Humanities and Social Science Research Papers/Topics

Promoting Prevention Mechanisms of Child Neglect

The objective of the of the program is to raise awareness among the child cluster advisor of women and children's affairs Office of Haramya districts that child neglect is an issue that needs to be addressed; and, to promote the prevention mechanism of child neglect. The program aim is to reveal that child neglect is a social problem and source of another socio-emotional problem on the child particularly and parents in general. Participants of the program will be 23 child cluster advisors who...

Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Settlement of Environmental Disputes in Nigeria: A Study of Ojodu Community, Lagos State

ABSTRACT Environmental degradations are the aftermath of human intrusion into nature. Disputes arise due to the impact of degradations that affect the ecosystem’s continuous functioning. Research has shown that most environmental conflicts are resolved through litigation with attendant drawbacks in achieving a resolution. Some drawbacks include legal technicalities, the time taken in litigation, the victim’s inability to discharge the evidential burden revolving around the issue of expert...

Technical Change And Productivity in the Manufacturing Industry in Imo State of Nigeria

ABSTRACT The subject of this study is the impact of technical change on the productivity of the manufacturing industry in Imo State of Nigeria. The manufacturing industry is the leading sector in the industrialized countries. It is expected to stimulate and sustain the growth of the Nigerian economy. The Nigerian economy is in dire need of development but the sectors that should produce this effect, particularly the manufacturing industry, has exhibited disappointing performance. The Nigerian...

The Military In The Promotion Of Human Security In Conflict Situations: The Case Of Uganda People’s Defense Force In Gulu District.

ABSTRACTiman insecurity is one of the problems facing civilians in conflict affected regions besides physicalcurity. Various organizations and actors intervene in such circumstances by carrying out varioustivities to try and promote this situation among the affected people. In spite of such interventions, muchstill desired. from the actors in terms of freeing people from the fear and contributions made by the military has however never been appreciated in as much as they try tovolve t...

Good Governance And Service Delivery In Kiruhura District Local Government Uganda.

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to evaluate and examine governance structures and practices andservice delivery to provide comprehensive understanding of governance and service deliverysituation at sub-national levels in Uganda. Public service agencies are presumed to lack goodgovernance practices which adversely affect service delivery. It was argued that goodgovernance practices improve public service performance and ultimately enhances servicedelivery. Furthermore, the study noted th...


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research study was to assess the effects on Non-Governmental Organizations oneducation service delivery in Uganda, focusing on the contribution of UNICEF. Specifically, this studyaimed at achieving the following objectives (i).to determine the various contributions laid by the NGOtowards education in Uganda; (ii) to examine the future prospects of the NGO in enhancing qualityeducation in Uganda and (iii) to find out the opinions of the NGO on the efforts made by t ...

The L Pact Of Child Abuse On Pupils’ Academic Performance A Case Study Of Kibuli Demonstration School In Kampala District

ABSTRACTThe research focused on the impact of child abuse on pupils’ academic performance. A casestudy of Kibuli Demonstfation School in Kampala District and was guided by three objectivesnamely;to establish the effect of Physical abuse on pupils’ academic performance ,to find out theeffect of Sexual abuse on pupils’ academic performance and to identi& the effect of Emotionalabuse on pupils’ academic performance. The study used quantitative research design. A sampleof 1 95Orespondents...

Challenges Of Regional Integration In Africa: The Case Study Of The New East African Community.

ABSTRACTThis research study aimed at the assessment of the challenges of regional integration in Africafocusing on the New East African Community. The specific objectives of the study were todetermine the political Factors Promoting EAC Growth and Development, to examine the extentto which the East African countries are prepared to achieve full integration and to identify thepossible solutions to the various constraints. The research adopted the transformative mixedapproach. This provided for...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION~\PPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTACCROYNMSTABLE OF CONTENTSLISTOFTABLESABSTRACTCHAPTER ONESBACK GROUND OF THE STUDY 1.0 Introduction 1.2 Statement of the problem 2.3 General objectives 3.3.1 Specific objectives 3.4 Research questions 4.5 Significance of the study 4.6 Hypothesis 4.7 Scope of the study.7.1 Subject scope 4.7.2 Geographical scope 4.7.3 Time scope.8 Limitations of the study SHAPTER TWO• 7.JTERATURE REVIEW 7.0 Introduction 7.1 .1 Impact of youth l...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.0 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Historical perspective 11.2 Theoretical perspective 31.3 Conceptual perspective 41.4 Contextual perspective 51.5 Problem statement 61.6 Purpose of the study1.7 Research objectives 71.8 Research questions 81.8.1 Scope of the study 81.8.2 Geographical scope 81.8.3 Content sèope 81.8.4 Time scope 81.8.5 Definition of key terms gCHAPTER TWO 12LITERATURE ~EVIEW 122.0 Introduction 122.1 Theo...

Stress and Performance of Health Workers of Kasana Health Centre in Luweero District

Abstract The 51 uth was conducted under the topic, stress and performance of health workers of kasana health centre in luweero district. It was guided by the following objectives: to find out the causes of stress among health workers of Kasanu health centre, to find out how stress has affected the performance of health workers of kasana health centre, to find out the health workers aitituck’s towards the stress they experience. The methods of collecting data included questionnaires to obta...

An Assessment of Nigeria’s Foreign Policy Under the Administration Goodluck Jonathan in Relation With Ecowas

Abstract The study is an assessment of Nigeria’s foreign policy under the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan in relation with ECOWAS. This work is necessitated on the premise that no state in the modern times can avoid involvement in international affairs, and this involvement must be systematic and based on certain principles.  The objective of this work was to determine if Nigeria’s policy under the period in view had significant impact on Nigerian global image. Data for thi...

Perceived Influence of Instructional Materials on Learning of Economics in Senior Secondary Schools in Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                          i Certification                                                                       ii Dedication                                                                         iii Ack...

The Use of WhatsApp in Sharing Political Information and Its Influence On 2019 Voting Pattern of Electorate in Awka Metropolis

This research which is a study on WhatsApp information sharing was geared towards finding out how WhatsApp was used in sharing political information and its influence on 2019 voting pattern of electorate in Awka metropolis. The objective of the research study includes the following; to find out whether the respondents were exposed to political information on WhatsApp during the 2019 general election; to determine whether the electorates in Awka metropolis relied on WhatsApp for political info...

Influence Of Substance Abuse On Service Delivery By The Kenya Police Officers A Case Study Of Nairobi City County, Kenya

Substance abuse is a problem to some serving police officers and hence delivering poor services to members of the public. The problem could be contributed to by stress and other occupational situations. However, the sub-cultural setup of the policing career contributes to this vice in order to reduce stress. It is also reported that cases of suicides and domestic violence among the police officers is attributed to drug abuse. The study, was purposed to find out the correlation between substan...

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