Religious Studies Research Papers/Topics


Abstract A comprehensive goal of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 was to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all ages. The divide between the haves and the have-nots is, however, rapidly expanding as the global society changes, notably in terms of access to healthcare services. In addition, the Catholic Church as a social institution has a social and moral obligation to participate in the provision of healthcare. The main problem of this study therefore, w...


Abstract Adult criminal behavior is one of the vices that affect society. Various initiatives have been proposed to address it. However, most of the initiatives are not clear in their consideration of religion in general, and Christianity in particular with reference to their role in addressing this vice. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the role of Christianity in the transformation of adult criminal behaviour in Kakamega Main and Women prisons. To do this, the study sought to fin...

Religion in the Twenty-first century and beyond: A Social sciences perspective

The term "Religion" refers to a wide range of social-cultural systems, which include beliefs, morals, ethics, religious practices, thought worlds, worldviews, holy texts and scriptures, sanctified holy places, and institutions that typically relate to the general belief in a God or a supernatural entity. Religion has been known in a wide variety of geographical contexts and situations, and attested since very early times; as a matter of fact, even before the dawn of human civilization. As a m...

Religion and Covid-19 in Nigeria: A Real Journey into New Religious Experience and Expression

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a recently discovered pneumonia infection discovered in Wuhan, China, lately in December, 2019. The infection spread quickly to other parts of the world in such a way that no country seems to be left out. Consequence to these, the World Health Organization (WHO) declares it a pandemic infection that calls for International concern. Government at various levy find means of controlling its spread though no certified medicine and vaccine for now but a highl...

My Pastor, My Compass to Hell

My Pastor,  my Compass to Hell. An article that boarders on personal experience with religious leaders

The Role of NGOs in Hiv Aids Prevention and Care among the Residents of Makindye Division, Kampala District. A Case Study of Action Aid International, Uganda.

ABSTRACT  This research set out to investigate the extent to which NGOs have played their role in HIV/ AIDS prevention and care among the residents of Makindye, Division Kampala District. The NGO that was used as a case study is Action Aid International, Uganda. The study had a number of objectives as follows; to assess community's attitude towards the methods of HIV/AIDS prevention and care among residents of Makindye Division, to assess the response of the residents of Makindye Division to...

A Study of the Contribution of Uganda Joint Christian Council towards Peace Building in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This research set out to investigate the contribution of Uganda Joint Christian Council towards Peace building in Uganda. The study had a number of objectives; to assess the contribution of Uganda Joint Christian Churches towards Peace building in Uganda, to enhance Peace and consensus building, to find out long lasting solutions to conflict management ad peace building, to promote peace, justice, reconciliation and co-existence. The research was carried out due to the continued pr...

Evaluation of Modern Evangelization Strategies in Christianity: 1990-2010

ABSTRACT Evangelization was the mark of bedrock for Christianity; as Jesus gave it as the great commission to his apostles. It has thrived to the modern era trying to survive the complexity of societal values. Hence various evangelization strategies to suit the demand of the modern era are in vogue. This research work presents how evangelization originated and came to be part of religious practices among the Igbo through the propagated effort of European missionaries who established Christian...

Ecumenism in Nigeria: The Roman Catholic Contribution

ABSTRACT Ecumenism is currently a topical issue in Christendom, and is aimed at promoting unity among different Christian denominations. In Nigeria, it began initially among the Protestant missionaries while the Roman Catholics were indifferent. But with the impetus drawn from the Vatican II Council, she later joined the ecumenical movement. This research work is geared towards probing into the contribution of the Roman Catholic Church towards the ecumenical work in Nigeria. It also seeks to ...

The Apostolic Church and the Management of the Niger Delta Crisis: In Gokhana- Land 1931-2010.

ABSTRACT The main aim and concern of the thesis were to evaluate the role and contributions of the Apostolic Church Gokhana in the management of the Gokhana crisis, and the Niger Delta conflict. The study employed the descriptive and historical methods of research in which issued were raised, described and critically evaluated in the context of the study. In the process of data collection the primary and secondary sources were used. The data collected through the primary and secondary sources...

The Contributions of Sacred Specialists to Igbo Traditional Religion

ABSTRACT The Igbo is an ethnic group found in South-Eastern Nigeria. They are intensely religious. Their primal religion is the Igbo traditional Religion. It is an indigenous religion practised by the forebears and is handed down from one generation to another. It has a clear-cut belief in Supreme Being and other minor deities as intermediaries. It also acknowledges special categories of people who are known as sacred specialists. The sacred specialists are experts who through revelations tra...

The Implications of Rapid Development on Igbo Sense of Communalism

ABSTRACT Communalism is the practice of people living together sharing things and responsibilities in common. It entrenched the norm of mutual assistance among the members of the society and brought about cordial harmonious living devoid of self. This leads to bearing one another’s burden in every aspects of life. In Igbo society, it was a cherished heritage. But with the advent of Euro-Christian development in Igbo land, communalism was very much influenced. This research work is poised to...

Baiyeri, Hezekiah Banji Belief in Reincarnation Among the Igbo of Nigeria: A Challenge to Christianity

ABSTRACT Every religious belief – ancient and modern is rooted in traditions of the religious system. Its dynamism is assessed through the process of continuity and discontinuity. The most interesting part of this work is based on the fact that each religious groups in the society, has its fundamental religious tenets. In this case, this work is poised to analyze the issue of belief in reincarnation among the Igbo of Nigeria and its challenges to Christianity. As a result, the uncompromisin...

The Eucharist in Pauline Thought: Beyond Anamnesis to Koinonia

ABSTRACT One of Jesus’ earnest desires for His followers as reflected in His intercessory prayer in John 17 is the unity of Christians. He prayed: “Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one” (v 11, NRSV). Further in verses 20-21 He said: “I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one” (NRSV). Also, the preaching and practices of the early C...

Youths and Drug Abuse in Nigeria: Challenge for the Nigerian Churches

ABSTRACT Drug abuse among youths in Nigeria has been a problem to the youths and the society in General. The consequences of drug abuse are not only on the individual user but also on his or her offspring, family and the society. This work is expected to create awareness, expose and provide useful information to people especially to the Nigerian youths on the effects of drug abuse and the challenges for the Nigerian churches towards drug abuse in Nigeria. Chapter one is an introductory chapte...

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