Agronomy Research Papers/Topics

Effect of different multipurpose tree prunings and placement method on the growth and development of rape (Brassica napus L.)

ABSTRACT Production of vegetables in the smallholder sector of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is affected by poor soil fertility with nitrogen (N) being the most limiting nutrient. Continued nutrient mining without adequate replenishment has led to a corresponding decline in soil fertility and crop yields due to failure by farmers in SSA to purchase inorganic fertilisers. Leguminous multipurpose tree (MPT) prunings have widely been promoted as alternative sources of N but nutrient release is affect...

Effects Of Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum) Rotation And Fumigation On The Temporal And Spatial Distribution Of Roots-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Ssp)

ABSTRACT Root-knot nematodes cause significant yield losses in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Their management is essential for the grower to maximize production. Nematodes migrate up and down the soil profile in response to host availability. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of tobacco rotations on the spatial and temporal distribution of nematodes. Sampling was done every month from September 2010 to April 2011. The experimental design was a split-plot in a randomized com...

Effect Of Time And Method Of Paclobutrazol Application On Growth, Quality And Yield Of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.)

ABSTRACT Potato is one of the most widely grown tuber crop that contribute significantly to human nutrition and food security. Potato is a cool season crop and high temperatures are inhibitory to tuberization resulting in low yields. This is mainly due to production of high levels of gibberellins at high temperatures that promote vegetative growth at the expense of tuberization. The balance of hormones that control tuberization can be managed by using anti-gibberellin synthesis such as paclob...

Effects of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum L.)–Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.) Intercrop On Striga Hermonthica (Del.) Benth, Yield Components and Grain Yield in the Sudan Savannah Zone of Ghan

ABSTRACT Field experiment was conducted on naturally Striga hermonthica infested field in the Kassena-Nankana East District of the Upper East Region during the 2018 cropping season. This was to investigate effects of Striga tolerant pearl millet varieties intercropped with cowpea on S. hermonthica, crop yield and yield components. The study was a 4 x 3 factorial experiment consisting of four pearl millet varieties (Akad kom, Kaanati, Naad kohblug and Waapp naara) and three cropping patterns (...

Effects of Plants Spacing And Organic Manure Rates on Yield And Nutrient Composition of Water-Leaf (Talinum Triangulare)

Abstract   An experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research farm of the Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in the 2006 cropping season, to assess the effects of planting distance and organic manure rates on yield and nutrient composition of waterleaf at Nsukka. in Southeastern Nigeria. Treatments comprised five planting spacings and four manure rates. The planting spacings were 25cm x 10cm, 25cm x 15cm, 25cm x 20cm, 25cm x 25cm and 25cm...

Screening And Evaluation Of Some Genotypes Of Maize (Zea Mays L.) And Their F1 Hybrids For Tolerance To Drought And Striga Hermonthica (Del.) Benth

ABSTRACT  Drought stress and striga parasitism are major constraints to maize (Zea mays L.) production in Northern Ghana. Two experiments were conducted to screen some genotypes of maize for tolerance to drought and Striga hermonthica at Nyankpala in the Guinea Savanna agro ecological zone of Ghana. In Experiment 1, seeds were planted in pots of 0.01 m3 volume arranged in rows on a platform in a screen house at Nyankpala. Genotypes were replicated three times in a completely randomized desig...

Susceptibility Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walpers.) Varieties To The Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus Maculatus Fab.)

ABSTRACT The pulse beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) is a key pest to stored cowpea. There is limited information on host plant resistance management of this pest on cowpea in Northern Ghana. A laboratory experiment was conducted to test for varietal resistance of some improved varieties against this pest in cowpea. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Seven varieties of cowpea namely; Padi-tuya, Songotra, Apagbaala, Zaayura, Bawutawuta, Marfo-tuya and a lo...

Evaluation Of Botanicals For The Control Of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides Penz) Of Yam (Dioscorea Rotundata Poir)

ABSTRACT Anthracnose is the most serious leaf and vine epiphytotic disease of yam that causes yield loss. Severe infection results in vine dieback, defoliation, and tuber rot. Aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica A Jus seed (Neem tree seed), Jatropha curcas ( L) seed (Jatropha plant seed) and Nicotiana tabacum (L) leaf (Tobacco plant leaf) extracts were evaluated for the control of anthracnose disease of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir). The pathogen was isolated, identified and its growth w...

Effects Of Some Field Practices On The Yield And Quality Of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Planting Material

ABSTRACT The use of cassava stems as planting materials is limited by scarcity, poor quality, high cost and inappropriate field techniques (land preparation, planting spacing, and field maintenance). To enhance the supply of stem for planting cassava varieties, the existing production practices were evaluated and techniques for increasing the number and quality of cassava planting materials were investigated. Seventy-four cassava farms, purposively selected in 11 major cassava growing S...


Stem borers are among the major biotic stresses limiting the grain yield of maize, an important cereal crop in Africa. Breeding for multiple resistance to maize stem borers has been reported to be a promising method of control. Understanding the genetic variability of crop populations will help in improving them for pest resistance. Thus, genetic variability for dual resistance to two stem borer species were determined in a white (DMR ESR-W) and a yellow (DMR ESR-Y) maize populations to ...

Characterization And Evaluation Of Selected Soils Of Southern Nigeria For Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis, Muell. Arg.) Cultivation

ABSTRACT Successful land management for tree crop production requires good knowledge of the soil variation and suitability for specific tree crops. Most of the traditional rubber growing areas in Nigeria have not been evaluated for their suitability and production potential. Characterisation and evaluation of the land for rubber production was therefore conducted. Soils of two rubber producing areas: Iyanomo, Edo State and Akwete, Abia State were characterised and evaluated using local, Unite...

Genetic Variability For Stem Borer Resistance In Two Adapted Early-Maturing Maize (Zea Mays L.) Populations

ABSTRACT Stem borers are among the major biotic stresses limiting the grain yield of maize, an important cereal crop in Africa. Breeding for multiple resistance to maize stem borers has been reported to be a promising method of control. Understanding the genetic variability of crop populations will help in improving them for pest resistance. Thus, genetic variability for dual resistance to two stem borer species were determined in a white (DMR ESR-W) and a yellow (DMR ESR-Y) maize populations...

Evaluation Of Mehlich - 3 As A Multipurpose Extractant Of Phosphorus And Potassium Using Bell Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) In Some Nigerian Soils

ABSTRACT Use of single soil specific extractants to determine plant available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium for crops such as bell pepper, are costly, laborious and time wasting. Bell pepper, rich in antioxidants, requires phosphorus and potassium for high quality fruit yield. Mehlich-3 (M3), a multi-purpose extractant could extract phosphorus and potassium simultaneously. However, M3 has not been evaluated and adapted for Nigerian soils. Therefore, M3 as a multi-purpose extractant of...

Effects Of Postharvest Handling Methods And Storage Conditions On Storability Of Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens L.) Fruits In Southwest Nigeria

ABSTRACT Pepper a perishable seasonal fruit, requires storage to extend its shelf-life. Appropriate postharvest handling and storage prolong longevity and preserve quality of Pepper Fruit (PF). However, there is dearth of information on its handling and storage in Southwest Nigeria. Therefore, the effects of postharvest handling methods and storage conditions on storability of PF were investigated. Two hundred Pepper Fruit Marketers (PFM) were randomly selected from pepper markets in Ibadan, ...

Effects Of Integrated Use Of Vetiver Grass Strips And Mulch On Soil Erosion And Maize Grain Yield In Ikenne, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Soil erosion is a major threat to sustainable agriculture in the humid tropics. Management practices adopted to control soil erosion and improve soil quality include mulching and the use of Vetiver Grass Strips (VGS). Integrating VGS with mulch could be more effective in controlling soil erosion than VGS or mulching alone. However, information on the effectiveness of combined utilisation of VGS and Vetiver Mulch (VM) in controlling soil erosion and improving crop yield is scanty. The...

196 - 210 Of 236 Results