Linguistics Research Papers/Topics

Feature correspondence amongst Dholuo coronals

Abstract/Overview This paper discusses the nature of correspondence amongst Dholuo coronals. This can be approached in two ways, either as feature spreading or feature agreement which seem to be controversial in literature. Dholuo coronal harmony involves action at a distance; it spans over vowels and/or consonants. Data reveals that features affected are non contiguous and therefore only the targeted elements are affected. The fact that coronal harmony affects non-local segments rules ou...

Image schemas in political discourse in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study of conceptual interaction has attracted the attention of many scholars in Cognitive Linguistics. Primarily, the analysis has focused on the role of image schemas in the construction of metaphors. This study explores the PATH image- schema and the role it plays in conceptual formation of metaphors in political discourse in Kenya. It presents the PATH image-schema and the subsidiary image schemas it activates in metaphors of politics in Kenya. The study’s aim i...

The Effect of Revitalization of Indigenous Language on Preservation of African Culture: A Case of Terik Language in Terik Ward, Nandi South Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The purpose of this sociolinguistic study was to investigate the effect of revitalization of indigenous language on preservation of African culture, a case of Terik language in Terik ward, Nandi south sub county, Terik Language is an indigenous language in Kenya that is spoken by Terik people of Nandi South, Terik language is seriously endangered and it’s at a risk of extinction thus endangering Terik culture. The study aimed to determine the evidence and nature of Ter...

An exploration of extra linguistic factors of English – Kiswahili code switching in FM Industry in Kenya.

Abstract/Overview The paper examines English and Kiswahili Code-switching (CS) in Kiss Fm and Easy Fm radio stations in Kenya.CS is a recently formed practice in Fm stations in Kenya. Liberalization of the air waves led to a shift in the language of broadcasting among the Fm anchors unlike the previous years when broadcasters used English exclusively .The new stations started switching language during their shows. Since then, several Fm stations have adopted CS during their programmes to ...

Implications of non-assessment of the speaking and listening skills in the Botswana general certificate of secondary education (BGCSE) English language examinations

Abstract: Teaching English language revolves around the four language skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading. Although the Botswana General Certificate School Examination (BGCSE) syllabus covers the above four skills, the nature of the final examinations assesses reading and writing skills only. The study seeks to find out the reasons why only two skills are assessed and to analyse the implications of non-assessment of the speaking and reading skills on the students’ academic p...

Grammatical Accuracies and Inaccuracies in Modern English

This document explores in detail the five most common grammatical errors native to the English language. Additionally, a linguistic study is conducted regarding the effectiveness of Sophie Alexander Frazer's "Why Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights is a Cult Classic," an article that is adept in its syntactic expressions. 

The Nigerian Pidgin: A Tool for Societal Peace

Abstract  Language is an essential tool that fosters peaceful coexistence in any society. The Nigerian Pidgin is one of the unifying tools and a panacea for societal peace in a nation like Nigeria, with diverse languages, ethnic groups and cultures. This multilingual nature of the Nigerian society is a barrier to its societal peace, effective communication, and the implementation of the national language policy. In order to resolve the language problem and ensure societal peace, t...

A Comparative Study Of Morphologically Constructed Agent Nouns In French And Yoruba

Summary: It is widely believed that a very large number of word forms in many languages are traceable to the outputs of morphological processes which broadly include affixation, compounding and reduplication. In this paper, we carry out a comparative analysis of agent noun formation rules in French and in Yoruba using Lexeme-Base Morphology model. Our findings show that while French employs suffixation and compounding, Yoruba makes use of prefixation and reduplication. The study also reveals ...

On the origin and spread of languages: Propositioning Twenty-first century axioms on the evolution and spread of languages with concomitant views on language dynamics

This paper purports to be a starting point to revisit existing approaches dealing with the origin and spread of languages in the light of the changed circumstances of the Twenty-first century without in any way undermining their applicability across space and time. The origin of spoken languages is intricately and inseparably interwoven and intertwined with the origin of human species as well, and in this paper, we propose a ‘Wholly-independent Multi-Regional hypothesis of the origin of Hom...

Towards a comprehensive compendium of factors impacting language dynamics in post-globalized scenarios: Presenting principles, paradigms and frameworks for use in the emerging science of l

The objective of this paper is to present comprehensive principles of language spread that are applicable in post-globalized scenarios, by expanding upon and consolidating our already-published works in which had we studied different aspects of diachronic and synchronic linguistics and language dynamics including language dynamics in India. Admittedly, these principles and theories cannot be comprehensive, inclusive or wide-ranging enough to account for all dimensions of language spread in al...

The reconfirmation and reinforcement of the Indus script thesis: A logical assessment and inquiry as to the elusive and enigmatic nature of this script

The earliest known example of an Indus seal dates to 1873 in the form of a drawing published by Alexander Cunningham. Since then, thousands of examples of the Indus script have been discovered, and the Indus script has been subject to very serious analysis by many scholars from all over the world and still continues to fascinate, enchant and frustrate innumerable researchers who have made many a vain attempt to understand its true nature and meaning. The nature of the Indus script remains elu...

Why the Indus Script WAS true writing and why a larger corpus of texts existed in the Indus Valley civilization: Simple proof addressed to mainstream researchers & archaeologists

This paper is meant to read together with the paper ‘The reconfirmation and reinforcement of the Indus script thesis: a logical assessment and inquiry as to the elusive and enigmatic nature of this script‘, which was published in the ICFAI Journal of History and Culture in January 2011. In the aforementioned paper, we had clearly shown that the Indus script used in the Indus Valley civilization which flourished from 2600 BC to 1900 BC, was a logo-syllabic script. In this paper, we show th...

Observations on language spread in multi-lingual societies: Lessons learnt from a study of Ancient and Modern India

The objective of this paper is to formalize and document observations on language spread in multilingual or polyglot societies as understood from a study of spoken and written language in various phases in Indian history starting from the Indus Valley Civilization of Ancient India, the mature phase of which began in 2600 BC, to modern Post-independent India, and formalize them into principles wherever possible,so that these can be used as a basis to make further observations and draw further ...

The Negative Evaluation Of Women In Russia And Yoruba Proverbs And Sayings

Abstract Proverbs and sayings are an integral part of the spiritual treasures of the culture and language of a people. Proverbs and sayings are very important aspects of language use as a result of their metaphorical essence and widely acceptable truths; they depict the worldview and cultural beliefs of the people in any society. This article examines the image of women in Russian and Yoruba proverbs and sayings, with a focus on the negative evaluation of women. The paper employs the descrip...

Comparative Study Of The Use Of Information Communication Technologies In French Education In Selected Anglophone And Francophone Universities In West Africa

Le Préambule Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) sont un agent de changement dans l’économie de l’information en émergence. Elles ont révolutionné la société quoique de façon moins prononcée dans les pays en voie de développement où l’écart entre les TIC et le développement est très important. Les TIC ont imprégné tous les aspects de la vie et ont mis l’homme au-delà de ses capacités. Chaque aspect de l’activité humaine a fait d’én...

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