Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

The Relationship between Social Factors and Criminal Behavior Among Youth Offenders in Kakamega GK Prison in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the impact of socioeconomic factors on teenage criminal conduct. A descriptive and evaluative research design was used in the study. We used both probability and non-probability sampling approaches. Non-probability sampling included deliberate and convenient sampling, whereas probability sampling included proportionate stratified random sampling. Both probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling strategies were used to pick the sample for the inv...

Nexus between Urban Food System and Other Urban Systems: Exploring Opportunities for Improving Food Security in Kisumu, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The world population is growing and shifting in character from to predominantly rural to increasingly urban. It is projected that by 2050, two thirds of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. The food system of cities has an impact on the health and wellbeing of residents. This study is a review of data and integration of findings from two projects done in Kisumu from 2016 - 2020: Consuming Urban Poverty (CUP) project and Nourishing Spaces (NS) project. ...

The East African Community: the Rise, Collapse, and Revival

Abstract: The East African Community (EAC) established in 2000 represents the most current of a number of previous attempts at achieving East African integration. This study set out to investigate why Kenya. Uganda and Tanzania sought to revive the EAC after its collapse in 1977. The collapse of the old Fag African Community (EAC) in 1977 was the result of factors that strained the relationships of the states' to the extent that its continued operation was rendered impossible. The study find...

Harnessing the Demographic Dividend in Kenya through youth entrepreneurship: A case study of the Youth Enterprise Development Fund

Abstract: In response to the youth bulge in Africa and the concomitant rising unemployment and poverty levels in Africa, the government of Kenya, in line with the African Union Agenda 2063, has designed interventions to strategically position the country to harness the demographic dividend through youth entrepreneurship. The government of Kenya has designed youth programs to address the unemployment challenge and one of the flagship youth programs is the Youth Enterprise Development Fund (Ch...

The Influence of Selected Social Media Platforms on Youth Participation in the 2022 General Elections in Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract: Social media has been used to advance political inquiry, interactions and broader public and international engagement. However, being a new technological advancement, there is little empirical evidence on its effectiveness as a stimulant to political participation. This study thus sought to empirically establish the relation between social media usage and youth participation in general elections in Kenya. The theoretical grounding for the study was informed by the cognitive engagem...

Chinese Development Aid and Its Economic Impact on Malawi

Abstract: The Republic of China has come to be a force to reckon with in the 21st century, and this has enabled it to establish political and economic relations with other regions of the world; especially on the African continent. This paper studies the aid provision by China to Africa; with a key focus on Malawi. Chinese relations with Malawi have had an impact in contributing to the development of the Malawian economy. The main focus area of the research was investments, aid, and trade act...

Photography as A Governance Tool in Africa: The Case of Democratic Republic Of Congo

Abstract: This study is an assessment of photography as a tool of governance in post-colonial Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study affirms that colonialists, specifically the Belgians in Congo, developed photography standards and interpretation guidelines as a tool to control the colonies and serve their interests. This enabled them to extend their domination through pictorial representation of the occupied territories. However, this never opened up opportunity for inclusivity of Af...

The Construction of Kenya's International Image by the Film Industry 1980-2020

Abstract: According to IMDb the highest-ranking film about Kenya is the Constant Gardener (2005) with more than 130,000 votes, some total worldwide box-office gross earnings of $82.47M and a Metascore of 82 as compared to world's highest ranking The Shawshank Redemption (1994) with more than 2 million votes, a gross worldwide of $28.89M and a Metascore of 81. Furthermore, the Constant Gardener received more than 200 critics from external reviewers from around the world with insights into the...

Stakeholder Participation And Climate Change Mitigation: The Case Of Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwiligers (SNV) And Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) In Kajiado County, Kenya

Abstract: Climate change is manifested in changing weather patterns and temperature fluctuations over time. For example, Kajiado County of Kenya is experiencing an increased frequency and intensity of droughts, now occurring every 2-3 years. Therefore, the study investigated the influence of stakeholder participation approaches on climate change mitigation, focusing on mitigation initiatives implemented by the SNV and KCSAP in Kajiado County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to investigat...

Effectiveness of Attachment Theory Intervention on Risky Sexual Attitudes among Adolescents in Kibera, Nairobi County -Kenya

Abstract: In today's over-sexualized society there has been a constant outcry in the country over risky sexual attitudes as demonstrated by risky sexual behaviors such as underage sex, rising teenage pregnancies, abortion related deaths and pregnancy related suicides. Past studies have related risky sexual attitudes to individual attachment styles. Further, there have been suggestions that security priming intervention can change individual attachment styles. The purpose of this study was to...

Evaluating Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) In Sustainable Peace: A Case Study of Cibitoke Province in Burundi (2009-2021)

Abstract: This research draws on the Evaluation of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) in Sustainable Peace in Burundi as from 2009-2021. The research used research design and a qualitative methodology. It assessed how DDR has been used as a tool to bring sustainable peace in Burundi after the conflict through field interviews in Cibitoke province these interviews were conducted to the members of the community, elders and ex combatants too were interviewed as well as ex-comb...

Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Age of First Pregnancy among Teenage Mothers in Mathare Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract: This study purposed to determine the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the age of first pregnancy. Teenage mothers in one of the informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish the ACEs experienced by teenage mothers; the age at first pregnancy for teen mothers; challenges that teenage mothers go through; and to evaluate the relationship between ACES and age at first pregnancy among teenage mothers in the informal se...

Correlation Between Psychological Boundaries And Marital Satisfaction Amongst Christian Couples In Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract: This study aimed to establish the correlation between psychological boundaries and marital satisfaction amongst Christian couples in the Kenyan context. The objectives that guided the study included identifying the psychological boundaries in marital relationships; assessing levels of marital satisfaction; determining the correlation between psychological boundaries and marital satisfaction; and evaluating the impact of psychological boundaries on marital satisfaction amongst Chris...

The Relationship Between Sleep Quality And Emotional Intelligence Amongst Students In Usiu-A, Kenya

Abstract: This study aimed to assess the sleep quality, levels of emotional intelligence, and identify the relationship between sleep quality and emotional intelligence amongst students in USIU-Africa, Kenya. The study was carried out in United States International University Africa (USIU-A) in Nairobi, Kenya on 399 students. The tools used for measuring sleep quality and emotional intelligence were Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test...

Correlation Between Depression And Alcohol Use Among Working Class Women In Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between depression and alcohol use among working class in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study will focus on women aged 30 - 60 years. A sample of 103 Kenyan women was obtained by random sampling. Data was collected by using a socio-demographic questionnaire, Becks Depression Inventory to measure Depression and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for alcohol use assessment. Data analysis was done using inferential statistics ...

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