Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Classroom Learning Environment On Lower Primary School Pupils’ Performance In Social Studies In Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Social studies play a vital role of equipping pupils with knowledge and skills to help them cope with the present and future. This allows pupils to participate effectively in their world and explain their relationship with the other people in social, economic and political issues. However, despite the role social studies play in society, in Kenya many classrooms learning environment in primary schools is not conducive and pupils’ performance in social studies has been poor. Therefo...

Determinants Of Social Interaction And Their Effects On Learning Of Children Living With Autism In Regular Pre-Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate determinant of social interaction on learning of children with autism in regular pre-schools in Nairobi County. The research objectives of the study were prevalence of autism, preschool existing culture, nature of training of preschool teachers, diet of children living with autism, attitude of teachers towards children with autism. Studies show that countries like U.S.A, China, South Africa and Zimbabwe are including children with autism i...

Educational Barriers To Learning Reading Among Standard Three Pupils With Learning Disabilities In Public Primary Schools In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study investigated educational barriers to learning reading among standard three pupils with reading disabilities in public primary schools in Tetu East, Nyeri County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to find out to what extent failure for early identification and intervention of learners with learning disabilities affect learning to read, find out whether lack of phonological awareness affect learning to read, find out whether lack of instructional materials an...

Centre Related Factors Influencing Implementation Of Curriculum In Early Childhood Development Programmes In Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Curriculum implementation entails putting into practice the officially prescribed courses of study. Effective curriculum implementation results in both short and long term benefits to children and eventually the entire society. The purpose of this study was to investigate the related factors influencing implementation of curriculum in Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in Turkana County, Kenya. The objectives of this study were to establish the influence of physical facilities...

Teacher Factors Influencing Use Of Music As A Medium Of Teaching Mathematics In Pre Primary Schools In Nairobi City County, Kenya

xii ABSTRACT Music is a significant teaching strategy in early childhood education it improves development of young children‟s self-confidence, self-esteem and their expression orally and mentally. Despite the fact that, use of music is a strategy that motivates and sustains children‟s interest in the learning of mathematics, research studies in this area are scanty. The purpose of this study therefore was to find out preschool teacher factors influencing the use of music as a mode of tea...

Relationship Between Parenting Styles And Preschool Children’s Performance In Curriculum Activities In Kisauni District, Mombasa County, Kenya

               ABSTRACT Extensive studies have been conducted on the relationship between parenting styles and adolescents’ academic performance. However, limited studies have focused on the relationship between these styles and preschool children’s performance. The current study sought to establish the relationship between parenting styles and preschool children’s performance in curricular activities in Kisauni District. A correlational research design was employed ...

Teacher Education And Acquisition Of Numeracy Skills By Pre-Primary School Pupils In Kinondoni District, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Numeracy skills enable logical reasoning, which leads to better comprehension of the world around us. Developing a mentally organized way of thinking is critical for the holistic development of children. To make this happen, there is need to provide high-quality numeracy education at an early age. In Tanzania, the level of numeracy achievement at the lower primary school continues to linger way below the average despite the efforts by the Tanzania government through provision of fina...

The Relationship Between School Feeding Programmes And School Attendance And Enrolment Among Preschool Children In Chepalungu Sub-County, Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Feeding programme may not increase food intake of targeted individuals by 100 percent, but is provided to improve food consumption, encourage school attendance, enrolment and learning. The provision of School Feeding Programme (SFP) also may result in saving health care cost among children. Despite the benefits that may be obtained from SFP, It is not easy to administer and not provided in all pre-schools. In Kenya, the implementation process of SFP has not yet been effectively carr...

Demographic Factors Influencing Parents’ Perceptions On The Role Of Male Teachers In Preschools In Vihiga Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Children who are taught by both male and female teachers stand a better chance of being all-round adults. This means that a male teacher is a central in the well-being of children in preschools. The study was to explore parents’ perceptions of the role of male teachers’ in preschools in Vihiga Sub-county as well as examine the influence of demographic factors on parents’ perception of the role of male teachers in pre-schools in the sub-county. The study was guided by Albert Ban...

Relationship Between Jigger Infestation And Children’s Participation In School Activities In Gatundu District, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study intended to investigate the relationship between jigger infestation and participation at school by pre-primary school and lower primary school children. The objectives of the study were to find out the relationship between jigger infestation and children‟s rate of school attendance, performance in outdoor activities, academic performance and dropping out of school. The study was carried out in Gatundu District because it is one of the highly jigger infested districts in ...

Teachers’ Knowledge On The Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Early Childhood Centers In Mwea East Sub-County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education for children with special needs has gained universal recognition as a result of United Nations (UN) effort and through worldwide statements and initiatives endeavoring to bring about Education for All (EFA) by 2015. As a result of the commitment for special needs countries have enacted education policies to facilitate the creation of a conducive environment for learners with disabilities. The goal is to ensure that all learners have equal access to quality and relevant educ...

Teachers’ use of play as a teaching strategy in pre-primary schools in Mwanga district, Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the determinants of pre-primary school teachers‟ use of play as a teaching strategy in Mwanga District, in the northern part of Tanzania. The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program in Tanzania is a relatively young discipline as compared to other countries in the region. So far some studies have revealed problems in teachers‟ use of relevant teaching strategies to enhance pre-primary children learning at their own pace. Considering that one of the ...

Stem Starts Early: Views And Beliefs Of Early Childhood Education Stakeholders In Tanzania1

Abstract: For about a decade, Tanzania has intensely focused on developing literacy and numeracy skills in pre-primary and early grades programs. Recently, the attention has shifted towards the significance of teaching Science, Mathematics, Technology and Science (STEM) in the early years. To enhance the 21st century skills necessary for building a middle income and knowledge-based economies, the existing empirical evidence emphasizes the need for STEM education starting from pre-primary lev...

Timely Promotion As A Motivation Factor For Job Performance Among Pre-Primary School Teachers: Observations From Tanzania

Abstract: The study explored the role of timely promotion as a motivational factor among pre-primary school teachers. Two districts (1 urban affluent and 1 rural poor) were selected. Stratified purposive sampling was used in the selection of 16 schools - 08 from each district; 32 pre-primary school teachers – 04 from each school, and 08 school principals – 01 from each school. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires and documentary review. Regardless of urbanicity, finding...

The Implementation Of School Feeding Program. A Case Of Nyamuroro Primary School, Gokwe North District.

ABSTRACT The study focused on the implementation of the school feeding program recently introduced by the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education to provide supplementary feeding to primary school children especially those in rural areas, who are worst affected by shortage of food. Persistent drought over the years have left a lot of children being affected resulting in massive school dropouts drawing the attention of government and forcing it (governmen...

271 - 285 Of 327 Results