Management and Administration Research Papers/Topics

Financial Auditng and Efficiency of Local Government Administration at District in Gabiley, Somaliland

ABSTRACT The study analyzed “Financial Audit and Local Government Administration in District Gabiley Somaliland”. The research study was guided with the following predetermined objectives: To explore the extent of financial auditors targeting the local government administration to examine the extent of local government administrations in the development of Gabiley Somaliland to find out if there is a significance relationship between extent of financial auditing and local government admin...

School Environment and Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Public Primary Shools in Butula Division, Butula District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study explored the school environment and academic performance of pupils In Selected Public Primary Schools in Butula Division, Butula district, Kenya. The central research questions were “i) what is the profile of the pupils as to; age, gender, rank in the family and level of learning? ii) What is the level of school environment of the pupils? iii) What is the level of academic performance of the pupils? iv) Is there a significant relationship between the level of school envi...

Universal Secondary Education Policy Implementation and Science Teachers’ Turnover in Participating Schools In Kampala Capital City, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study is about science teacher turnover in Universal Secondary Education (USE) schools in Kampala Capital City Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives; to establish the level of USE policy implementation in the participating schools in Kampala Capital City, Uganda; to determine the level of science teachers’ turnover in USE schools and to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the level of USE Government policy implementation and level of scien...

Unenabling Environment and University Education ( learning & teaching) In Selected Universities in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT This study investigates the challenges un-enabling environments that face the Higher education institutions in Mogadishu. Somalia since the collapse of the central authority in 1991. Since all educational systems and infrastructure have been destroyed by the civil war, the study -seeks to explore the negative consequences of unenabling environment on university education, to explore how unenabling environment affects students, Lecturers. A descriptive cross sectional survey design gu...

Effects Of Agricultural Green Revolution on Farmers of Ngoma District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT In general, green revolution of agriculture began in 1943 in the crop land of Mexico to aid in the nationals’ industrial development and economic growth. In 1984 agriculture green revolution have been advanced in African countries and the progress has been slow. Through the application of agriculture green revolution, in 2009, Rwanda, for the first time, saw the production of crops exceed the consumption needs. Although there is a high production of crops in Rwanda today, particula...

An Investigation into Social Responsibility of Schools and Socio-economic Problems in Kyampisi Sub- County A Case Study Of Bishop Cyprian Idgh School

ABSTRACT This Research paper provides an over view on Social Responsibility of Bishop Cyprian High School located in Kyampisi sub county, Mukono District, in relation to socio-economic problems. It identifies potential explanations for Social Responsibility, evaluation of various forms of Social Responsibility, obstacles to school Social Responsibility, challenges of low social responsibility and proposed improvement program. Specifically, it is made up of five chapters. Chapter one is introd...

Parenting Styles and Students’ Discipline in Selected Secondary Schools Kamariny Division Keiyo North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sort to investigate the relationship between Parenting Styles And Students’ Discipline In Selected Secondary Schools Kamariny Division Keiyo North District, Kenya~ Correlational research design was used to predict the relationship between parenting and students discipline. Both qualitative and quantitative research design was used. Qualitative research technique was used to obtain descriptive evidence and to explain some certain qualitative phenomenon; quantitative techni...

Community Participation in the Management of Primary Schools in Fika Local Government Area, Yobe State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was examined the impact of community participation in management of primary schools in Fika Local government of Yobe state Nigeria. The objectives were to examine the level of community participation in education, to establish the level of management of primary school in Fika Local government of Yobe state Nigeria and the third objective is to determine the relationship between community participation and management of primary education. The study was conduc...

Teachers Training and Handling of the Special Needs Children in Selected Public Schools in Suba-east Division, Migori District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study correlates the teachers training and handling of special needs children in Suba central division, Migori District, Kenya, it sought to answer purposes and objectives (i) what is the profile of the respondents (2) what is the level of teacher training (3) what is the level of handling special needs learners (4) is there a significant relationship between the level of teacher training and level of handling special needs children. Using descriptive correlational survey design ...

Supervision and Utilization of School Resources in Bungoma County in Kenya

ABSTRACT This study intended to determine the role of supervision and how its level affects the level of utilizing school resources in Bungoma County. The research answered the following questions; What is the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, length of service and education level, What is the level of supervision in schools of Bungoma County, What is the level of utilization of school resources in Bungoma County, Is there a significant difference in utilization of school resour...

Poverty and Academic Performance of Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Imenti North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine extent of poverty on academic performance of high school students in Imenti North District. This study used descriptive research to establish a causal relationship between the two variables by means of descriptive analysis. A total of 200 Students and 10 headteachers was used. The findings revealed that there is a positive relationship between parents income and academic performance of students (r = 0.155 sig. = 0.000

Quality and Productivity of Teachers in Selected Public Primary Schools in Apac District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between teacher quality and Teacher performance in the selected Primary schools of Apach District Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives; i) finding out the profile of the respondents, ii) level of teacher quality, iii) level of teacher productivity and finding out the relationship between level of teacher quality and level of teacher productivity. Descriptive correlational survey research design was employ...

School Feeding Programmed and Retention of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Lakes State of South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study was set to find out the relationship between School feeding programs and retention in Schools of Lakes State of Southern Sudan. It was guided by four specific objectives, that included determining the i) profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, education level and years of service ; ii) determining the level of School feeding programs; iii) the level of retention; iv) significant relationship between School feeding programs and retention in Schools of Lakes State of...

Resource Allocation and Students’ Performance in Chemistry in K.C.S.E in Selected Public Secondary Schools In Tharaka South District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at finding out the relationship between the current educational resources allocation to chemistry departments and the effect it has on students’ performance in chemistry in national examinations. The study was guided by two objectives; to find out students’ performance in chemistry in K C S E from 2006 to 2009 and to find out whether resources allocated to chemistry departments contribute to students’ performance in Chemistry in KCSE~ This study adopted descrip...

Challenges Facing Teaching -Learning Facilities in Selected Kenyan Public Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the Challenges as to Sources of Funds for Instructional and Infrastructural facilities in selected Kenyan Public Secondary Schools. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Findings were analyzed using tables and other descriptive statistics. The study established that there were a number of challenges facing sources of funds for Instructional and infrastructural facilities in secondary schools, among them being uncooperative sponsors, politica...

61 - 75 Of 128 Results