Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

The Effects of Government Policies on the Escalation of Terrorism: The Case of Somalia

Abstract: The rise of terrorist organizations has become a threat to African countries, for most nations have fallen due to terrorism. This situation has become worse in Somalia where terror organizations have taken over the nation due to its government policies and local conflicts. Terror organizations target such nations, for they do not possess the measures to combat organized crime or terrorism. This thesis sought to study how terror organizations manipulate local African conflicts and t...

Fragility and Regional Conflict Resolution in West Africa: An Analysis of Ecomog’s Motivation to Intervene in Liberia & Sierra Leone

Abstract: The math objective of this thesis was to examine the drivers of fragility within the West African conflict zone and the motivation of ECOMOG to intervene in both Liberia and Sierra Leone to resolve internal conflicts using regional peacekeeping arrangements. This study was guided by the following study objectives: To determine the drivers of fragility in West African conflict zone, to analyze the motivation of ECOMOG's intervention in Liberia and Sierra Leone conflict and to evalua...

The Implications of Land Resource Conflict on Communal Peace in Nandi and Narok Counties in Kenya from 1980-2019

Abstract: The study explored the implication of land resource conflict on communal peace in Nandi and Narok counties. Land resource conflict are not new in Kenya and have drastic impact on communal peace. The study's objective was to examine the implications of land resource conflict on communal peace, socio-economic and political factors attributed to the conflict and legal challenges therein. The legal and institutional challenges for land resource conflict. The study used two theories to ...

Assessing the Impact of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in the Burundi Conflict

Abstract: The period following the Second World War was marked by a surge of intra-state conflicts on the African continent, and studies show that there have been more than thirty wars recorded in Africa since 1970 (Nhema, 2008). Burundi, a landlocked country located in East-Central Africa was of no exception. Since its independence in 1962, Burundi has been plagued by series of inter-ethnic conflicts caused by political instability and ethnic violence. The population of Burundi is made of t...

Determinants of Resource Based Conflicts in Kenya: A Case of Turkana and Pokot Conflict 1964-2019

Abstract: Ethnic conflicts over natural resources have been evident in Africa since time immemorial and this has affected the livelihood of many communities. The North Rift of Kenya is no exception to this, as communities face harsh climatic conditions leading to scarcity of resources that capacitates conflicts. This research looked at the determinants of resource based conflicts between the Pokot and Turkana communities who practice pastoralism as their main livelihood. The determinants wer...

Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration in Practice: An Investigation of Its Process on Ex-Combatants in the Post-2005 South Sudan

Abstract: Many studies have been carried out on post-conflict disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) in many countries including the Republic of South Sudan. However, to this date, there is no comprehensive literature or empirical data on the process of DDR on the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 up to date, there has not been sustainable peace in the world’s nascent state. This vexes the mind as if the world neg...

Peace Initiatives in Conflict Management: The Case of Eastern Democratic Republic Of Congo, 1996-2016

Abstract: The Democratic Republic of Congo has been an epicenter of conflict since the colonial period. Despite numerous international community initiatives to resolve violent conflicts, DRC continues to experience protracted conflicts, especially in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of international initiatives in conflict management in DRC. The findings from this research will be useful in development of recommendations which wil...

Terrorism and Kenya’s Foreign Policy: A Contextual Analysis

Abstract: Terrorism has increasingly become a global problem that affects all states in the international system in which Kenya is not an exception. Being a global problem, states have been thrown into disarray on how to address it yet one such way is exploiting tools of a state’s foreign policy to achieve global cooperation in the fight against Terrorism. This study therefore sought to provide a contextual analysis of terrorism and its dimensions, perspectives, factors that influence it a...

The Role of Education in the Continuation of Civil Wars in Eastern and Southern Africa

Abstract: Africa has had the largest number of civil war occurrences since independence (Aiyede, 2010). In addition, the conflict situation has not changed significantly over the past few decades (Aiyede, 2010). This research examined the reason why armed conflicts have continued to occur in Africa by investing civil wars from a new perspective: education. The aim of this study is not to depoliticize conflict, but to investigate the primary determinant for civil wars. Therefore, the impact d...

War, Conflict, and Its Impact in the Greater Horn of Africa: A Case Study of South Sudan

Abstract: Less than two years after independence, December 2013, violent conflict broke out in South Sudan that affected civilians who encountered sexual violence, destruction of property, death and displacement creating social and economic challenges in the country. This is devastating for a nation that is less than two years old and fought vehemently to become independent from the south and was expected was growth and development and not internal war and conflict. Most importantly, it woul...

The Role Of Music In Peacebuilding And Reconciliation: A Case of Kenya’s 2007/2008 Post Election Violence

Abstract: The use of music in reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts has long been assumed with many times its importance and potential being unrecognized. This academic study sought to cover Kenya by assessing the various programmes and activities of actors involved in music ,within and outside Nairobi, who have used music as a tool and channel of communicating peace and dialogue particularly after the 2007/2008 elections violence that rocked the country. It therefore assessed the goals t...

Exploring The Role of Spiritual Beliefs and Rituals in Recruitment, Retention, And Peacebuilding: The Case of the Lord’s Resistance Army

Abstract: This exploratory study examines whether spiritual belief and rituals play a significant role in the recruitment and retention of rebel group members and attempts to find patterns that have an effect on long-term peacebuilding. A brief review indicates that while beliefs and rituals have been highlighted by some scholars within civil war literature as playing a part, there remains a lacuna in the study of the phenomenon. The study finds that for the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), t...

Conflict And Environmental Security Among The Pastoral Communities In Northern Kenya: The Case Study Of Turkana

Abstract: This study explores the link between conflict and environmental security among pastoral communities in Kenya and in particular, the Turkana community. It further investigates the theoretical linkages between conflict and environmental safety. Besides, it interrogates the nature of the relationships among these variables and the effect on pastoralists’ livelihoods. It also establishes the significance of and institutional and normative frameworks on the prevention, management and ...

The Impact Of Disarmament Of Pastoral Communities On Their Security: The Case Of Karamoja Region Of Uganda

Abstract: This thesis explores the problem of recurrent armed violence among the pastoral communities in Karamoja and the neighboring communities. It shall investigate why after many attempts at eradicating insecurity in the Karamoja region, there remains persistent armed violence. The study argues that while Karamoja is no stranger to armed violence and insecurity, the conflict has brought in new players and new dynamics. The Karamojong have survived through a mix of natural disasters and h...

Intercultural Communication in Conflict Management: A Case Study of the Karamoja Cluster

Abstract: Communities in the Karamoja cluster have been embroiled in conflict for many years, occasioned by competition for resources especially grazing land and water. The general objective of the study was to establish the role of intercultural communication in conflict management with special focus on Karamoja cluster. The study specifically aimed to: determine the role of culture in fueling conflict among the Karamoja cluster communities; ascertain the impact of cultural diversity on pea...

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