Mass Communication Research Papers/Topics


Crime as a social phenomenon is a fundamental aspect of all human life. Nigeria has thus been referred to as one of the most crime-prone nations of the world because of its low social security level and social activities which are criminal. Crime can be seen as an “Internal violation of the criminal law and committed without defense or excuse and penalty by state felony or misdemeanor through judicial proceeding” (Toppan, 2004). This study examined A Content Analysis of Four Nigeria Newsp...

Effect of Television Advertising on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour in Oshodi Isolo Local Government Area, Lagos State

ABSTRACT The effect of Television advertising on consumer purchasing behaviour was carried out in oshodi-isolo using Concept of advertisement, Television advertising, Consumer buying behaviour, Effect of advertising on Consumers’ behaviour, Empirical studies. Advertising through all media influences audiences, but television is one of the strongest mediums of advertising and due to its mass reach and visual components; it cannot only influence individuals’ attitude, behaviour, lifestyle, ...

Role of Nollywood in Promoting Political Apathy Amongst Nigerian Youths: Narrative Study of the Film ‘King Of Boys’

 ABSTRACT As reality is said to be reflected in film, this study was conducted to comprehend the variances to the subject of political apathy amongst Nigerian youths as depicted in the movie, King of Boys. The theories social realism (film) theory and agenda-setting theory were adopted to identify ongoing issues that have an impact on people’s daily lives and how the media has an impact on a given subject matter placed on a public agenda. The study adopted quantitative research design with...

The Effect of Advertising on Sale Volume (A Case Study of Unilever Nigeria Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENT            Pages  Title Page ​i Certification ​ii Dedication ​iii Acknowledgment​iv Abstract ​v Table of Content ​vi   CHAPTER ONE  1.0​ Introduction ​1 1.1​ History of Advertising ​2 1.2​ Historical Background of Unilever Nigeria Plc ​4 1.3​ Statement of Problems ​6 1.3​ Purpose of the Study ​3 1.4 ​Objectives of the Study ​7 ​ 1.5​ Research questions ​7 1.6​ Research Hypothesis ​7 1.7​ Research ...

Audience Perception of Development Oriented Program of NTA Lagos

The history of broadcasting in Nigeria can be traced back to 1932 when Lagos started to relay the British empire service from Daventry, England. The establishment of Western Nigeria Television on October 31, 1959 by Obafemi Awolowo, in his capacity as the premier of Western Nigeria. The history of television broadcasting in Nigeria has shown that it has always been a government affair. The deregulation of the industry on January 7, 1992 by former military head of state...

Nigeria Newspaper Reportage of Climate Change of Its Influence on Public Knowledge of Climate Change

ABSTRACT This study assessed Nigerian newspaper reportage of climate change and its influence on public knowledge of climate change. This work was done in view of the many interests that have long tried to influence media reportage of climate change to affect public's 13 understanding and perception. The research work therefore sought to ascertain the extent and quality of reportage of climate change as well as the specific ways in which Nigerian newspaper reportage of climate change had infl...

The Effect of Media Laws on Nigeria Print Media

ABSTRACT Media laws are not new to the Nigerian press. What is new is the ways in which various governments and individuals try to hide under some of these laws to cripple the job of the Nigerian journalists. This is the main thrust behind this research which is centered on finding the effects of press laws on journalistic practice in Nigeria with a view to unraveling those laws that tends to reduce the power of journalists with a study on three newspapers in PortHarcourt in the South-South R...

The Impact of Political Advertising Candidates in Uganda: A Case Study of Rwenzori Sub-Region, For 2016 General Elections

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impact of political advertising on candidates in Rwenzori sub region. The problem was low levels of support from voters to the candidates. The objectives of the study were: to establish the extent of women participation in politics in Uganda; to find out the challenges faced by women as they participate in politics and to explore the ways of how to improve women participation in politics. The research employed both qualitative and quantitative research ...

The "Daily News" Newspaper as the Mouth Piece of Tanzanian Government Case Study: Kinondoni District, Dar-Es-Salaam City.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find solutions to the problems of biased, unjust and unobjective reporting with special regard to the "Daily News" newspaper as the mouthpiece of the Tanzanian government. The study was centered at Kinondoni municipality in Dar es Salaam region data was collected critically by seeking views from people in the above stated area by the use of interviews and questionnaires. The study was guided by objectives of the study; which focused on editors, journal...

The Role of Radio in Improving Health Care. Case Study of Busiro F.M (91.6)

ABSTRACT There has been rapid increase in the need for healthcare in Wakiso district. This is because of the rapid increase in the business sector in the district. This has made many working class citizens to busy to attend to their healthcare adequately. The study comprises of five chapters in which I attempt to determine the extent to which Busiro F.M has intervened to supplement the traditional face to face consultation between the doctors and patients. This is because the current situatio...

Television and Promotion of Girl Child Education in Uganda: A Case Study of Nbs Television, Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT The study is sought to investigate Television and Promotion of Girl Child Education in Uganda: A Case Study of NBS Television, Kampala Uganda, the aim of this research study therefore was followed by the following objectives: (i) to assess the contribution of television towards girl child education in Uganda: a case study of NBS Television, (ii) To establish the challenges hindering girl child in acquiring education in Uganda: NBS Television, (iii) to suggest the strategies that have...

Performance Evaluation of WiMAX Femtocell

Abstract Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WIMAX) , is considered today the most interesting opportunity able to provide coverage distance of almost 50 Km and data throughput to 70 MbPs and to complete wired network architecture enquiry a flexible and cheap solution for the last mile. WiMAX is suffers from poor indoor coverage and the high cost of deploying base station. We can solve this problems by using Femtocell , it is very small cell or home access point ( Femto 10ିଵ�...

The Role of the Media in Enhancing Christian Religion in Kampala; A Case Study of Watoto Church

ABSTRACT Media and Christianity like many organizations has experienced a rapid growth in spread of the gospel in masses and this has called upon for the reshaping of the structure of the church and application of the modern equipments to help enhance the objective of the Church according to St. Mathew 28:18-19 which says: “... Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ... in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have co...

The Contribution of the Media in the Development of Tourism Industry in Uganda Case Study· Source of the Nile

ABSTRACT The Research was conducted under the title (The Contribution of the Media towards the Development of Tourism Industry in Uganda). Case Study Source of the Nile Jinja. The aim of the study was to investigate the role played by the Media towards the development of Tourism Industry ofUganda. The research questions that thought to answer the problem were 1. Does Mass Media contribute to the development of Tourism Industry in Uganda? 2. Will Uganda continue to compete with other countries...

Political Stature and Media Content in Uganda, A Case Study of Uganda Broadcasting Cooperation.

ABSTRACT This research was carried following certain objectives that included; to examine the influence of politics on the content of broadcast media in the country to analyze the state of media freedom in Uganda, to identify the factors that affect broadcast media in Kampala and to examine the relationship between politics and broadcast media content broadcast by media houses in Uganda. Literature was reviewed from the work of different scholars and media institutions data but in line with t...

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