
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of The Girinka One Cow Per Poor Family Program On Household Income In Gatsibo District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Low agriculture productivity and arable land distribution is a major challenge in Rwanda. The obvious consequences is that a substantial number of rural families who subsist on agriculture have less than 1ha, and where there is no use of fertilizers and most of that land is not arable which will cause land degradation, poverty and low household income. In the vision 2020, Rwanda intends to move from a low level income country to a middle level economy by 2020. The Girinka program is ...

Comparative Analysis Of Productivity And Efficiency In Low And High External Inputs Technology Agriculture In Imo State

ABSTRACT The study was designed to compare productivity and efficiency of Low External Input Technology and High External Input Technology Farms in Imo State. Specifically, it aimed at comparing the socio- economic characteristics of the two groups of farmers as well as their productivities, ascertain the factors influencing aggregate and individual resource productivities, determine production efficiency and returns to scale in the two farm types. The study was conducted in Imo State, Niger...

Characterization, Classification, And Evaluation Of Soils Of Four Geomorphic Surfaces In Oguta Imo State Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT This research was carried out to characterize, classify, and evaluate soils of four geomorphic units in Oguta Imo State Southeastern Nigeria. Four Pedons, each was located in each geomorphic unit. ] soil sampling was carried out in the study site, sixteen surface soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected, four from each of the geomorphic units using an auger giving a total of thirty three soil samples which was chosen to represent the main morphological variations and to present mapping...

Agronomic Evaluation And Molecular Genotyping Of Selected Soybean (Glycine Max (L) Merril) Varieties Grown In Different Environmental Regions Of East Africa

ABSTRACT Soybean (Glycine max. (L)Merril) is one of the most popular pulses in the world. It has been known to man for a long time since its first record goes as far as 2500 BC in China and Manchuria. Glycine max belongs to the subgenus soja, which also contains G. soja and G. gracilis. Soybean is grown primarily for the production of seed, has a multitude of uses in the food and industrial sectors, and represents one of the major sources of edible vegetable oil and of proteins for livestock ...

Characterization And Classification Of Soils Of Dissimilar Topographic Units In Owerri Area, Imo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The soils of Owerri area, Southeastern Nigeria were studied with a view to characterizing and classifying them. Four locations namely Umuhu (control), Amakohia (summit), Akpodim (midslope) and Ife (footslope) were selected in the study area, to assess the impact of topography on soil properties. Three profile pits were dug in each site. 65 soil samples were collected and examined with regards to their morphological, physical and chemical properties. Test for variance was carried out...

Agronomic And Rodent Pests Management Practices By Maize Farmers In Ron Gal Division, (, '" Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Rodent damage to maize and other cereal crops is a chronic problem to Kenyan farmers and occasional outbreaks are reported. According to a report by the Ministry of Agriculture in the year 2008, damage of between 1 and 5 % are common but damages of 20-100 % have also been recorded. In this study, a survey was carried out in Rongai Division, a cereal growing region in the Kenyan Rift Valley, to identify the general crop husbandry and farm enterprises, knowledge on problem rodents, fa...

Assessment Of Training Neeeds And Challenges Of Mainstreaming Electronic Media Production For Extension Services In Imo State

Abstract The advancement in electronic media is increasingly liberalizing the dissemination of agricultural information, such that farmers can now on their own access information before ever they are communicated to them by extension agents. Therefore, for extension to maintain its relevance and functions, extensionists must acquire the skills/abilities necessary to maintain/control what (contents) farmers are sourcing from the media. In the light of this, the study was designed to assess th...

Assessment Of Agricultural Researchers’ Utilization Of E-Learning And E-Reporting Of Research Findings In Selected Institutions In Imo State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess researchers‘ utilization of e-learning and e-reporting of research findings in selected institutions in Imo State, Nigeria. Some specific objectives were to identify the e-learning and e-reporting technologies available for use by agricultural researchers; determine the mastery level of skills in the application of elearning and e-reporting technologies possessed by the respondents; assess the level of utilization of these technologies by agricultu...

Analysis Of Village Extension Agents’ Use Of Information And Communication Technology In Extension Services Delivery In South-South, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The imperatives of ICT in extension services delivery necessitated this study that analyzedVillage Extension Agents’ use of information and communication technology in extension service delivery in South-South Nigeria.Specifically, the objectives included to ascertain the socio-economic characteristics of the extension agents, ICT awareness, available ICT facilities, level of ICT knowledge, level of ICT use, benefits from the use of ICT and the constraints to ICT use. The study wa...

Effects Of Acidulated Rock Phosphate On Growth And Yield Performance Of Selected Leafy Vegetables In Kiambu County

ABSTRACT African leafy vegetables are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and foliate among others. They are also a complementing source of other vitamins such as thiamine, niacin and riboflavin, plus some dietary minerals including calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. Decline in crop yields is mainly caused by loss of soil fertility. Phosphorus (P) is one of the critical elements that limit vegetable production. The situation is aggravated in smallholder agriculture where...

Effects of Rhizobium Inoculation Rate on Yield and Yield Components of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.)

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is economically an important crop in Ethiopia. The productivity of Faba bean in Ethiopiahas been declined due to poor management practices of Bio fertilizer rates usage. Three rates of Bio fertilizer (0,500 and 750gha-1) treatments were laid out in RCBD with three replications. Days to 50% flowering, days to 90% physiological maturity,plant height, number of productive tillers, total biomass yield, numbers of pods per plant, number of nodule per plant, effectivenodul...

Review of the pre and post harvest handling methods of apple fruit (Malus domestic)

Apple (Malus domestica) is a tree and its pomaceous fruit, of species Mauls domestic a Borkhin therose family Rosaceae, is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The main objective of this reviewis to review postharvest handling of apple fruit with the following Specific objectives: to review preharvest factors that affect postharvest quality of apple fruit and review postharvest factors that affectquality of apple fruits. The factor that causes postharvest losses of apple fruits are ...

Review on: Response of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to seeding rate on yield and yield components

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an economically important crop. However, its annualproductivity is very low due to poor management practices like: inappropriate seeding rate andutilization of different fertilizer types. Therefore, paper to review the response of bread wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) to seeding rate on yield. Based on this review, application of different seeding rates hassignificant effects on yield and yield components of bread wheat. The results of this review showedthat ...

Review paper on Soybean weed

The existing paper is review quite a number lookup findings on weeds and weed control in soybean.Soybean is the most important oil seeds and grain legume crop in the world, in terms of wholemanufacturing and international trades. However, losses due to weeds have been one ofthe fundamental limiting factors in soybean production. So, successful weed manipulate is one of themost essential practices for low-priced soybean production. Weeds that germinated at the identical time assoybeans grow fa...

Review on: The Effect NPS Fertilizer Rate on Phenology, Growth and Yield Parameters of Food Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Barley is one of the popular crops cultivated since ancient time in the world. Barley is one of the main cereal cropsproduced in the World and it is one of the most ancient crops among cereals and has played a significant role in the developmentof agriculture in the world. It is commonly used for food, animal feed and beverage value. The most important factors that reduceyield of barley is poor soil fertility, blanket recommendation of fertilizers, soil acidity (low soil pH), diseases and ins...

1816 - 1830 Of 4645 Results