
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Consumers Preferences For Rice Attributes In Dar-Es-Salaam City Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT As the marketing process becomes more complex and competitive in a globalized market, affluent rice consumers have more power to demand for specific attributes, especially in terms of quality which is defined by attributes of rice, health and safety. Hence, understanding consumers’ preference for rice attributes becomes very important particularly for locally produced rice. Such understand will enable farmers and other actors along the rice value chain to improve rice quality in o...

Agronomical and Quality Performance of Rhodes Grass (Chloirs gayanaKunth) Cultivars Under Different Nitrogen Levels and Production Systems in the Sudan

Research experiment and field survey were conducted during 2016 – 2018 to study the effect of variety and nitrogen fertilization on the agronomic andquality performance of Rhodes grass and to investigate the husbandry  practices of Rhodes grass in the major production systems in the Sudan. The experiment was conducted in Shambat (2016-2017) in the demonstration farm of the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology. Two Rhodess grass varieties (Fine Cu...

Effect Of Feeding Different Concentrate To Ayrshire And Friesian Cows On Milk Yield And Fatty Acid Composition Of Butter Fat

ABSTRACT The effect of breed and different oil seed cake supplementation on milk yield, composition and milk fat fatty acid (MFFA) composition was studied using 12 Friesian and 12 Ayrshire lactating cows. Control diet contained maize bran (MB) plus minerals. For diet I and II, some of the MB in the control diet was replaced with cotton seed cake (CSC) (34.8%) and sun flower seed cake (SSC) (44.5%) respectively. Milk samples were collected for chemical composition analysis and butter making. ...

Employment And Income Opportunities In Tomato Sub-Sector In Ilula, Kilolo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess employment and income opportunities within tomato sub-sector in Ilula. The specific objectives of the study were: to identify the main marketing channels of tomatoes; to identify existing businesses and business networks related to tomato; to examine the marketing margin and gross margin of the actors of tomato market; and to assess the influence of tomato business and business networks on employment creation in Ilula. Cluster random sa...

Effect of Some Local Plants Extracts on Control of the African Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae) in Tomatos أثر بعض المستخلصات المحلیة في مكافحة دودة االلوز الافریقیة Helicoverpa ar

These studies were conducted in White Nile State on one of the important field pests of tomato, African bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. The studies included a field survey to determine the presence and distribution of African bollworm in the White Nile State and a laboratory studies to calculate morphmetrics measurement s of insect stages , to study some biological activities of the insect and to evaluate the efficacy of leaves and stem ethanol and aqueous extracts of Lantana c...

Determinants Of Rice Supply In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Rice is among the most important crops in Tanzania, being both a commercial andmajor staple food crop for the majority of population. Furthermore, the rice industry contributes substantially to employment, foreign exchange and food security. The importance of rice in contributing to national growth is critical; this makes it meaningful to investigate the nature of rice farmers’ production decisions. Despite the government’s pursuit of pricing policies, Tanzanian rice production ...

Institutional Factors That Influence The Survival Of Traditional Irrigation Schemes In Nyandira, Mvomero District, Morogoro-Tanzania

ABSTRACT Many studies on irrigation institutions in Tanzania have not focused on the survival of the traditional irrigation schemes. Therefore this study aimed to fill that knowledge gap. The main objective of this study was to assess institutional factors that influence the survival of traditional irrigation schemes in Nyandira Ward-Mvomero District, in Morogoro Tanzania. Specific objectives were determination of the institutional factors that influenced traditional irrigation schemes in Ny...

Implications Of Market Access For Household Livelihood Security In Tanzania: A Case Of Bagamoyo District

ABSTRACT Participation in markets is crucial for enhancing household incomes and the quality of their lives. Despite this fact, empirical information on the implications of market access and livelihood security is missing especially in Bagamoyo District. Therefore, the research was conducted in Bagamoyo District in December 2011 and January 2012, and the specific objectives were to: determine market access, identify goods and services accessed in markets, explore factors affecting market acc...

Evaluation Of Soil Fertility Status And Optimization Of Its Management In Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) Growing Areas Of Dodoma District

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Dodoma district, Dodoma region Tanzania to assess the soil fertility status for sesame production. The study was initiated due to the continuous decline of sesame yield to alarmingly low levels. The objectives of the study were to determine the levels of N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Na, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in soils and evaluate the response of sesame crop to the application of N, P, K, S and Zn. This was done by analysing soils from twenty sesame growing areas of Dodom...

Response Of Common Bean Genotypes To Inoculation With Rhizobia And Effects Of P And N On Biological Nitrogen Fixation

ABSTRACT The study on the response of common bean genotypes to rhizobia inoculation and effects of P and N on biological nitrogen fixation was carried out in field and Screen house experiments. Field experiments arranged in a split-split plot design were conducted to (a) Screen 16 common bean genotypes for capacity to fix nitrogen when inoculated with Rhizobium inoculants and (b) Assess genotype by environment interaction (G x E) on biological nitrogen fixation. The locations were the main-p...

The Role Of Group Managed Grain Banks In Rural Food Security: The Case Of Kongwa And Chamwino Districts

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the role of Group Managed Grain Banks in ensuring rural food security. Specifically the study aimed to: describe the grain banks in terms of their functions and constraints, evaluate the contribution of grain banks on food supply consistency and security at household level and analyse operation performance of each grain bank. The study was carried in Dodoma region, using case study design at Kongwa and Chamwino districts. Purposive sampling wa...

Aspects Of Biology And Ecology Of Citrus Leafminers (Lepidoptera: Gracilariidae) In Major Citrus Growing Regions Of Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Field investigations on the occurrence, incidence and damage severity of the Citrus Leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on Citrus crops were conducted in Morogoro Rural, Muheza and Kinondoni districts from December 2011 to September 2012. Fifty citrus fields were randomly selected in each of Morogoro Rural and Muheza districts from which 10 000 trees (>5 years old) were examined for leafminer damage signs. A total of 25 seedling nurseries...

Genetic Variation Of Iron Toxicity Tolerance In Lowland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties

ABSTRACT Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is accepted globally as a major food crop. It is a staple food crop in many countries in Africa. There has been an increasing demand of rice in Africa. Africa consumes 11.6 million tonnes of rice per annum and out of 39 rice producing countries, 21 import 50 to 99 percent of their rice requirements. The inability to reach the yield potential that would sustain Africa’s need for rice is due to many biotic and abiotic constraints that rice production faces. In...

Valuing Water Resource For Baga Watershed Management Using Water Poverty Index (WPI), Lushoto, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study to assess and evaluate factors contributing to scarcity of water and compute water poverty index (WPI) for identifying priority areas for interventions in Baga watershed was undertaken in Lushoto district, Tanzania. Specific objectives of this study were to identify and assess factors contributing to scarcity of water, compute WPI for villages and identification of priority areas for interventions in Baga watershed. Data were collected from households through questionnaire...

Determination Of Profitable Crop Production Options For Bashay Irrigation Schemes In Mbulu District, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Bashay irrigation schemes of Mbulu District. The main objective was to determine the profitable crop production options for Bashay irrigation scheme. A cross sectional single-visit survey involving 100 farmers from Mangisa and Diyomat villages was conducted representing up and down stream respectively. Descriptive Statistics, Gross Margin, Multiple Regression and Linear Programming model were used as analytical tools. The findings revealed that majority (6...

2536 - 2550 Of 4653 Results