Guidance And Counselling Research Papers/Topics


Abstract Sexual activities among adolescents have been reported to be on the increase. The trend across the world shows that many adolescents are initiating sexual activity from as early as 10 years with many disastrous effects on their lives, health and education. These behaviors predispose teenagers to academic risks by reducing their motivation to learn, as well as their feeling of connectedness to academic performance. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of teenage ...

Adherence to Anti-retroviral Therapy and Hiv/ Aids at Joint Clinic Research Centre, Mengo Kisenyi, Kampala Uganda,

ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate on adherence to ARVS among HIV/AIDS patients in joint Clinic research Mengo Kisenyi, Kampala. The study employed descriptive research design and it basically used primary data collected from patients, medical staff and administrative staff. The objectives of this study were; to determine the profile of respondents, to find out various causes of non adherence to ARVS in Uganda, to identify ways of maintaining patient adherence to ARVS regimen, and to ...

Social Support, Psychological Wellbeing and Life Satisfaction Among Childless Women in Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Globally, the childless population is growing fast with 37% of women in their peak reproductive years (30-34) remaining childless. Both voluntary and involuntary childlessness can have great psychological consequences for couples who are in their childbearing years. Surprisingly, there is relatively little documentation about the lives of childless women especially in the developing world. Childless people have been conspicuously ignored in social sciences, even in very pertinent fi...

The Impact Of On Job Training On Employee Productivity In An Organization A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited Kajjansi, Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to assess the Impact of on Job Training on Employee Productivity in an Organization. A cross sectional research design was used and of a case study in nature. Both purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. The researcher used questionnaires and interview guide as the main research instruments to collect data frOm respondents. The study findings indicated that on job training methods that were majorly used i...

Causes Of Poverty! Development In Wakiso District A Case Study Of Gayaza

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the causes of poverty in Wakiso district. There is a relationship between redundancy and poverty among the people of Gayaza. The researcher focused on the proper utilization of resources and foreign aid. A longitudinal design was developed to compile secondary data from Gayaza among others from 2006 — 2007. The data was analyzed using Pearson correlation co-efficient which measured the strength and direction between the independent and dependen...

The Role Of Aids Information Centre (Sic) As Non Governmental Organization Kabale Branch In The Prevention Of Hiv/Aids Among The People Of Kabale Municipality

ABSTRACT This study was focused on the contributions of AIC Kabale branch as an NGO in the prevention of HIV/AIDS IN Kabale municipality. As well as the services it offers , the level off community commitment and the approaches it uses in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. This study was conducted in Kabale municipality but specifically covering AIC staff management, the clients of AIC branch, community leaders ,volunteers and the other employers. Data was collected using both qualitative and quanti...

To Investigate The Effects Of Integrating Ict In Teaching Of Mathematics In Public Secondary Schools In Bungoma North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematics is regarded essential and useful to most people. Its usefulness can be observed in social, aesthetic, artistic, communication and utility aspects of life. This makes it part and parcel of mans' daily life. The social nature of mathematics deals with humankind and how he interacts with society and environment. Mathematics also provides beauty in our environment expressed in terms of such aspects as buildings, latest vehicle designs, all which incorporate shapes. The aim o...

Adult Education And The Socio-Cultural Development Of Women In Kjra Sub County, Wakiso District In Uganda

ABSTRACT The study on the adult education on the Socio-cultural Development of Women” was carried out in Kira sub county, Wakiso district in Uganda with a view to explore the contribution of adult education to the socio-cultural status of women, problems experienced in adult education and the possible solutions the problems experienced. A descriptive survey design was used using interview guide administered to a sample of 90 respondents who were purposively selected. It was established...

Students Perceptions Of Guidance And Counseling Service A Case Of Kampala International University, Kansanga, Makindye Division

ABSTRACT This study was carried out on the "Students Perception of Guidance and Counseling Service' at Kampala International University - Kansanga. Its specific aims were to establish the Students' perception to guidance and counseling, to identify the need for guidance and Counseling, to find out the problems faced in guidance and counseling services with their possible solutions. To clearly grasp the problem of the study, a review of literature on the specific objectives was done. The stud...

The Effect Of Socio-Economic Status On Acadeiviic Performance Of Children In Upe Schools. Case Study Of Imanyiro Sub-County, Ma Yuge District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Declaration .......................................................................................... i Approval ............................................................................................ ii Dedication .......................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement ................................................................................. iv Abbreviation ................................. · ........

Stress Management And Conflict Resolution Among Secondary Schools In Kampala District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of stress management and conflict resolutions in I selected secondary schools in Kampala district. The study was guided by four specific objectives which included; i)to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, marital status, educational levels and age classes in secondary schools in Uganda, H) to determine the levels of stress management among secondary schools Kampala district, Hi)to determine the level of conflic...

The Effect Of Drug Abuse On Academic Performance Of Students In Masaka Town Secondary School, Masaka Town

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of drug abuse on the academic performance of students in Masaka Town senior secondary school Masaka municipality, specifically the study Intended to (i) identify the sources of the drugs in Masaka Municipality, (ii) to examine the level of drug abuse of students in Masaka Town Secondary school and (iii) to establish the relationship between drug abuse and performance of students in Masaka Town Secondary school. This study employed a cross sectional surve...

Social Influences Of Drug Abuse Among Youth And Young Deliquents In Ruchu Zone;Kandara Disrict Kenya

ABSTRACT The m'ior purpose of the study was to describe the social influences of drug abuse among the youth and young delinquents in Ruchu Zone; Kandara District, Kenya. The study was a quantitative, descriptive ColTelational survey, using a sample of ninety two youth selected using purposive and convenient sampling techniques. a self administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using SPSS 's means, standard deviations and the Pearson Linear COITelation coefficient. ...

Effects Of Conflict On The Delivery Of Social Services A Case Study Of Nungwi, North “A”District North Ungunja: Zanzibar, Tanzania~

ABSTRACT This study investigated effects of armed conflicts on delivery of social services in Nungwi District of Zanzibar. The region continues to experience intermittent conflict from Bachaga and Sukunn. The specific study objectives include; finding out the services affected by the conflicts; to identify the people affected by conflicts in accessing services and to find new methods of delivering the services in suit violence — tone areas. The literature indicates little success in resolvi...

The Influence Of Alcoholism On Secondary School Students' Performance In Ibanda District: A Case Study Of Ibanda Town Council

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Ibanda Town Council, Ibanda District located in South Western Uganda. It was intended to investigate into the influence of alcoholism on secondary school students' performance. The study w:as guided by three research objectives. The first one was to examine the causes of alcoholism among secondary school students. The second one was to find out the effects of alcoholism on academic perfo~ance of secondary school students, and the third one was to iden!if...

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