Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Land Dispossession and Food Security in Kajiado County

Abstract: This study focused on assessing "the relationship between land dispossession and its impact on food security on the pastoral community in Kajiado County." The study identifies that community land dispossession by investors through senior officials has hampered the wellbeing of the community that relies on livestock as their food security. Therefore, the study sought to find out the extent of land acquisition phenomena in Kajiado County; the impact of land dispossession on Maasai li...

Exiting Terrorism: Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Al-Shabaab Returnees in Kenya’s Mombasa and Kwale Counties, 2015-2020

Abstract: Terrorism has in the 21g century remained a significant threat to world peace. Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda have for decades targeted thousands of men and a significant number of women, wooing them to leave their homelands and join their fight. The imminent threat of returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) keeps growing, creating the need for a more comprehensive counter terrorism approach that covers rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees. In 2015. Kenya announced an ...

Assessing the Growth of the Private Security Sector in Kenya in Relation to the General Elections: Case Study of Nairobi County (2008-2018)

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the growth of the Kenyan private security sector, and to establish its role and impact on security in relation to the general elections. The case study is Nairobi County and the timeframe is from 2008 to 2018. The study includes determining the impact of the private security sector and its functions on security in Kenya. The research reviews previous studies with a view to establish academic gaps which the present study sought to bridge. Emanating from th...

Increased Use of Green Energy: Assessing the Viability of Returns of Oil Drilling in Turkana County

Abstract: This Thesis assesses the future of oil drilling in an increasing green energy world. It explains the evolution of oil, how the commodity became a driver of industrialization before turning to be a catastrophe to mankind. The research also presents an overview of various renewable energy generation technologies that have been developed to promote green energy at a time when oil drilling is predicted to be nearing its peak. A brief insight of countries that have embraced the use of g...

The Influence of Amisom on State-Building in Somalia as from 2007-2019

Abstract: The study has looked at “the influence of AMISOM on state-building in Somalia as from 2007-2019” and its relevance in future development prospects. The proposal identifies that the role of AMISOM has evolved from the traditional peace-keeping mission to peace-building mission aligned towards strengthening institutions, developing laws, and carrying democratic elections. Therefore, the study focuses on; To assess the influence of AMISOM on State-building (Political, elections an...

Media and the Maasai Mau Forest Conflict in Kenya. Case of Emoo Fm, Kass Fm, Radio Citizen and Radio Maisha

Abstract: Conflict prevalence is a multi-dynamic issue which has the power to convert a developing region into a ghost area. The media all over the world has been used as a medium of conveying information from one source to another. Depending on how the recipient conceives the information, elaboration of these information’s can take many forms and influences decision making directly. The array of the importance of media in determining how information is used will shed light on how the Maas...

Emerging Cryptocurrencies and Their Risks

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to look at some of the emerging cryptocurrencies and the various risks they come with such as tax evasion. The advent of cryptocurrencies into the global market is as a result of the blockchain technology. 34 case studies involving risks involving emerging cryptocurrencies were taken into account One of the case studies in this study is that of 50 Cent's (Curtis James Jackson III) Bankruptcy Trial in which he owed $30,000,000 to creditors but was able t...

Emerging Implication of Porous Border Securitization in Kenya: A Case Study of Mandera (2013-2019)

Abstract: This study examined the emerging implication of securitization of porous borders. It explained the threats posed by porous borders and how this has led to state actors prioritizing it as a security concern. The study also presented on how other countries have revolutionized their border control management systems to thwart the ever-evolving threats. The study was guided by the following objectives; to identify gaps and emerging challenges in the securitization measures implemented ...

Self-Settlement of Refugees in Kenya: Precipitating Factors, Contending Issues and Coping Strategies of Self-Settled Refugees in Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi County, 2002-2017

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to realize the following objectives; to explore and profile the reasons for self-settlement of refugees in Kasarani Sub-County between 2002-2017, to examine their challenges and investigate their coping strategies, with an aim to examine self-settlement as an approach to local integration of refugees in Kenya. This study identified that the need to gain access to social amenities, is the main reason why refugees opt to leave the camp and self-settle in...

Balancing or Bandwagoning? Horn of Africa States Relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran

Abstract: How is the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran reflected in the Horn of Africa? The purpose of the study was to investigate Horn of Africa states' relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran and to determine whether they perform a bandwagoning or a balancing role in the relations between the two Persian Gulf states. The study aimed to realize three objectives, namely, to examine the trends in consolidation or diminishing of power by Saudi Arabia and Iran over the past two decades in the...

An Assessment of the Viability of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Programme in Kenya

Abstract: There is a global commitment to attain Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This was done in New York in 2015 when all 193 Member States of the United Nations (UN) agreed on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where they set out an ambitious agenda for a safer, fairer, and healthier world by 2030. The goals include a broad array of targets across different sectors. The inclusion of UHC in the SDGs presents an opportunity to promote a comprehensive and coherent approach to health,...

The Fragile South Sudan: Exploring the Domestic Sources of National Interests for South Sudan’s Balanced Development

Abstract: National interests related to states and thereby international relations. They were intermestic policy issues with foothold on domestic sources. Nevertheless, their orthodoxy was the prolonged link to foreign policy. In that respect, undefining national interests presented the central dilemma the study answered with extra transcendence. In the process. the objectives it pursued included defining national interests; exploring the domestic sources of national interests; interpreting ...

An Examination of the Extent of Influence of Social Media Propaganda in Shaping Government Policy in South Sudan

Abstract: The use of social media has advanced greatly over the years and become an integral part of domestic and international political communication. The focus of this research was investigating use of social media to influence government decisions in South Sudan. The study examined the significance of Facebook and Twitter in determining government planning policies. The study used qualitative data of twitter and Facebook accounts commentary on South Sudan based on public responses to maj...

Humanitarian Organizations in Peace-Building in the Aftermath of 2007-2008 Post Election Violence (PEV) in Kenya: The Case of Kenya Red Cross Society

Abstract: The humanitarian sector in Kenya is vibrant, innovative and dynamic. Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is one of the leading humanitarian organizations in Kenya. The majority of the Kenya population and firms have little or no faith with the government response in delivering humanitarian assistance. Therefore, humanitarian organizations such as the KRCS have gained positive response in their humanitarian work. KRCS has partnered with other organizations in different humanitarian crise...

The rise of Islamic movements and state collapse in Somalia

Abstract: It is exactly two decades since the government of dictator SiadBarre was dethroned in Somalia which left a governance vacuum leading to eventual collapse of the state of Somalia and the rise of Islamic insurgency. Since then, Somalia once a very optimistic nation has been lawless embroiled in an unending clan feuds and rivalry that has seen emergence of clan politics. While the international community has been involved in myriad of humanitarian interventions, the situation remains ...

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