants of Food and Nutrition Security in Nigeria (1981 - 2020).

Food security has become a national priority for the country considering that a vast majority of its 198.1 million population is food insecure. Food and nutrition insecurity is prevalent in Nigeria despite its favourable agroecological endowments. It has a total landmass of 92.4 million hectares, out of which only about 32 million hectares or 34.63 percent are under cultivation. Nigeria, therefore, lacks both the capacity and capability to cater for the food and nutrition requirements of its ...

Analysis of the Determinants of Food and Nutrition Security in Nigeria (1981 - 2020)

ABSTRACT Food  security  has  become  a  national  priority  for  the  country considering  that  a  vast  majority  of its  198.1  million  population  is  food  insecure.  Food  and  nutrition  insecurity  is  prevalent  in Nigeria  despite  its  favourable  agroecological  endowments.  It  has  a  total  landmass  of  92.4 million  hectares,  out  of  which  only about  32  million  hectares  or  34.63  percent  are  under cultivation.  ...


ABSTRACT Assessment of forest diversity, perception of community towards forest and socioeconomic interaction is very important in order to maintain better forest management. This study was carried out to assess indigenous woody species diversity, socio-economic importance of the forests & drivers of degradation & deforestation in Tolitokal forest. Systematic sampling techniques were applied to collect vegetation data.  Six transect lines were laid along the gradient and a total of 30 plots ...

Asaminew Awoke 151 PAGES (18096 WORDS) Forestry Thesis
Mobile Applications Empowering Smallholder Farmers: A Review of the Impact on Agricultural Development

This research study examines the transformative role of mobile applications in empowering smallholder farmers through increased access to information, market linkages, financial inclusion, and improved resource management. The study explores how mobile apps have facilitated real-time access to relevant agricultural information, including weather updates, crop prices, best farming practices, and pest management techniques. The availability of reliable information enables farmers to make inform...

Influence of storage structure on tomato perishability

CHAPTER ONE 1.0  Introduction 1.1  Justification 1.2   1.2 Objectives of study CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Brief history of tomato cultivation 2.2 Botanical classification 2.3 Description 2.4 Varieties of tomato 2.5 TOMATO VARIETIES AND THEIR CHOICE OF USES 2.6 Fruit characteristics 2.7 Fruit colour 2.8 Fruit Texture 2.9 Postharvest Handling Practices for Tomatoes 2.10 Postharvest Treatment Techniques for Tomatoes 2.11 Postharvest Heat Treatment of Tomatoes 2.12 ...

Conversion of a Profile Description Sheet to an Open Data Kit (ODK)

The interest of using informatics tools for collecting information on agro-biodiversity is increasing, since they greatly facilitate the collection and sharing of data. Current practice which is primarily paper-based limits the scale and complexity of the services that can be provided and thus the impact of the intervention. Soil survey needs to be up to date, using a paper based survey can create problems thus the need to use ODK. Profile description sheet is a paper based survey form and wa...

Characterisation and Classification of Soils of Aregedif Watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia

ABSTRACT To determine the soil's primary potentials and constraints, soil characterization and pedological classification are crucial. However, much of Ethiopia’s documented soil information is scanty and inadequate relative to the large size of the country and the wide diversity of soils and landscapes. The aim of this work was to characterize and classify the morphological, physical, and chemical attributes of soils in Aregedif watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia. Samples were collected fro...

Economic and Financial Analysis of FMR Project (EFA)

This EFA were used to determine if the FMR Project is feasible considering all the factors like Vehicle Operating Cost, Expansion Areas, and other.

Introduction of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) as a short-duration annual aromatic crop in Assam for enhancing the income of farmers of the North-East Region

Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. ) is widely cultivated by the farmers of North Indian plains after harvesting the menthol mint or maize crop. Large area under cultivation of this annual crop by marginal farmers in North India is pre-dominantly occupied by the variety "CIM-Saumya," developed by CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. In the present study, an effort has been made for the first time to introduce CIM-Saumya cultivation as a short-duration crop in three nor...

Knowledge and Adoption of Mentha Growers Regarding Recommended Cultivation Practices of Mentha Crop in Siddhaur Block of Barabanki District Uttar Pradesh

This study was conducted in Siddhaur block of Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh in 2020-2021. With the help of random sampling method, 120 Mentha growers were selected and data were collected by personal interview method by using pre-tested interview schedule and later appropriate statistical analysis was done to find out the meaningful result. The finding of the study revealed that the overall level of knowledge of mentha growers regarding the recommended practices indicated they have medi...

1351 - 1365 Of 4613 Results