Art Education Research Papers/Topics

Punishment and Its Consequences On the Behavior of Secondary School Students: A Case Study of Ny Arukoma Secondary School Kyenjojo District Western Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research addresser the extent to which punishment has been used in instilling discipline among students in Nyarukoma Secondary School in Kyenjoj District, the attitude of the students towards punishment and the consequences of punislunent on the behavior of secondary school students. Research question one deals with the extent to which punishment has been used. Research questions two focuses on the attitude of the students towards punislunent and it was found out that to a grea...

The Impact of Discipline of Students On Their Accadep4ic Performance in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Bulambijli District Case Study Bulago and Bugiyanya Comprehespie

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of discipline of students on their academic performance in public secondary schools. The study was conducted under three research objectives. These were; to establish how the management of school rules influences students” academic performance, to establish how time management influences students” academic performance, to establish how the administration of punishments influences students” academic performance. The study em...

Challenges Facing Teachers and Students in The Use of Instructional Technology: (A Case of Selected Secondary Schools in Kagoma County, Jinja District Uganda)

ABSTRACT This study was concerned with the challenges facing secondary schools teachers and students in the use of instructional technologies. The rationale was based on the view that properly designed, learning materials inspired by instructional technology and delivered by technology add value to a teaching environment on which contact hours are limited. This is because the curriculum needs academic standards and the development of digital age skills for the 21st century learners. The lite...

The Influence of Parenting Styles On Socialisation of Children in Early Childhood Development: A Casestudy of Nabilatuk Sub-County, Plan County, Nakapiripirit District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of parenting styles on socialization of children in early childhood education in Nabilatuk Sub-county, Pian County, Nakapiripirit district. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; to identify the parenting styles, to establish the theories and types of socialization and to establish the effects of parenting styles on socialization. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where stratified sampling was used to select pop...

Factors Causing Girls in Primary School to Drop Out: A Case Study of Makindye Military Police Primary School

ABSTRACT This paper aims at identifying the factors causing girls in primary school to drop out: a case study of Makindye Military Police Primary School. 0 Direct observation interviews and visiting of different schools were used in data collection-and here several people were asked or interviewed for information. It was discovered that in spite of the contributions of the government in its program of Universal Primary Education, the drop out rate of pupils from school is still on a high rat...

Effectiveness of Copyright Law in Uganda: Case Study of Uganda Performing Rights Society.

ABSTRACT This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of copyright law in the music industry in Uganda. The Study applied the purposive sampling technique in singling out in order to have a more efficient sample and reduce random sampling error. Data collection was done by using structured and unstructured questionnaires. The research further showed that there is a correlation between effective copyright protection and the growth and development of the music industry in Uganda; There are ...

The Impact of Environment On Performance in Schools: A Case Study of Kyazanga Town Council, Lwengo District

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background to the Study the Environment is our surroundings. This includes living and non-living things around us. The non-living components of the environment are land, water, and air. The living components are germs, plants, animals, and people. All plants and animals adjust to the environment in which they are born and live. A charge in any component of the environment may cause discomfort and affect normal life. Any unlivable change or degeneration in the env...

Factors Contributing to Pupils’ Drop Out in Primary Schools in Kyabigambire Sub-County Hoima District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the factors that contribute to dropout problem of pupils in primary schools in Kyabigambire sub-county, Hoima district. The study was guided by the following objectives, to investigate the economic factors that contribute to pupils’ dropout in primary schools in Kyabigambire sub-county, Hoima district, to examine the social factors that contribute to pupils’ dropout in primary schools in Kyabigambire sub-county, Hoima district and to establish the environmen...

Effects of Drug Abuse On Academic Performance’. A Case Study of Entebbe Municipality, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The study investigated into the effects of drug abuse on performance in schools. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; determining the causes of drug abuse, proposing the effects of drug abuse on academic performance and establishing a relationship between academic performance and drug abuse. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with an introduction, chapter two consists of the related literature, and chapter three consists of the methodology. cha...

The Impact of Orphan Hood On Students' Academic Performance A Case Study Of Tiriki East Division Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of orphanhood on students' academic performance. The objectives of the study were to examine the challenges faced by orphans; find out strategies that would help orphans in schools, and examine the effect of orphanhood on the academic performance of learners. The researcher used a case study design. A representative sample was made from the target population through a simple random sampling method. A representative sample of 30% was...

Low Payment of Teachers On Students Academic Performance in English at 0- Level: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Sacho Division Baringo District

ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of low payment on student’s academic performance in English subjects in secondary schools in Sacho district, Baringo County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to identify and analyze the effects of low payment of teacher’s influence on academic performance, It also aimed at suggesting measures to remedy the situations. Qualitative and Quantitative Designs were employed where convenient sampling was used to select the students in the school us...

Information Technology and Tourism in Kampala

ABSTRACT This study investigated the development of tourism in Kampala This was after the realization that it plays a major role in the tourism, travel, and hospitality industry, ifs facilitate an individual to access the tourism intonation from anywhere at any time (e.g., by a single click on the keypad after the emergence of the mobile computers, mobile phones, and web technologies). The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to establish the types of IT used to prom...

Learning Resources And Academic Performance In Kiswahili In Selected Secondary Schools In Mutonguni Division Kitui Districtkenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to find out the impact of learning resources on performance of students in Kiswahili subject in Mutonguni division. The study was guided by research objectives, identifying the relationship between learning resources and academic performance, attitude of teachers, investigating the characteristics of classroom environment and quality of teachers. The study was expected to be significant to the future researchers, teachers and also parents. The study reviewed litera...

The Influence Of Cultural Diversity On Moral Behaviour Of Students At Kampala International University, Kampala District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study entitled "The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Moral Behaviour of Students" is aimed at examining whether cultural diversity of students influence their moral behaviours .It was guided by the objectives which included examining the sources of moral education to individuals (Students of KIU), to explain the influence of family and culture on the individuals' behaviours particularly university students, and to analyze the perceptions of different students on their behavio...

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