
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Management, Productivity And Socio- Economic Attributes Of Guinea Pigs In Njombe District

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at studying the management, productivity and socio-economic attributes of guinea pigs (GP) in the Njombe district. Two separate studies were conducted. A survey was done among 72 households and results indicated that GP was owned by most of the households. The majority (93.1%) of farmers who keep GP practise intensive production system. GP were found to be a good source of meat (35.5%) manure (32.8%) and for income (17.5%) to farmers. The mean weights of sampled...

Effectiveness And Sustainability Of Conservation Agriculture Technologies In Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania

Abstract The main purpose of this study was to determine the conditions under which sustainable agriculture functions as an effective conservation tool whereby, increasing crop production while maintaining sustainability is a priority for agricultural development projects, particularly in Tanzania. Factors contributing to the effectiveness of Conservation Agriculture (CA) technologies after project closure in improving the sustainability of cropping systems to participating and non-participat...

Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Household Dependency On Forest In Masida Community Forest, Zambezi Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide a better understanding of the drivers and effects of dependency on forest resources in Masida community forest in Zambezi region, Namibia. Specifically, the study assessed the livelihood strategies and contribution of forest resources to household incomes, assessed socio-economic determinants of households‟ dependency, determined extent and consequences of dependency and examined the people‟s perception on forest dependency. A cross-secti...

Variation And Interrelationships Among Yield And Yield Components in Lowland Rice Genotypes (oryza sativa l.) In Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT  Three experiments were conducted at Ukiriguru, Misungwi District, Nansole and Bukindo in Ukerewe district with the aim of investigating genotypic and phenotypic variation, interrelationship and magnitude of Genotype x Environment interactions and stability parameters for rice grain yield and yield components and other agronomic characters in lowland rice genotypes. The experiments, using Randomized Complete Block Design were conducted during 2012 main rain season. Fifteen genotypes...

Determinants Of Adoption Of Early Maturing Maize Varieties In Nzega District, Tabora Region.

ABSTRACT Nzega is among the district located in semi-arid areas of Tanzania where drought is a limiting factor for agriculture. In the district farmers are advised to use early maturing maize varieties (EMMV). In contrary the adoption of EMMV in Nzega District is still low. Increase in use of EMMV is possible if factors which influence adoption are addressed. The present study aimed at identifying factors which influence adoption of EMMV. The main objective was to analyze challenges facing ef...

High-Value Market Opportunities For Smallholder Vegetable Farmers In Arusha Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine high-value market opportunities for smallholder vegetable farmers in Arusha Region. To do so, the study provides a micro-level survey. The survey was conducted on smallholder vegetable farmers and high-value markets in Arusha Region. The specific objectives were identifying the characteristics of smallholder vegetable farmers in Arusha Region; determining factors that influence smallholder vegetable farmers participation in high-value market opp...

Importance Of Information And Communication Technology In Rice Production Among Small Scale Farmers In Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT In many sub-Saharan African countries including Tanzania, farmers face hardship to access better agricultural information. Consequently farmers lack adequate knowledge on farm management skills like correct land preparation, timely planting, pest and diseases and their control, timely weed control to bypass the critical period of weed competition, and low price of their product since they depend mostly to get information from extension officers and middlemen. But number of extension ...

The Contribution Of Women To Household Food And Nutrition Security In Chamwino District, Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite economic growth and improvements in living standards, food and nutrition security are still major socio-economic problems in Tanzania. In Tanzania, food and nutrition security are achieved through agricultural production where women are main participants. However, their contribution is underestimated due to social barriers and gender biases. This study was conducted to assess the contribution of women to household food and nutrition security in Chamwino District, Dodoma regio...

Adoption Of Conservation Agricultural Practices Among Smallholder Farmers: A Case Study Of Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro District

ABSTRACT Adoption of Conservation Agricultural Practices (CAPs) is fundamental for ensuring improved agricultural productivity. This study was conducted among Smallholder farmers to assess factors associated with adoption of CAPs for Land Management in Uluguru Mountains in Morogoro district. A purposive sampling was employed to select three villages where different CAPs are promoted and a sample size of 100 smallholder farmers was selected. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collecte...

Perfomance Of New Released Upland Nerica Rice Varieties Under Different Combined Rates Of Nitrogen And Phosphorus Fertilizers In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Rice, (Oryza sativa) accounts for more than 50% of the staples consumed in Zanzibar. However, only 20% of the annual demand is produced whereas the remaining 80% being imported. Adoption of improved varieties and better soil management practices may increase rice productivity. An experiment was conducted at Mchangamdogo village, Wete district, during the 2012 rice-growing season to test newly released high fertilizer responsive NERICA varieties and different fertilizers rates that ca...

Gender Analysis On Milk Value Chain: A Case Of Tanga City And Iringa Municipality

ABSTRACT Gender-based inequality is a phenomenon that transcends the majority of the world‟s cultures, religions, nations and income groups. In most societies, the differences and inequalities are manifest in the responsibilities each are assigned, in the activities they undertake, in their access to and control over resources and in decision-making opportunities. A study of gender analysis on milk value chain was conducted in Tanga City and Iringa Municipality. The overall objective of th...

Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Technical Efficiency In Milk Production: Case Of Epinav Dairy Project In Njombe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Smallholder dairy farming has been practiced in many parts of the world including Tanzania aiming at generating income from the sale of milk and providing alternative source of protein to people of all ages in the households. The objective of this study was to analyse technical efficiency of smallholder dairy farmers in EPINAV dairy project in Njombe District, Tanzania. Data were collected by using semi structured questionnaires administered to 120 smallholder dairy farmers randomly ...

Microcredits And Rural Livelihood For Sustainable Conservation Of Biodiversity: A Case Study Of Cocoba In Mahale Ecosystem, Kigoma-Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was done in Mahale Ecosystem to assess the achievement of COCOBA in improving rural livelihood and sustainable conservation. This study was based on the fact that, while there are adequate information o n micro credit and poverty reduction few exist on livelihood improvement and sustainable conservation of biodiversity. Specifically the study sought to document socio-economic activities undertaken by COCOBA group members and others in the study area; determine the perform...

The Impact Of National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme On Rice Production At The Kiroka Irrigation Scheme, Morogoro District

ABSTRACT This research was conducted at the Kiroka Irrigation Scheme in Morogoro District with an overall objective of generating knowledge about the impact of National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme (NAIVS) on rice production in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were (a) to examine farmers‟ perception and response towards NAIVS at the Kiroka Irrigation Scheme, (b) to assess the implementation of NAIVS at the Kiroka Irrigation Scheme, (c) to assess the impact of fertilizer a...

Genetics And Mechanisms Of Bruchid Resistance In Selected Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Landraces From Tanzania And Malawi.

ABSTRACT Bean bruchids are the devastating pests of common bean which causes huge losses during storage. Two landraces Kalubungula and KK25 were identified to be resistant to bruchid infestation and damage but the mechanism and genetics of resistance were unknown. The aim of this study was to (i) characterize the storage protein related to resistance in these landraces (ii) determine genomic region and map QTL’s related to resistance (iii) phenotype progenies response to bean bruchid infest...

2656 - 2670 Of 4653 Results