
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Causes Of Food Insecurity And Coping Strategies In Tanzania: A Case Of Smallholder Farmers In Chamwino District

ABSTRACT Household food insecurity in Tanzania is widespread even when the country experiences bumper harvest. Food insecurity is widespread and chronic that there is always a certain degree of household food deficit at a given part in a year. Despite the government’s efforts to improve agricultural production, food insecurity has persisted. Thus, this study was conducted to assess causes of food insecurity and coping strategies of smallholder farmers in Chamwino district, Dodoma region. S...

Impact Of Valley Bottom Cultivation (Vinyungu) On Poverty Alleviation In Mtitu River Basin, Kilolo District, Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study on contribution of valley bottom cultivation (vinyungu) to poverty alleviation in Mtitu River Basin in Kilolo District was conducted in order to examine the role of this type of agriculture to rural livelihood. This type of agriculture has been practiced over many decades. In Mtitu River Basin almost all valley bottoms are used by small farmers who practice farming in lowlands, usually called vinyungu, a type of farming practiced in dry season. Tanzania Government has been...

Examining The Inverse Relationship Between Farm Size And Efficiency In Tanzanian Agriculture

ABSTRACT Agricultural sector in Tanzania and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa is dominated by smallholder farmers. This has made the smallholder-led growth strategy to be widely accepted as the pathway for achieving economic transformation and mass poverty reduction in Africa. Recently, however, concerns have been raised on the validity of favouring small farmers because small-scale farming in Africa has historically provided very low returns to labour. Also unlike earlier findings of the inv...

Bean Density Suppression Of Weeds In Maize Bean Intercropping Under Conventional And Conservation Tillage Systems In Arusha, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The field experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of bean plant population under conservation and conventional tillage systems in suppressing weeds in maize-bean intercropping systems was conducted at the Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI) for the 2010 short rains and 2011 long rains season. A split-split plot experiment laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used with three replications. The main treatments were: the conventional and conservation till...

Optimal Farm Enterprise Mix And Threshold Dietary Requierements For Smallholder Farmers In Semi-Arid Chamwino District, Dodoma-Tanzania

ABSTRACT Malnutrition is among the serious health problems affecting infants, children and women of reproductive age in Tanzania. Various approaches have been adopted to address this problem. Such approaches include; importation of food, food aid and medical treatment. Despite these efforts, however, millions of Tanzanians particularly women and children continue to suffer from one or more forms of malnutrition. Agriculture has been currently taken as great measure to harness malnutrition am...

Impact Of Soil Erosion Control Practices On Household Food Security And Income. A Case Of East Usambara Highlands, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess contribution of soil and water conservation practices on household food security and income in East Usambara highlands, Tanzania. Purposive sampling procedures were used to obtain six representative villages. In each village, 40 respondents were randomly selected leading to a sample size of 240 respondents. Structured and non-structured interview questions were used to collect data. Data collected by using questionnaires were supplemented by field o...

Assessment Of Technology Adoption For Free Range Local Chicken Improvement In Mzumbe Ward Mvomero District Morogoro

ABSTRACT The assessment of technology adoption for free range local chicken improvement was carried out using a sample of one hundred and twenty (120) farmers, fifty trained farmers, fifty neighbouring farmers and twenty control farmers. A structured questionnaire was used. Other data were obtained by direct measurement of eggs and adult live birds. Multiple Range Test (MRT) was used to separate the means especially for the production data. Results indicated that adoption rate among the trai...

Comparative Evaluation Of The Performance Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Cultured Under Different Climatic Conditions In Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Growth performance and productivity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is highly influenced by water quality in the pond. On the other hand, water quality is influenced by the climate and ecological conditions of the place. This study evaluated the growthperformance, survival rate, yield, body length-weight relationship and condition factor of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultured in two districts; Mbarali and Mufindiof Mbeya and Iringa regions,respectively. Fu...

Wildlife-Human Interface: A Case Study Of Yankari National Park Bauchi State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Most of the serious problems facing protected areas in Africa today have a human component. Among the more common problems are human encroachment, unauthorized harvesting of resources, and the conflict between wildlife managers and local people. The study illustrates the major wild Animals, agricultural and livestock pest in the study area and the attitudes of the farmers/villagers to wild animal species. A land-use planning system that incorporate a floating zoning system which ulti...

Assessment Of Child Abuse Among Street Children: A Case Study Of Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Child abuse among street children is a social problem which violates children’s rights and affects their development. This study assesses child abuse among street children in Dar es Salaam city. Specific objectives of the research were to analyze types of child abuse experienced by street children, determine factors contributing to increasing child abuse among street children, identify methods used by street children to escape child abuse, and examine immediate consequences of chi...

Prediction Of Soil Salinity Spatial Distribution And Its Management Implications For Rice Production In Magozi Irrigation Scheme, Iringa, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plays an important role in improving household food security and national economies in Sub-Saharan Africa including Tanzania. There is an increase in annual per capita consumption of rice in Tanzania from 20.5 in 2001 to about 25 - 30 kg year-1 in 2011 coupled with an increase in population. Despite the increase in rice consumption, the current rice production in Tanzania is still as low as 2.3 t ha-1 while the potential rice yields are 4 to 10 t ha-1...

Consumers’ Preference Attributes For Tropically Adapted Improved Chicken In Njombe And Morogoro Regions, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Generally in Tanzania consumers prefer local chickens and pay premium prices compared to other chickens due to the perception that local chicken tastes better, nutritious and organically raised. However, productivity levels of local chicken are low resulting to low outputs hence limiting their potential for commercialization. For that reason, the African Chicken Genetic Gain program has recently introduced tropically adapted improved chicken including Sasso, Kuroiler and Black austr...

Identification Of Colletotrichum Lindemuthianum And Introgression Of Its Resistance Gene(S) To Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Adapted In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Common bean anthracnose disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causes significant yield losses. It is most destructive in areas with cool temperatures and high humidity (90 - 100 %). The aim of the study was to introgress resistance gene into adapted but susceptible local cultivars Masai Red and Soya Njano using conventional breeding methods. Five races of C. lindemuthianum were isolated and named, from thirty two common bean diseased plants samples collected fro...

Response Of Lowland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties To Moisture Stress At Different Levels Of Potassium

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of potassium in mitigating drought stress and improving yield in lowland rice ecosystems at Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Tanzania. The main plot constituted three soil moisture levels viz. flooding, 20 and 40 kPa soil moisture tensions. Subplot factor constituted three lowland rice varieties viz. SARO, NERICA4 and SUPA while potassium levels were 0,50 and 100 kg K ha-1 for field experiment and 0, 25 and 50 mg K...

Influence Of Habitat Characteristics On Rodent Abundance, Diversity And Occupancy In A Restored Lulanda Forest Reserve, Southern Tanzania

ABSTRACT Restoration of degraded natural areas to enhance genera conservation is widely gaining pace; however, effort geared at assessing response of animal community particularly in restored forests is still low. I used a CMR method to trap rodents and measured vegetation characteristics to examine the association of vegetation characteristics with rodent abundance, diversity and occupancy in a secondary forest 20 years after restoration. the results found first, five rodent genera were in ...

2566 - 2580 Of 4653 Results