
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Crossbreeding, Additive And Heterotic Effects On Production Traits In Jersey Crossbred Cattle At Agricultural Research Station , Legon.

ABSTRACT Relative performance of breed groups, additive and heterotic effects on milk production, reproduction and calf growth traits in Jersey x West African Shorthorn (WAS) and Jersey x Sokoto Gudali (GUD) crossbred cattle were studied using sixteen years field records kept at the Agricultural Research Station, Legon. The genotypes consisted of WAS; 1/2 Jersey, 1/2 WAS (WAS Fj); 3/4 Jersey, 1/4 WAS (WAS Be); GUD; 1/2 Jersey, 1/2 GUD (GUD Fj) ; 3/4 Jersey, 1/4 GUD (GUD Be). Milk production t...

Socio-economic Determinants Of Diversification Behaviour Of Cocoa Producers In The Ashanti Region

The study analyses the effect of the socio-economic determinants on diversification behaviour of cocoa producers herein referred to as ‘producers, ’ in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The Logit model was employed in the study, which identifies the reasons for diversification into other perennial and annual crops, animal production and off-farm activities. The constraints faced by producers in diversifying, as ranked by the producers, are also analysed. Three hundred and four producers ...

Studies On Oil Palm Based Cropping Systems In Ghana

A survey was conducted in 1994 to gather information on the practice of intercropping food crops in oil palm on small-scale farms in the oil palm zones of southern Ghana. The objective was to identify and study intercropping systems used in oil palm production. Data was collected by interviewing a total of 72 oil palm farmers from the oil palm growingregions,(Eastern, Central,Western,Ashanti,Brong-Ahafo,and Volta) at their farm locations. The responses indicated that the small-scale...

Effective Use Of Bacillus Thuringiensis Berliner Subsp. Kurstaki For Control Of Diamondback Moth (Plutella Xylostella) (L .) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) On Cabbage

Two field experiments were carried out at W eija Irrigation Company (Ghana), from February to November 1995 on the effective use of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp. kurstaki (Dipel 2X) against the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella on cabbage (Brassica oleraceu var. capitata (L.). In the first experiment, different concentrations (0.25 g/1, 0.5 g/1, 1.0 g/1 and 2.0 g/1) of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (B.t.) were applied at weekly and fortnightly intervals on cabbage p...

Genetic Analysis Of Host Plant Resistance To The Cassava Mosaic Disease

The genetic control of resistance to the cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in some African landraces, their relationship with the widely used resistant genetic stock, clone 58308, and molecular markers associated with resistance to CMD in the landraces were evaluated in this study. The F-i progenies of 54 cassava crosses and their parents (clone 58308, six improved clones and 15 African landraces) were evaluated in two genetic experiments in three environments in Nigeria. Genetic analysis re...

Developing Maize (Zea Mays L.) For Fresh Maize Production In Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT    Green (fresh) maize (Zea mays L.) provides food security and income to farmers especially when other crops are still in the field. However, research on green maize variety is scarcely reported in literature or information on suitable genetic material (germplasm) for green maize production. Developing maize for fresh maize production in the southeastern Nigeria was carried out in the Center for Agricultural Research, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal Univ...


Globally, diseases constitute a major biotic constraint to soyabean production. Although, the list of diseases of soyabean in Ghana has been published, the incidence, severity, and distribution of listed diseases were not indicated. Secondly, the Savannah Agriculture Research Institute (SARI) has accumulated considerable number of soyabean genotypes most of which were sourced from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (...

Growth Response of Pink Shrimp Penaeus notialis (Perez Far Fante) to Protein enhanced Diets

Artificial feeds of different protein levels (20%, 30% and 40%) were formulated and prepared using locally available Agro Industrial By-Products (AIBPs) such as wheat bran, soybean meal, groundnut cake, fish meal, premix and cassava starch. Prepared feeds were fed to three populations of Penaeus notialis Post Larval Shrimps (PLs) under semi-intensive pond conditions for a 24 week culture period. PLs were fed a daily ration administered six hourly at the rate of 10%, 8%, 6%, 4%, and 2%, b...

Communication Channel Preference And Its Relationship With Accessibility To Information

ABSTRACT The study aimed at researching into communication channel preferences and how it relates to accessibility to information, The study was carried out in the Ho district of the Volta Region of Ghana, Data was collected from four communities in the Ho district. These are: Tanyigbe, Hodzo-Ve, Dave and Gbleve. Volta Community Water and Sanitation Program (VCWSP) ranked Tanyigbe community highest in terms of socio-economic status. Hodzo-Ve, Dave and Gbleve communities had the same lower lev...

Influence Of Grafting On The Growth, Yield, Quality And Shelf Life Of Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Grafted Onto Three Solanum Species

ABSTRACT A pot experiment was carried out from 15th December, 2014 to 20th June, 2015 at the University of Ghana Forest and Horticultural Crop Research Centre (FOHCREC), Okumaning under greenhouse conditions in a randomized complete block design to investigate the influence of grafting on growth, yield, quality and shelf life of tomato grafted onto three solanum species. Two tomato varieties ‘Fadeεbege’, and ‘Nkansah HT’ were used as scions and three solanum specie ‘Gboma’, ‘Bl...

Effect Of Type Of Initiation And Growing Media On Growth And Nutrient Uptake Of Plantain (Musa Aab) At The Nursery Stage

ABSTRACT Plantain (Musa spp) is one of the most important food crops. A limiting factor to large-scale production and or expansion of existing plantation is the difficulty in obtaining adequate planting materials. Although the tissue culture technique provides a higher multiplication rate, facilities are non-existent, and if available, the cost will be expensive and unavailable to most farmers in developing countries such as Ghana. The split-corm technique is a cheaper method for raising plan...

Contribution Of Crumbled Feed To Cost Reduction In Broiler Production: A Field Experiment

ABSTRACT The ultimate goal of the study is to assess the crumbled feed technology with respect to its contribution in cost savings in per unit cost of production in broiler via a field experiment. The experiment was carried out using 294 broiler day-old-chicks divided into two groups; control and treatment, with three replications each. Each replication consisted of 49 birds. The experiment was carried out for six weeks, which means two weeks saved from the actual 8 weeks farmers keep the bir...

Assessing The Food Security Status And Production Constraints Of Cocoa Farming Households In The Ashanti Region

ABSTRACT Food security is when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Foreign income generated from cocoa production serves as the backbone of the economy of Ghana, yet the high poverty prevalence amongst cocoa farming households affect greatly their food security status which in the long run leads to low production outputs. Therefore, this study seeks ...


ABSTRACT Laboratory and field experiments were carried out between June 1997 and Januaiy 1999 at Paradise farm near Nsawam in the Eastern Region of Ghana to determine the major insect pests of papaya, Carica papaya and to evaluate the effectiveness of Bacillus thuringiensis and neem seed extract for controlling the insect pests of papaya. Methanolic and aqueous neem seed extracts were tested at the following concentrations 0 , 50, 75 and 100 g/1. Bacillus thuringiensis was applied at the rate...

Effect Of Irradiation And Colchicine On Callus And Somatic Embryo Formation In Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz)

ABSTRACT A study was conducted to assess the mutagenic effect of gamma radiation on sprouting and height in four local cassava accessions.The four cassava accessions were assessed for their callus induction and somatic embryo formation ability from leaf lobes from gamma irradiated stakes as well as colchicine treated leaf lobes on different concentrations of plant growth regulators, incorporated into Murashige and Skoog, (1962) (MS) basal medium. The cassava accessions were irradiated at 0, 3...

3226 - 3240 Of 4613 Results