African Studies Research Papers/Topics

Our women must return home: Institutionalized patriarchy in colonial Central Nyanza District, 1945-1963

Abstract/Overview Colonial policies and practices were very instrumental in the creation of the Luo Diaspora. This Diaspora extended far beyond the physical and cultural boundaries of Central Nyanza as was constituted by the colonial administration. To colonial officials, this Diaspora represented ‘detribalized natives’ responsible for social decay and immorality in the colonial townships. Similarly, to the male elders in the rural areas, this Diaspora was an affront towards destabili...

“We do not bury dead livestock like human beings”: Community behaviors and risk of Rift Valley Fever virus infection in Baringo County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background:Rift Valley Fever (RVF), is a viral zoonotic disease transmitted by Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. In Kenya, its occurrence is associated with increased rains. In Baringo County, RVF was first reported in 2006–2007 resulting in 85 human cases and 5 human deaths, besides livestock losses and livelihood disruptions. This study sought to investigate the county’s current RVF risk status. Methodology and principal findings:A cross-sectional study on the knowledge,...


ABSTRACT The origin and meaning of Yoruba, a name which designates a people and their language, is shrouded in controversy. Hitherto, there was no accurate knowledge of the origin and meaning of the name but alternative facts and misinformation which fueled the apparent controversy; there was also misconception about the name which discouraged conducting any research into its origin and meaning. Various researches on “Yoruba” were conducted mainly from an historical perspective; consequen...

Migration and Transnationalism in Teju Cole's Open City

The novel, titled Open City, is a metaphor which the author uses to allude to migration and globalization. It is also an obvious reference to the declaration of Brussels as an open city during World War 1. Cole examines multiple themes related to transnationalism as his protagonist, a Nigerian American doctor wanders about in New York in an attempt to track migrating birds, examines the numerous relationships he has had with other immigrants like himself.   Julius is an embodiment of the con...

Ethical Oversight of Multinational Collaborative Research: Lessons from Africa for Building Capacity And for Policy

ABSTRACT Researchers and others involved in the research enterprise from 12 African countries met with those working in ethics and oversight in the United States as part of an effort to develop research ethics capacity. Drawing on a wealth of experience among participants, discussions at the meeting revealed five categories of issues that, warrant careful attention by those engaged in similar efforts as well as international policy makers and those charged with oversight of research.(1) Princ...

The Development Finance Institutions In Nigeria And The Islamic Finance Since 1964

Introduction Since 1964 various DFIs were established at both the national and state levels in Nigeria to cater for economic development of some specific sectors. The anticipation was that the DFIs would be able to cover the areas neglected by the commercial banks. This is because it is impossible for these banks to meet the huge financial requirements of the different sectors in the economy. It is also believed the DFIs would become specialist in their various fields to the extent that they...

Nhibiting Nigerian Cultural Heritage Crimes Through Penal Laws

Abstract From time immemorial, crimes against cultural heritage have always been frowned at and anyone who decides to sell these ‘sacred objects’ will be jeered at. Only the so called ‘outcasts’ in the family or community dared to dabble into the illegal sale of cultural objects. Over the years, trade in cultural objects has become lucrative. Attempts have been made in the Nigerian laws to ensure that items of our cultural heritage do not leave the shores of the country illegally by p...

Racing Beyond Race: Western Press Reportage Of 2008 American Presidential Campaign

Abstract The 2008 American presidential campaign was a critical moment for determining the stance of Western Press in the coverage of a race-related political contest The study content analysed The Economist. Time and Newsweek magazines to identify the genre. slant,source of news reports andprominence given to Barack Obama Campaign Issues relative to those of his opponents. John McCain and Hilary Clinton. Although there were a few elements of racial constructs. reportage was found to be fair ...