Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Teacher Motivation And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Ilbissil Zone, Namanga Division, Ka.Jiado District, Kenya

Abstract More recent studies or the effects or school inputs on student outcomes include Case and Deaton (1999); Angrist and Lavy (1999); 1-Ianushek, Kain, and Rivkin (1999); Betts and Morell (1999); 1-Ianushck ct. al. (1996); Kingdon (1996a); and Glcwwe and Jacoby (1994). Some of these studies have investigated the illlpacl or motivation on student outcomes, with mixed results. Loeb and Page (2000) locus on explaining why several studies have failed to discover a positive relation between mo...

School Feeding Programmes And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Central Dmsion, Moyale District, Kenya

ABSTRACT For a number of years primary schools in Central Division of Moyale District, Kenya have not been performing very well. The researcher wanted to investigate if school feeding programmes will improve pupil's academic performance. In the study, the researcher employed descriptive design. Therefore simple survey or poll for the purpose of describing attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of the study population were used. Questionnaires were used in the collection of data. The raw data was ...

Absenteeism And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Eci>E Centers In Ciiil Chi La Division Kericho District Kenya

ABSTRACT  My purpose of the study was to find out absenteeism and academic performance of pupils in ECDE (age 6-8 years) in Chilchila Division, Kericho District The division is situated in the pockets of white highlands once colonized by British in Kericho district, faced with adverse weather condition usually very hot, dry and hilly. The area also faces a lot of economic, social and cultural problems. The general performance of the leamers in primary and secondary schools is not pleasing. T...

The Role Of Religion In The Maintaining Of Society Norms And Values; A Case Study Of Gachoka Division In Mbeere District In Kenya

ABSTRACT A descriptive and qualitative study was carried out about roles of religion in socializing the people. It sought to establish the roles played by religion in society. The study area was Gachoka Division in Mbeere district, Kenya. The following objectives guided the study, to establish the extent to which religion has provided psychological support to the individuals; to find out how religion has created peace and stability in society; to find out how religion has helped to maintain ...

Determinants Of Students Performance In English In Primary Schools Case Study: Mathare Slums Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was carried out on determinants of poor performance in English in primary Schools in Mathare Slums Nairobi, Kenya. It concentrated on the lower farms as it was felt that poor performance at the National Examination could be starting at the low levels. The purpose of the study was to examine the factors responsible for the above so that measures would be taken to correct or rectify the situation. The specific objectives therefore ranged from determining the qualified tea...

Effects Of Nutrition On Growth And Development Of Children. A Case Study Of Jepkoyai Zone, Tiriki West Division, Hamisi District Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was aimed at investigating and elaborating the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children of ages between infancy and 15 years of age in Jepkoyai Zone, Tiriki West Division, Hamisi District Kenya The objectives of the study were; to find out factors that lead to malnutrition in the division, identify the correct nutritional requirements for children and to examine the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children. A sample of 40 head teacher...

Effects Of Untrained Teachers On The Academic Performance Of Learners In Ecde Centers Within Uasin Gishu District, Kenya

Abstract The Study Is Based On Untrained Ecde Teachers Whose Engagement Were Found To Be Influencing Academic Performance In The Ecde Centres In Uasingishu District. The Study Was Prompted By The High Rate Of Behaviour Change Observed Among Children After Being Subjected To The Instruction Sessions Of The Untrained Teachers. Therefore It Became Necessary To Research Into The Extend At Which The Untrained Ecde Teachers Instructions Impact On The Children And Some Of The Factors Which Negative...

Orphans And Performance In Primary School, Solai Zone, Bahati Division In Nakuru North District Of Rift Valley Province -Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was to investigate the performance of orphan learners in all primary school in SOLAI Zone in Kenya The researcher used quantitative approach for the study. The method involves collecting of the data using questionnaire. The researcher chose this tnethod because it was easy to analyze in table. The researcher collected information from groups off people. The group of people was selected to represent the total population. The researcher used survey design. This is commonly ...

The Effect of Teaching & Learning Materials on Academic Performance of ECDE Learners in Mau-narok Zone, Molo District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT  The Kenya government through Free Primary Education (FPE) has provided teaching/learning resources (curriculum guide, course books, reference books, teachers' guides, relevant materials and equipment) to enhance teaching and learning in all public schools. In many ECDE centres, these materials are scarce if any. This study sought to determine the effects of teaching/learning materials on the academic performance among ECDE learners in Mau-Narok Zone, Molo district. Data was collect...

An Investigation On The Management Of Ecde Centres And Its Impact On Academic Performance In Kaptel Zone, Nandi Central District

ABSTRACT  The prupose of this study was to highlight the major factors that affect the management of ECDE centres and its impact on learning in Kaptel zone Nandi Central District. Specifically the study aimed at the finding out how academic performance in the centres is influenced by; Parents attitude, financial constraints, low capacity in management skills and lack of clear ECDE guidelines and policy framework. In the study, a sample of 20 respondents including ECD teachers, headteachers, ...

The Phenomenon Of Child Abuse And Factors Leading To Increased Physical Child Abuse In Uganda: A Case Study Of Central Division, Kamwoky A Village , Kifumbira Ii Zone In Kamp Ala District Of

ABSTRACT  The study sought to determine the phenomenon of child abuse and factors leading to increased physical child abuse in Central division with Kamwokya Village as a case study. The study was targeted to children of Mawanda Road and Kamwokya Community primary School, Kamwokya Moslem primary School and Mulago Catholic/ .primary school. Quantitative research design was . . employed and purposive sampling was also employed. Head teachers and teachers provided . primary data. It was found o...

Effects Of Socio-economic Status On Academic Performance In Primary Schools In Soy Zone, Rift Valley Province, Kenya.

Kenya has experienced a rapid expansion of the education system partly due to high government expenditure on education. Despite this high level of expenditure on education primary school enrolment has been declining since 1990. 2003 when gross primary school enrolment increased to 104 percent after the introduction of F.P.E. the objectives of the study will be, to identify the relationship between the family economic status and academic performance of primary school pupils and to inves...

Challenges Faced By Mentally Retarded In An Inclusive Setting In Lamuria Division Of Laikipia District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................... vii APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................ viii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... .ix ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..........................................

An Investigation On Poor Performance In English Language Among Ecde Children In Gatunge Zone Of Tharaka District In Eastern Pronvice Kenya

ABSTRACT This research report was to investigate on poor performance in English language among ECDE children in Gatunga zone ofTharaka District in Eastern province. It was guided by the following objective to examine the effects of poor performance in English on learners' education and to establish the strategies put in place to curb poor English performance in schools. The data collection tools used were interview schedules and questionnaires. The researcher discovered the following a major...

The state of early childhood education in k..enya,after the implementation of free primary education. A case study of loki char zone, loki char division, turkana south district kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the impmtance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to detennine the progress of free primary education on early childhood education. The research study was conducted between December 2009 and April 2010. The study was can·ied in Loki char zone, Turkana South East district. The study benefits the early childhood pupils s...

121 - 135 Of 327 Results