Educational Administration and Planning Research Papers/Topics

Educational planning and practices in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Education plays a key role in reducing poverty and enhancing life choices. Therefore, provision of widely spread education and training opportunities has been a long-standing objective of the Government of Kenya. Since Independence, the Government has sought to address the challenges facing the education sector through a range of policy initiatives. Nevertheless, a major focus has been the attainment of Universal Primary Education and the need for achieving greater acces...

Provost Grievance Management Strategies and Lecturers Effectiveness in Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT: This study investigated the  relationship which exists between Provost  grievance management strategies and Lecturers‟  effectiveness in Emmanuel Alayande College of  Education, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive  research of survey type was adopted. The  population of the study consisted of all the  academic staff in the whole of Emmanuel Alayande  College of Education, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria. Out  of the whole academic staff in the six  schools/departments (namely: ...

The Concept of Globalization and the Implication to the Nigerian Educational System

(a) Introduction (b) Globalization and the Nigerian State (c) Globalization and Education (d) Impacts of Globalization on Nigerian Educational System (e) Impact of Globalization on Information Technology (f) Barriers to the Globalization of Education  (g) Conclusion (h) Recommendations (i) References

Social Demand Approach in Educational Planning

(a) Introduction (b) Types of Planning (c) Rationale for Educational Planning (d) Procedures for Effective Educational Planning (e) Factors Militating Against Effective Educational Planning (f) The Concept of Social Demand Approach (SDA) (g) Conditions of the Social Demand Approach (h) Assumptions of Social Demand Approach (i) Advantages of the Social Demand Approach (j) Limitations of the Social Demand Approach (k) Conclusion (l) Recommendations