Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Papers/Topics


Abstract: On-farm study was conducted to evaluate and demonstrate the effects of urea treated straw and urea molasses block on milk yield, milk composition, feed intake and body weight gain of cross-bred lactating dairy cows in urban and peri-urban dairy production system of Lume District. Three treatments were considered: T1: urea treated straw + concentrate, T2: urea molasses block + untreated teff straw + concentrate and T3: untreated straw + concentrate. Pre-visit and survey was made and...


Abstract: The study was conducted in Gondar Zuria and Banja districts in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia with the aim of evaluating genotype by environment interaction on production performance of Koekoek, Kuroiler, Sasso, and Sasso-RIR chicken under smallholder production system. About 120 total households were selected for the survey work based on purposive and random sampling methods. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire and focus group discussion. These survey data were analysi...

Effect of farmer’s knowledge and attitudes on management of the tomato spotted wilt virus in Sironko District

Abstract: Over 80 percent of the population in Uganda live in rural areas and is mainly engaged in subsistence agriculture for their livelihood. Crop farming especially tomato growing is an activity that communities rely on for their livelihoods as well as a source of income for many households in Uganda. Tomatoes contribute to the household income, food and nutritional security yet they are affected by pests and diseases due to poor agronomic practices, lack of improved varieties for high y...

Economic and Financial Analysis of FMR Project (EFA)

This EFA were used to determine if the FMR Project is feasible considering all the factors like Vehicle Operating Cost, Expansion Areas, and other.

Knowledge and Adoption of Mentha Growers Regarding Recommended Cultivation Practices of Mentha Crop in Siddhaur Block of Barabanki District Uttar Pradesh

This study was conducted in Siddhaur block of Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh in 2020-2021. With the help of random sampling method, 120 Mentha growers were selected and data were collected by personal interview method by using pre-tested interview schedule and later appropriate statistical analysis was done to find out the meaningful result. The finding of the study revealed that the overall level of knowledge of mentha growers regarding the recommended practices indicated they have medi...

Assessment of Plant Growth Regulators and Chemicals for Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Dormancy Breaking and Subsequent Yield in Central Highlands of Ethiopia

The production of potato in two or more cycles within a year is increasing in the country and it is a common practice in most potato producing regions of Ethiopia. However, the characteristic long tuber dormancy of improved potato varieties in Ethiopia constrains double or triple cropping using irrigation during the long dry season of the year. Thus, it is important to break the long dormancy of tubers for early sprouting and timely planting. Therefore, several types of researches were conduc...

In Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Adoption of Draught Animals by Farmers in (West and South Kordofan State

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in two localities in Kordofan State one of them En-nuhoud locality, West Kordofan State and Aldebibat locality South Kordofan state during 2015 - 2018 to Adoption of Draught Animals by Farmers. The study based on a cross-sectional survey with a sample of 200 farmers that was selected from ten different villages around En-nuhoud and Aldebibat areas. Villages were selected using the simple random sampling technique, while individuals from each village were sele...

World Fertilizer Price Elasticities

Fertilizer Outlook in Africa Presentation with the surge in climate and supply crises with wars in Ukraine and Russia

The Determinants of Rural Households Food Security and Coping Strategies: The Case of Meta District, East Hararghe Zone of Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia

The Determinants of Rural Households Food Security and Coping Strategies: The Case of Meta District, East Hararghe Zone of Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia ABSTRACT An understanding of the major determinants of food security is important for interventions aiming at minimizing food insecurity. Therefore, this study was carried out in Meta district of East Hararghe Zone, the objectives of this study were to assess status of household food security, to analyze the determinants of foo...

Modern Electronics For Agriculture

ABSTRACT The field of electronics continues to change and evolve rapidly. Electronics are increasingly being used to collect and process all types of data, transfer information, make decisions, and provide automation and control functions. Modern microcontrollers and semiconductor components offer many advantages and ease of use in designing custom measurement and control systems. An array of microcontrollers, sensors, and accessory components are presented and their features, capabilities, a...

Soil Moisture Conservation, Cropping Systems And Soil Fertility Effects On Soil And Maize Performance In Machakos County, Kenya

The main causes of food insecurity in semi–arid parts of Kenya are low soil fertility, low and unreliable rainfall. These two causes are the main challenges facing small-scale farmers in food production especially in semi-arid areas of the country. To overcome these challenges, soil and water management technologies especially those in soil and water conservation need to be embraced. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of tied ridges, fertilizers and cropping systems on soil pr...

Contribution Of Ngusishi Water Resource User Association Towards Farm Forestry Adoption In Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area, Kenya

ABSTRACT Traditional perspective approach has always considered environmental resources such as water as free goods without physical boundaries and the complexity of water uses and users makes it difficult to manage water resources in an efficient and equitable way. In addition, the current low tree planting trends and over harvesting imbalances are suspect and feared to threaten the continuity of the very tree-crop growing practice that has supported farming households over the years. The Ng...

Distribution, Utilization and Management of Prunus africana (Hook. f) in Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga District, Central Kenya

ABSTRACT Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman happens to be among the very important tree species. Its bark is used to treat prostate gland hypertrophy (PGH) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The increased demand for its medicinal value, together with other uses, has led to the over exploitation of this species in its natural habitat. Its cultivation by small-scale farmers appears to be the only long-term solution for meeting future products needs and its conservation. There is however li...

Effects Of Gibberellic Acid And Cytokinin Application On Morphological Development, Growth, Quality And Yield Of French Beans Grown Under Different Irrigation Schedules

ABSTRACT French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an increasingly important vegetable crop in Kenya accounting for a significant proportion of foreign exchange earned from horticulture. Farmers in Kenya experience insufficient and unreliable rainfall that affects yields and subsequent family incomes. Attempts to address this situation have been further hampered by poor rainfall distribution. Integration of plant growth regulators in French bean production are among the options that have been su...

Effects Of Fertilizer-N And Organic Resource Management On Soil Aggregates Formation And Carbon Cycling In The Central Highlands Of Kenya

ABSTRACT The maintenance of proper levels of soil organic matter (SOM) has been advocated as one of the main ways of combating soil fertility decline in sub Saharan Africa (SSA). SOM levels can be increased through increased aggregate formation as soil aggregates physically protect SOM, from its loss through decomposition. The objective of this study was to investigate how the amendment of soils of varying texture and fertility levels with fertilizer-N and organic resources affects aggregate ...

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