Crop Science Research Papers/Topics

Management of the mediterranean fruit fly (ceratitis capitata wied.) Using pheromone traps and neem seed extract

ABSTRACT Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of neem seed water extracts ( NSWE) and pheromone traps to control the Mediterranean fruit fly, C capitata infesting citrus at the University of Ghana Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Kade. Neem seed extract of concentration 15%, 20% , 25% and 30% wt/vol were prepared and left overnight after which the suspensions were seived and used for spraying. Ripened fruits of Citrus sinensis cultivar Late Valenc...

The effect of fertilizer formulation on yield components and yield of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) varieties in the Guinea savannah zone of Ghana

ABSTRACT The research was conducted from late June to November, 2011 to evaluate the performance of five maize hybrids namely PAN 12 and PAN 53, Obatampa GH, Mamaba and ACR ’97 TZL Comp 1-w using five different fertilizer formulations: A- Actyva (275kg/ha), + Sulfan (250kg/ha), B- ERP (250kg/ha) + Actyva (275kg/ha), + Fertilizer Blend (250kg/ha), C- Actyva (275kg/ha), + Fertilizer Blend (250kg/ha), D- ERP (250kg/ha) +N: P: K. (275kg/ha), + Urea and E- control (N: P: K. (275kg/ha), + urea (...

Effectiveness Of Triple-Layer Hermetic Bags Against Aflatoxins In Stored Maize

ABSTRACT Aflatoxin contamination of agricultural commodities is gaining public prominence in Africa where it is pervasive due to favourable environmental conditions and high consumption of maize. Aflatoxins are toxic secondary fungal metabolites that contaminate dietary staples such as maize and groundnut resulting in adverse effect on food security, health and trade. This study evaluated the effectiveness of triple-layer hermetic bag to control aflatoxin in stored maize. A factorial experim...

An Investigation Into The Antineoplastic Properties Of Schinziophyton Rautanenii And Colophospermum Mopane

ABSTRACT  Cancer incidences are on the rise in Namibia, because of late diagnosis, cancer cases often have poor prognosis and treatment options are limited especially in resource poor rural settings. Ethnomedicinal plants present a treatment option which is used in such settings, is accessible and inexpensive. However evidence on safety and efficacy of these traditional medicinal plants is lacking, which prevents mainstream use. This study evaluated two Namibian indigenous plants, Schinzioph...

Optimizing Non-Flooded Landscape Units To Support Maize Production In The Zambezi Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT   Globally, floodplains have experienced floods of different magnitudes at different times.  As such the inundations of floodplains affect agricultural activities and such impact is evident.  In Namibia, the Zambezi Region has experienced high variability in rainfall patterns, extreme rainfall and flood in space (spatial) and time (temporal) more than any other region as a result of climate variability.  The non-flooded landscape units consequently become the only available opti...

The Potential Of Goat Manure As A Hydroponic Nutrient Alternative For Tomato Production In Namibia

ABSTRACT Hydroponics is a cultivation method of growing plants in water. It is a technology suitable for farming that is under artificially controlled environments but can be adapted to situations where land is a constraint. In Namibia this is a potential method for vegetable cultivation. Hydroponics vegetable production has been demonstrated successfully using a balanced conventional nutrient solution, globally, and therefore, an evaluation of its suitability in Namibia using goat manure so...

Introgression Of Cowpea Aphid Resistance Gene Into Susceptible Cowpea [Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp] Cultivars Through Marker Assisted Backcrosses

ABSTRACT Aphid infestation is recognized as one of the major constraints that limit cowpea production in Africa. Host-plant resistance has proven to be the most efficient and sustainable means to controlling aphid infestation and its associated challenges. The objectives of this project were to characterize cowpea varieties using 38 agro-morphological and 20 SSR markers, and also to deploy aphid resistant locus into three locally preferred aphid susceptible cowpea cultivars. A total of 22 cow...

Studies On Genetic Variability In Agronomic And Fruit Quality Traits Among Some Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Genotypes

ABSTRACT In the present study, a total of twenty (20) tomato genotypes were evaluated simultaneously under greenhouse and field conditions in order to determine genetic variability present in the agronomic and fruit quality traits. The experiments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three (3) replications. Both individual and combined analyses of variance were employed. The individual analysis of variance showed a significant (P < 0.01) variability among the genoty...

Effect of Six Weed Management Techniques on Weed control And Growth And Yield of Plantain (Musa spp AAB cv AGBAGBA) at Nsukka

ABSTRACT  The effects of five weed management techniques and a weed-free control on weed infestation and on the growth and yield of a plantain landrace (Musa spp. AAB Agbagba) were evaluated during the two cropping seasons of 2005 and 2006 at Nsukka, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in randomised complete block design (RCBD) with six treatments and replicated four times. The treatments comprised six weed management techniques, which consisted of slashing at 8-weekly intervals, mulching w...

Assessment of Morphological, Nutritional And Cytological Characteristics of Some Nigerian Cucurbita Species

ABSTRACT   Two field experiments were conducted in 2007 and 2008 cropping seasons at the Department of Crop Science research farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, to characterize some Nigeria cucurbita genotypes with respect to morphology, nutrient composition and the cytology. The results obtained showed that Shannon diversity index (Hs) was 4.136 which suggests high level of diversity among the Nigerian cucurbita species evaluated. Cucurbita moschata had the highest Shannon diversity index...

Combining Ability And Heterotic Groups Of Earlymaturing White Maize (Zea Mays L.) Inbreds Under Strigainfested And Striga-Free Environments

ABSTRACT Striga hermonthica constitutes a major constraint to maize production and productivity. It is the largest single biological constraint to food production in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hence there is the need to develop hybrids that are tolerant to this constraint. Knowledge and understanding of Striga resistance in early maturing maize inbreds are crucial for the developments of hybrids adapted to Striga-infested environments in the sub-region as well as for enhancing breeding strategies. T...

Physiology, Growth, Yield And Fruit Quality Of Selected Greenhouse Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum) Varieties As Affected By Different Growing Media And Potting Bag Sizes.

ABSTRACT Tomato is one of the most important vegetable crops cultivated in Ghana and constitutes part of the daily diet of most of the populace. Ghana produces 366,772t/ha annually, yet imports 25,000t/ha of tomato paste and $9.9million worth of fresh tomatoes from Burkina Faso and Europe annually to fill the supply gap which puts a lot of pressure on the country’s GDP. To help minimize importation and bridge the demand gap, several interventions have been proposed including greenhouse prod...

Characterisation Of Local And Exotic Accessions Of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lamarck)

ABSTRACT Knowledge of existing diversity especially at the genotypic level in plant population is crucial for the effective breeding, conservation, management, and efficient utilization of plant genetic resources (PGR) (Mondini et al., 2009). However, Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lamarck), a common and popular plant growing in almost every part of the country with several uses and benefits still remains underutilized tropical crop in Ghana. This is due to the fact that the crop has either receiv...

Evaluation Of Chicken Manure And Ammonium Sulphate Fertilizer On Yield And Yield Components Of Maize (Zea Maysl.) And Striga Hermonthica (Del.) Benth Infestation And Seedbank

ABSTRACT Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth infests millions of hectares of land under cereals in sub-Saharan Africa, reducing production and threatening food security. A field experiment was carried out at the Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) trial farms at Nyankpala. The trial was to determine the combination of maize varieties, ammonium sulphate and chicken manure that could enhance the performance of maize in infested Striga field. In addition, the effect of treatments on the ...

Characterisation And Control Of Xanthomonas Campestris Pv. Mangiferaeindicae Causing Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Bacterial Black Spot Disease In Some Selected Districts Of The Eastern And Vol

ABSTRACT Mango bacterial black spot disease is one of the most devastating diseases of mangoes worldwide. The disease was observed in some mango orchards in the Lower Manya and Asuogyaman districts of the Eastern region and North Tongu district of the Volta region of Ghana. The objectives of this study were to assess farmer’s perception and knowledge on the prevalence, spread and economic importance of the mango bacterial black spot disease, determine the disease incidence and severity in m...

211 - 225 Of 371 Results