Mass Communication Research Papers/Topics

Assessing Social Media Perception by Nigerian Graduates: A Study of Godfrey Okoye University

Abstract The study seeks to assess the social media perception and usage among students of Nigerian universities. Three research questions guided the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study is 1816. The sample size of the study was drawn using Wimmer and Dominic to get 451. 451 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 317 copies of the questionnaire were returned. Data was gotten from both the primary source and secondary source. The p...

The Impact Of Media On The Evolution, And Development Of Culture. Case Study: The Kikuyu Culture Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Degradation of local indigenous culture is a problem that is prevailing everywhere on the African continent, and other developing countries. There has been great loss of local indigenous culture in the developing countries and absorbing of the western culture. Media in itself is a ve1y powerful force in this 21 st centmy. Technological advancement of the media has made the world a global village, making interaction of people and culture much easier and faster. The western countries b...

The Role Of Media In Promoting Child Health

Table of Contents Table of Contents ......... ............................... ..... ..................... ... .......................... .i Declaration .............................. ..................................................................... .ii Acknowledgement .................................................................................. .iii Dedication ................................................................................................... .iv Chapter One: 1.1 Back...

Role Of The Media In Dealing With The Problem of Street Children Case Study: Dar-Er-Salam Kinondoni District (Tanzania)

ABSTRACT The paper examines the role of the media in dealing with the problem facing street children. Taking Kinondoni district in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania, as a case study. I contend that not enough has been done to address the problem of street children; the problem of street children is a nuisance and burden to many developing societies. Street children come as a result of poverty, broken marriages and homes, unwanted pregnancies, abandoning of babies at birth, prostitution and disabili...

The Influence Of Television And Drug Consumption On Secondary School Students: A Case Study Of Kiambu, Central Province Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of television and drug consumption on secondary school students in Kiambu, central province. The main objectives were to examine the influence of television and drug consumption; to determine the challenges of television influence on drug consumption; to investigate the effects of drug consumption on the academic performance of students; and to suggest possible solutions that the television media can help improve the drug consumption. The re...

Effects Of Television Violence On Children In Mwanza Urban Area

Mwanza is one of Tanzania's fastest growing urban areas, with various industries being put up in the city. Mwanza city comprising of Nyamagana and Ilemela districts, is not only the major industrial and commercial center of Mwanza region but also the largest industrial and commercial center in northwest Tanzania. It is the second largest city in Tanzania after Dar es Salaam. It covers a total of B3 7 km2 out of which 900km2 is covered with water and the remaining area is 437km2 is land. (Mwan...

Social Media And Its Contribution To Education Among The Youths: A Case Study Of Kampala International University

Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks (Ahlqvist 2003). Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as ‘a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan 2010). Furthermore, social media depends on mobile and webbased techno...

The Influence Of Print Media Campaigns On The Fight Against The Defilement Of The Girl Child A Case Study Of The Daily Monitor

ABSTRACT In Uganda the child is held in high esteem as a source of pride and prestige, wealth from the girl child's dowry, security from old age and domestic labor. At the same time, children are seen as property of the family and clearly subordinated to their families and clans/ child upbringing emphasizes parental power, obedience and long hours of work. There is discrimination against children based on gender and birth older, and many parents, teachers and others in charge of children are...

The Influence Of The Medi On The People’s Public Perception Of Homosexuality And Law,A Case Study Of Ntv

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate how the media influences the peoples’ perception of homosexuality and the law. The study was guided by four specific objectives and these included; To find out how the media xepresents cases concerning combating homosexuality in Uganda, the role of the media in influencing the institutional framework towards combating homosexuality in Uganda, the role of the media in influencing policy formulations in the fight against homosexuality ...

The Media And Promotion Of Job Markets In Uganda A Case Study Of Observer And New Vision Newspapers

ABSTRACT The purpose of study was to assess how the relationship between media and promotions of job markets in Uganda, the objectives of the study were to examine the role of media in the promotion of job markets in Uganda, to establish the factors that affects the media in promotion of job markets in Uganda, to ascertain the relationship between the role of media and promotion ofjob markets Uganda. The findings of the study in objective one, that 35% of the respondents said they were satisf...

The Role Of The Media In Development Of Culture Case Study Of Ntenjeru County In Kayunga District

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the media in cultural deYelopment in Kayunga District, Ntenjeru County. Data was collected critically by seeking views from the population by use of an inter-dew guide. v The study was guided by three objectives which focused on county and district changes. Data was later collected in view of the objectives and analysis tables were used from which conclusions were drawn. 

Role Of Community Radio In Promoring Economic Development For The Youth

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction ..... .............. , .......................... .......... .. .... 1 1.1 Background of the Case Study ....................................... . 3 1.2 Statement of the problem .................. ..... ...................... .4 1.3 Purpose of the study . ................................................... 5 1.4 Research Questions ...............................................

Role Of Television In Achieving Education Goal In Kawempe Division A Case Study Of Ubc Television

ABSTRACT This study was on impact of television on education case study of Ubc Tv in Kampala . The overall aim was to examine effect of television on education, identify the challenges faced by television s as a source of education information and establish solution to challenges which affects televisions and the overarching research question was what is the role of television on education? what is the effect of television on education? What are the challenges faced by televisions as a so...

The Role Of Media In Alleviation Of Rural Poverty A Case Study Of Ntenjeru County Ka Yun Ga District

TABLE OF CONTENTS Supervised and approved ................................................................................ i Declaration ..................................................................................................... ii Dedication ...................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgen1ent. ....................................................................................... iv Preface .......................

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