
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Path And Stability Analyses Of Yield And Yield Components Of Soybean (Glycine Max. L Merr.) Varieties Intercropped With Maize

ABSTRACT Soybean production in Kenya is estimated at 9,061MT. This is low compared to the annual demand of 100,000MT. This large deficit is met through importation which puts a strain to the economy’s foreign exchange. Soybean has the highest protein content (40-42%) among the food crops with oil content of18-22% comprised of 85% unsaturated fatty acids. These attributes make it an inexpensive source of proteins and desirable human diet. Released soybean varieties in Kenya have been evaluat...

Effects Of Leaf Extracts, Organic, Inorganic Fertilizers On Soil Ph, Growth, Soil Macronutrients, Beta-Carotene Of Amaranthus In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Soil is a significant reservoir for plant nutrients and hence necessary for plant growth. Soil pH is a very important chemical property of the soil, as it dictates the availability of plant nutrients. Low soil pH reduces soil nutrients. Some of the factors leading to acid soils include continuous cultivation of soil due to scarcity of arable land, excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, climate change and deforestation. Reclamation of acidic soils includes addition of lime which...

Effects Of Soil And Water Conservation Techniques On Soil Productivity And Bean Grain Yield In Nyamasheke District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Erosion due to water runoff is one of the major factors that lead to poor soil productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. The increase in population has driven the populace to inhabit marginal frontiers; worsening the erosion problem. This study evaluated the effects of some soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques on soil productivity and bean yield in Nyamasheke District; characterized by steep topography, higher precipitation and intensive agricultural activities. The study was condu...

Suitability Assessment Of Effluents From Mwea Irrigation Scheme For Reuse In Irrigation For Rice Production, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Declining quantity and quality of irrigation water are serious challenges facing rice production in Mwea irrigation scheme. As such the aim of this study was to assess the suitability of effluents from the scheme for recycling for the same irrigation purpose within the scheme and areas down stream. Water from River Thiba intake (point 1) and waste water from Kiruara drain (point 2) and Thiba main drain (point 3) were sampled and analyzed for quality parameters thus:- pH, Electrical c...

Quantification And Simulation Of Organic Carbon Stocks And Fractions Under Different Tillage Systems And Sugarcane Plantation In Soils Of Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Sugarcane farming systems can adversely affect soil properties especially total soil organic carbon stocks (TSOCst) and fractions. This study was carried out in Western Kenya sugar zones to assess impacts of tillage systems (Tractor and Oxen ploughing), and plantation ages (continuous mono-cropping system, more than 20 years, 11 ̶ 20 years, 0 ̶ 10 years) on TSOCst and fractions (particulate soil organic carbon, POC, and the mineral associated soil organic carbon, MOC) in three diff...

Effects Of Calcium, Potassium And Water Stress On Growth, Yield And Quality Of Different Tomato Varieties In Mandera County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is well known regarding its quality and nutritional value all over the world but imbalances of fertilizer nutrients severely affect its quality. If exposed to stresess, either biotic (organisms) or abiotic (arising from imbalances of environmental factors) e.g water; growth and productivity is affected. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of calcium and potassium on yield and quality responses in two different tomato varieties under ...

Physiological And Morphological Basis Of Yield Difference In Upland Rice Varieties In Response To Low Nitrogen In Kirinyaga County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Rice is the third most important cereal grain in Kenya after maize and wheat. It has been grown by smallholder farmers as a commercial food crop under irrigated and rain fed ecologies .Low soil N fertility, prevalent in smallholder farmers’ fields is a major constraint to upland rice production mostly under rain fed ecology. The ever escalating fertilizer prices have made the input to be unaffordable to most smallholder farmers who are resource poor. Efficient use of nitrogen in ag...

Technical, Economic And Allocative Efficiency Among Maize And Rice Farmers Under Different Land-Use Systems In East African Wetlands

ABSTRACT East African farmers have been facing low crop productivity as indicated by low yields of major staples, maize and rice, leading to food insecurity. As a result, the respective governments have offered solutions such as the introduction of high yielding maize and rice varieties. Farmers have expanded their farms into productive areas such as wetlands in an attempt to increase output to counter the effects of climate change complications, population pressure, and the declining product...

Effect Of Combining Cattle Manure And Inorganic P-Ertilizer On Soil Properties And Maize Yield In Acidic Soils In Beira Corridor, Mozambique

ABSTRACT Mozambique lags behind all other Southern and Eastern African countries in maize production leading to maize imports. Soil nutrient depletion, lack of combination of organic resources with mineral resources coupled with high soil acidity has been identified as the main causes of the declining crop yields. Maize yield in smallholder systems in central Mozambique can be increased by optimum utilization of mineral fertilizers combined with cattle manure and other locally available organ...

Role Of School Based Clubs In Addressing Environmental Threats In The Nile Basin, Case Of Jinja District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the different ways in which secondary school based clubs in Jinja District, Uganda addressed Nile basin environmental threats. The ultimate goal of the study was to enhance secondary school based clubs capacity to address the environmental threats in Uganda effectively. Primary data was collected through use of questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), photographs and observation methods from selected secondary schools. Secondary data was gathered fr...

Evaluation Of Nutrient Management For Improved Nitrogen Use And Agronomic Efficiencies In Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) In Kisumu, Busia And Kirinyaga Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Nitrogen is a major mineral nutrient limiting growth, development and production of crops in Kenya. The cost of production is way beyond the purchasing power of smallholder farmers, coupled with the low availability of nitrogen in the soil has significantly contributed to the reduction in rice productivity in Kenya. In rice growing regions, including Busia, Kisumu and Kirinyaga counties, there is evidence of pollution due to high losses of N experienced from agricultural fields. Redu...

Effects Of Graded Levels Of Raw And Cooked Turmeric Rhizome On Performance Of Broiler Chickens

ABSTRACT Feeding trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of graded levels of raw and cooked turmeric rhizome meal on the performance of broiler birds. Turmeric rhizome was washed with water and divided into two batches of 40kg each. The first batch was crushed, sundried for 3 days, ground to produce raw turmeric rhizome meal and bagged. The second batch was cooked for an hour, crushed with a roller and sun-dried for 3 days. Both the raw and cooked sundried turmeric rhizomes were then gr...

Effects Of Land Use And Seasonality On The Distribution Of Mayflies And Water Quality Along Thika River, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Mayfly order (Ephemeroptera) is a widely distributed taxon that is used commonly in the biological assessment of water quality due to its sensitivity to changes in water quality. Despite its values in water quality assessment, studies on the taxa are still very scanty in most tropical countries, including Kenya. Water quality deterioration remains a vital threat in most rivers. The primary objective of this study, was therefore to investigate the spatial and temporal changes in commu...

Effects Of Nitrogen Forms On Growth, Yield And Nutritional Quality Of Amaranth (Amaranthus Species) In Kiambu And Kirinyaga Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Amaranthus spp is amongst the most preferred African leafy vegetables in the tropics. It contains numerous vitamins, minerals and bioactive phytochemical compounds for nutritional and health benefits. Nitrogen is a vital mineral element for plant growth which affects not only the biomass accumulation but also the nutritional quality of higher plants. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different N forms on growth, mineral elements, anti-nutrient and phytochemicals ac...

Developing Maize (Zea Mays L.) For Fresh Maize Production In Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Green (fresh) maize (Zea mays L.) provides food security and income to farmers especially when other crops are still in the field. However, research on green maize variety is scarcely reported in literature or information on suitable genetic material (germplasm) for green maize production. Developing maize for fresh maize production in the southeastern Nigeria was carried out in the Center for Agricultural Research, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal Universi...

1801 - 1815 Of 4645 Results