ABSTRACT This study was be carried out in Nyakagyeme Sub- County which has eight Parishes that is to say, Kabwoma, Kahoko, Kigaaga, Kitimba, Masya, Nyakinengo, Rushasha and Rwerere Parish. Historically, the people of Nyakagyeme sub- County came together with the rest of the people of Rukungiri dIstrict from the present Kabale through Kigezi land to the present Nyakagyeme Sub- County. The Sub- County is generally a plain iand. The climate of Nyakagyeme Sub- County is characterised by two seas...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the roles of material resource management and how it leads to efficiency of an organization. Besides that it was also aimed at highlighting the indicators of efficiency. The study was carried out among the staff of various departments of the Pilgrim NGO. The study was carried out using questionnaires and interview guides which were administered to staff of Pilgrim NGO. After the data collection exercise, it was then descriptively analyzed and ...
ABSTRACT This was a descriptive cross-sectional study, employing quantitative method of data collection from adult females of Ishaka. The specific objectives of the study was to assess whether female adults of Ishaka residents have the knowledge of breast self-examination and its importance, to establish whether female residents of Ishaka practice breast self examination, and to establish the frequency of breast changes or breast masses among the women who practice breast self-examinatio...
ABSTRACT Performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) since the inception of free public day secondary Education in the public day secondary schools have been decimal, a situation many said to be sad and wanting. The students from the 50% population that lives below the poverty line attend day secondary schools -which form the basis of their Education advancement. The researcher will found out negative impacts of free public day secondary education and try to find out how t...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers ofpoverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Naboa Sub-county, Budaka District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Naboa Sub-county, Budaka District, Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnaires f...
Table of Contents DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... ; APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ...............................................................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this research study was to assess the availability and use of teaching and learning materials in curriculum instruction in ECD centres within Garissa Division. The researcher employed a descriptive survey design. Simple random sampling was used to select teachers and head teachers. Questionnaires were also used to somce primary data. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentage tables were used to summarize and interpret the data. The find...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION APPROVAL H DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS vii ABSTRACT viiiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the study I L2 Statement of problem 3 1.3 Objective of the study 4 1.4 Research questions 4 1.5 Scope of the study 4 1.6 Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Socio-demographic characteristics and HIV/AIDs 6 2.2 Community Perception of women in fishing communities 7 2.3 Economic activit...
ABSTRACT The study on the "causes of school dropout in Uganda" was carried out in Makindye, with specific aims of; determining the reasons of school drop out, finding out whether more girls drop out from school than boys and investigating the role played by the curriculum and the instructors in school drop out. A review of related literature was carried out on already existing information on the specific aims of this paper as a way of comprehending the problem and enriching the study finding...
ABSTRACT Taxation is the major source of government revenue in Rwanda and developing countries at large. Following the economic crisis of 1994 genocide, Rwanda has made a substantial progress in rebuilding the country's economy and social infrastructure compared to the situation before the war. This economic reform has been possible due to a number of reforms undertaken by the government of Rwanda including tax policy and tax administration reforms among others, the establishment of Rwanda R...
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Cover page DeclarationApproval DedicationAcknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Specific objectives 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Significance of the study.6 Assumptions of the study 1.7 Theoretical framework of the study1.7 Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Introduction .2.1 Literature review CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Research design3.2 Scope of the study 3.3 Sampl...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................ .iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. iv CHAPTER ONE .................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF ACRONYMS vLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES viiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ixABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Objectives of the study 31.3.1 Main objective 31.3.2 Specific objectives 41.4 Research questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.6 Purpose of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62.0 Introduction 62.1 Accessibility and Health 62.2 Adoption of...
ABSTRACTBackground and objectives: Skin infections are among the common diseases in children of Africa. Among the factors contributing to high prevalence of skin infections, poor hygiene is the most apparent factor yet can be controllable. Schools are organized communities where children from different families with different social status spend much of their time. The role of school is important for cognitive, creative and social development of children. Education regarding proper sanitation...
ABSTRACT Title: Assess challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District HospitalBroad objective: To determine challenges faced in the labour ward at Narok District Hospital. Methodology: A cross sectional study was done at Narok District hospital on staff and women attended to in labour ward. Convenience sampling patients was used with a sample size of 75, data collected using interviewer administered questionnaires, entered and analyzed on Microsoft excel and presented...
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