Crop Science Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Phosphorus Levels On Yield And Yield Components Of Drought Resistant Bean Lines In Southern Highlands Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on the effects of phosphorus (P) levels on yield components and yield of drought resistant common bean lines was carried out at Agricultural Research Institute- Uyole in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, during the 2010/2011 cropping season. The institute is located at latitude 08o 56’ S, longitude 033o 06’ E and altitude of 1795 m above sea level. The overall objective of this study was to find out how to increase grain yield of drought resistant common bean lines t...

Variation And Interrelationships Among Yield And Yield Components in Lowland Rice Genotypes (oryza sativa l.) In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT  Three experiments were conducted at Ukiriguru, Misungwi District, Nansole and Bukindo in Ukerewe district with the aim of investigating genotypic and phenotypic variation, interrelationship and magnitude of Genotype x Environment interactions and stability parameters for rice grain yield and yield components and other agronomic characters in lowland rice genotypes. The experiments, using Randomized Complete Block Design were conducted during 2012 main rain season. Fifteen genotypes...

Perfomance Of New Released Upland Nerica Rice Varieties Under Different Combined Rates Of Nitrogen And Phosphorus Fertilizers In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Rice, (Oryza sativa) accounts for more than 50% of the staples consumed in Zanzibar. However, only 20% of the annual demand is produced whereas the remaining 80% being imported. Adoption of improved varieties and better soil management practices may increase rice productivity. An experiment was conducted at Mchangamdogo village, Wete district, during the 2012 rice-growing season to test newly released high fertilizer responsive NERICA varieties and different fertilizers rates that ca...

Genetics And Mechanisms Of Bruchid Resistance In Selected Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Landraces From Tanzania And Malawi.

ABSTRACT Bean bruchids are the devastating pests of common bean which causes huge losses during storage. Two landraces Kalubungula and KK25 were identified to be resistant to bruchid infestation and damage but the mechanism and genetics of resistance were unknown. The aim of this study was to (i) characterize the storage protein related to resistance in these landraces (ii) determine genomic region and map QTL’s related to resistance (iii) phenotype progenies response to bean bruchid infest...

Influence Of Genotype X Environment Interaction On Performance Of Selected Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids In Southern Highlands Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during the 2010/2011 cropping season in four locations of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania viz. Inyala, Mbimba, Uyole and Seatondale. The main objective of the study was to assess the response of selected maize genotypes across different growing environments for yield and adaptability and their interaction on yield and yield components whereas the specific objectives were to evaluate stability variables, interrelations and genetic parameters for tra...

Characterization Of Alectra Vogelii (Witch Weed) Strains Using Molecular Markers In Selected Parts Of Malawi And Tanzania

BSTRACT Alectra vogelii has been the major constraint known to attack leguminous species especially to cowpea production. Identification of genetic variation of A.vogelii is a pre-requisite for developing improved cowpea varieties. Hence, the objective of the experiment was the identification of phylogenetically differences and differential responses of A. vogelii found in cowpeas, bambara groundnuts and sunflower from selected parts of Malawi and Tanzania.The first objective, total of 240 SS...

Genetic Diversity Study Of Vanilla Planifolia G. Jackson, Syn. V. Fragrans Crop Grown In Tanzania Using Molecular Techniques

ABSTRACT Natural vanilla (Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson, syn. V. fragrans) is native to the tropic forest of Mexico. It is now cultivated in humid tropical areas of Africa, America, Asia and Australia continents. In Tanzania it had been cultivated since 1940s in Kagera region but decline in coffee prices in the world market in the 1990s resulted into more cultivation of the vanilla crop as an alternate crop in Kagera and Kilimanjaro regions. Vanilla which had a remarkable high price compared ...

Diversity And Genotype X Environment Interaction Of Bean Landraces In Bukoba And Missenyi Districts Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT A field experiment was conducted during the 2008/09 short rain season in three major agro-ecological zones of Bukoba and Missenyi districts, Tanzania. The agroecological zones were characterized as follows based on the amount of rainfall: high (≥1500 mm), medium (1200 mm) and low (800 mm). Objectives of the study were to investigate the diversity of bean landraces in the areas, assess the effect of environment on genotypes performance, determine relationship among plant characteris...

Productivity Of Newly Released Maize Varietiesby Fertilizer Application In Moshi Ruraldistrict, Kilimanjaro Region

ABSTRACT In Northern Tanzania, yield of maize ranges between 0.5 – 0.8 t ha-1 compared with the yield potential of 4–6 t ha-1 under research conditions resulting to yield gap of 5.2 t ha-1. Major cause of low maize yield is low soil fertility due to insufficient use of fertilizers. A study was undertaken at Miwaleni (3º 25´ 30´´S and 37º 26´ 45´´ E) to determine the productivity of newly released maize varieties by fertilizer application in maize growing area of Moshi rural distri...

Effect Of Benzlyaminopurine On In Vivo Multiplication And Genetic Stability Of Plantain (Musa Spp. Aab) Cv. ‘Itoke Sege’

ABSTRACT In vivo macropropagation either alone or in combination with benzlyamimopurine (BAP) is an alternative simple technique for banana multiplication but has not been applied to recalcitrant plantain such as cv. “Itoke Sege”. This study was conducted to determine the effect of BAP concentration on in vivo multiplication and genetic stability among in vivo derived regenerants of plantain cv. „Itoke sege‟. An experiment was laid out in RCBD with four treatments each replicated thre...

Characterization Of Ralstonia Solanacearum Infecting Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Along The Coast Of Tanzania And Reaction To Lines Bred For Resistance

ABSTRACT Ralstonia solanacearum is a bacterium recognized as a major wilt causing phytopathogen with an unusual broad host range. This study aimed at determining the distribution of the bacteria along the coast of Tanzania and environmental factors influencing incidence and disease severity. It also aimed to define the population structure of the strains in terms of its biology and phylogenetic make up in order to effectively screen for variety tolerance. The study revealed that contaminated ...

Studies On Biological Control Of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera Frugiperda (J.E. Smith) Attacking Maize In Eastern Central, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) was reported for the first time in Africa in 2016 from America. FAW is widely distributed in Tanzania, causing significant damage to maize. Two factor, cropping systems and biopesticides were tested in Randomized Completely Block Design arranged in a two - way factorial experiment with three replications for their efficacy against FAW and associated parasitoids on maize field at Crop Museum of Sokoine University of Agriculture ...

Incidence Of Aspergillus Flavus In Stored Dried Cassava Products And Its Association With Aflatoxin Production.

ABSTRACT Udaga is derivative of cassava products traditionally produced by farmers through peeling, fermentation and direct or indirect sun-drying of fermented cassava roots and widely consumed in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Lushoto, Rorya and Ukerewe districts in Tanzania based on diverse processing and storage methods between October and November 2012. Households (120) were interviewed on cassava processing and storage practices. Samples of dried cassava products were also obtained...

Population Parameters Of Two Fruit Fly Species (Diptera: Tephritidae) Attacking Mango

ABSTRACT Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are among the most notorious pests damaging fruit crops grown in Tanzania. Demographic and life history parameters of Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) and Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta and White) reared on artificial diet were investigated at Sokoine University of Agriculture laboratory in 2010. Demographic and life history parameters of C. cosyra and B. invadens were measured in an environmental chamber at 250C and 300C with 75% RH to determine pre-a...

Comparative Effectiveness Of Different Weed Management Practices In Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Production

ABSTRACT Onion is one of the most important vegetable in Tanzania. However, yields are generally low weeds are among the major pests which reduce onion yields. A field experiment was conducted to assess the effectiveness of weed management practices in onion (Allium cepa L.) at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Horticulture unit during the dry season of October 2013 to February 2014. The experiment was laid down in a RCBD design with three replications. Three onions varieties (Red Bombay, Re...

166 - 180 Of 371 Results