Communications and Media Research Papers/Topics

Tested, Trusted, Yet Frustrating: An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Environmental Radio Jingles in Oyo State Nigeria

Radio stations have used jingles for environmental education and communication in Nigeria for decades though not much has been done to study the impact of such use—which is the purpose of this article. Through 12 focus group discussions (FGDs) in six local government areas of Oyo state, Nigeria, interviews with the program directors of two radio stations, and a questionnaire administered with 18 program producers from the stations, the researcher found that producers and directors had full ...

Mobile Phone Deception in Nigeria: Deceivers’ Skills, Truth Bias or Respondents’ Greed?

The use of mobile phones to deceive and defraud in Nigeria has received widespread comments and complaints but not empirical investigations. Guided by Buller and Burgoon’s interpersonal deception theory, this article examined the strategies employed by deceivers, the dimension of lies told and why mobile phone deception works among Nigerians. This it did through interviews with victims and near-victims of deception, focus group discussions with users, and participant observation. Mobile...

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