Communications and Media Research Papers/Topics

Project Policy Proposal For National Policy On Culture And Future Development Of Creative Media & Media Art In Nigeria.

Nigeria is a country with over 200 million population, over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. Its present National Policy On Culture was enacted into law in 1988; and since then it has not been reviewed in view of the socio-economic and digital revolution in the art, culture, media-art and creative industry in Nigeria. There was neither internet nor mobile phones in Nigeria with its current communications superhighway when the policy came into effect. The future developmen...

Fake News, Hate Speech and Journalism Ethics

Fake news which is simply false information, untrue story or fabricated news has become a household discussion everywhere in the world. As fake news is false information. Hate speech which is offensive speech, writing and other forms of expression and depiction via pictures, caricatures, graffiti, satire, cartoons,  music, films etc. is strengthened and leverages fake news to go far. Hate speech incites and undermines tolerance and social cohesion in a society. It increases hatred and violen...

Digital performances and sexual objectification: Rethinking Mr. Macaroni’s concept of entertainment

Abstract: Digital performances have been remarkably influenced by the convergence of arts and technology which has recorded very significant breakthrough in the world of entertainment. Performances have grown beyond traditional spaces on account of the instrumentality of the electronic and interactive nature of social media, curtsey of the ever improving and innovating wonders of the electronic and digital revolution. The emerging concern of this study revolves around the degree of sexual ob...

The New Normal and Gendered Violence in Nigerian Film Space.

Arguably, film is the most magical form of storytelling. It is that genre that is most similar to our dreams; a place where a lot of possibilities abound. In the case of Nigerian films, there is little or no holding back as creativity and imagination are often interlaced with biased and unbiased social constructs. This study considers ‘New Normal’ as the current thematic preoccupation of Nigerian films to trivialise women’s rights and promote abuses. This phenomenon is contextualised as...

The Media and Migration Narratives: The Case of Superstory's Itohan

Migration is one of the most challenging issues currently facing Nigeria. It refers to change of residence within or over national boundaries; it can be internal or international. However, the focus of this paper is on international migration with particular interest on the use of illegal routes. The media, in varied forms have represented the menace of illegal migration as a way to curb further growth and control existing processes. One of such measures is Superstory's Itohan, a television s...

Crossroads of Human Media and Theatre: Developmental Perspectives

The growth of pervasive media and digital technologies is offering theatre-makers and audiences unprecedented new challenges and opportunities. This study examines theatre as an art form in the age of new media technology. Theatre is one of the oldest art forms, and it has not only survived every technological change but has adopted and adapted along the way. Based on the Human Media theory of Isra Garcia, this study seeks to establish how theatre can be enriched by human media with the audie...

Social Media: Towards the Realisation of A Global Stance for the African Voice

Social media usage has presented another platform for the African voice to be heard all over the world; with social media African people have the medium to tell their own story to the world. Thus, this paper aims at examining how technologically framed social media articulations have contributed to the realization of a global stance for the African voice. Key Words: Africa, social media, Internet, African story, global influence.

The Advertising Paradigm in Nigerian National Dailies: A Content Analysis Approach

The Nigerian print media have recorded tremendous growth through technological innovation and advancement that have resulted in increased number and content of national dailies. The print media as a powerful force of communication engineered by its competitive advantage of low cost and possibility of referral is largely patronised by advertisers. Using a combination of content analysis and unobtrusive observation, this study examined the composition of adverts placement in three Nigerian Nati...

Media Evolution and the Challenges of Managing Virtual Interactive Processes for Media Research

Virtual interactive process occurs when a process that relies upon physical interaction between people and/or objects is transitioned to a virtual environment. Virtual process is having profound effects on society as an increasing number of persons and particularly researchers are migrating to virtual environments. The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategies that ensure effective management of virtually conducted research. The manager of a virtual process is not much different from...

The New Normal and Gendered Violence in Nigerian Film Space

Arguably, film is the most magical form of storytelling. It is that genre that is most similar to our dreams; a place where a lot of possibilities abound. In the case of Nigerian films, there is little or no holding back as creativity and imagination are often interlaced with biased and unbiased social constructs. This study considers ‘New Normal’ as the current thematic preoccupation of Nigerian films to trivialise women’s rights and promote abuses. This phenomenon is contextualised as...

Effectiveness of Organizational Communication channels used by Hwange Colliery Company to communicate with its Publics to enhance corporate reputation. (2010-2012)

Abstract : The purpose of this study is to assess the Effectiveness of Organizational Communication channels used by Hwange Colliery Company to communicate with its Publics to enhance corporate reputation. This is because effective communication has been the pillar to the success of many big corporate organizations and this prompted the researcher to study a local organization, Hwange Colliery Company. In this study literature was reviewed from scholars that had prior knowledge on the topic o...

Nigeria’s freedom of information act: Provisions, strengths, challenges

ABSTRACT It took well over ten years to pass the Freedom of Information bill into law in Nigeria. It also took the bill three journeys to the National Assembly. This article connects the reluctance of the concerned authorities to pass the bill to the age-long struggle in Nigeria (and elsewhere) between the press, citizens and civil society on the one hand and the government on the other, with the former trying to widen the circumference of government activities that should be made public and ...

Nigerian Mass Media Representation of Women in Agriculture and Agribusiness: A Case of Status Mis-Conferral

Abstract The study set out to examine the extent of the coverage given by the mass media to women in agriculture and agribusiness in view of statistics indicating that women constitute an overwhelming proportion of the people in that sector. Based in Nigeria, the study analysed the content of 282 stories on the agricultural pages of two selected national newspapers, 187 pictures illustrating some of the stories and 48 agricultural broadcasts from two radio stations. The study revealed that t...

Gender Bias in Media Representation of Political Actors: Examples from Nigeria’s 2015 Presidential Election

ABSTRACT As in other parts of the world, the Nigerian news media, in its coverage of electioneering, has been accused of marginalizing female politicians. To establish the veracity of this claim, we examined how Nigerian newspapers reported campaign activities of the major presidential candidates during Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election. Using the theories of media framing and market-oriented journalism, we undertook content analysis of 194 editions of three randomly selected newspapers�...

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