Primary Education Research Papers/Topics

Instruction in English Language and Learners’ Academic Performance in Selected Primary Schools Located in Namuganga Sub County Mukono District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study Investigated Instruction in English and performance of pupils in primary schools of Namuganga Sub County. Two subjects, that is, Social studies and English were used to examine the differences and similarities in pupil’s performances. The study mainly used qualitative approach in data collection, analysis and presentation. Quantitative approach was only used to present statistical data. Data was obtained through the use of interviews, observation and documentary review....

Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Learners with Special Needs in Primary Schools in Kolir Sub-County of Bukedea District.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the factors affecting academic performance of learners with special needs in primary schools of Kolir Sub-County of Bukedea district. A survey research design was used to achieve these objectives. A questionnaire and interview guide were developed and used to solicit responses from respondents. Frequent counts and percentages were used to determine the factors in the said primary schools. It was found that: 1) There was inadequate funding of special schools an...

Domestic Violence and Its Influence On Pupil's Academic Performance in Nama Yingo District, Uganda: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Buyinja Sub-County

CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction This Chapter presents the background, problem statement, purpose specific objectives, research questions, hypotheses scope and the significance of the study. 1.1 Background Pupil school participation as seen in attendance, academic performance and class participation is related to their psychological and physical state which in turn could be influenced by family relations including domestic violence. Domestic violence is almost always accompanied by psychological...

Free Primary Education and Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools in Lugari Oivjsion, Lugari District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research stud) \, as intended to determine the effectiveness of free primary education in Ken,) a '' ith Lugari Division, Lugari district serving as an illustrative example. In the gathering or secondary source information, all other scholars· works 'ie\ed relevant to the study \ere uti lized. I he stud) employed a descriptive design since much of this stud) was qualitative in nature. Questioner and Interview guides "'ere used to collect data from the respondent. It ". Increas...

Adolescence Peer Influence and Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools of Upper Nyakach Division, Nyakach District, K!

ABSTRACT The purpose of Study was to determine the effects of Adolescence peer influence on pupils· Academic.· performance in Upper Nyakach Division Nyakach District. area. The specific Objectives of' the study were to investigate how physical and emotional changes in adolescents affect the academic performance of the adolescents and finally to examine the measures that can he put and have been put in place to cater for the adolescent's · problems.  The findings revealed that peer influ...

The Impact Of Co-Curricular Activities And Socialisation Of Pupils On Academic Performance In Some Sampled Primary Schools In Alito Sub-County Kole District

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ................................................................................................... (i) Approval ..................................................................................................... (ii) Dedication ................................................................................................... (iii) Acknowledgement .......................................................................................... (iv) Acronyms ............

Challenges Of Universal Primary Education In Uganda ~ Case Study Of Selected Primary Schools In ~ 7 Rubaga Division Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................... i APPROVAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••n•••••••n••••••••••••••••••••••• ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................

Teachers' Attitudes Towards The Implementation Of The Thematic Curriculum In Bujumba Sub-County Primary Schools, Kalangala District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 DECLERATION ............................................................................................................................................. II DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................................ 111 ...

Assessment the Quality of Outdoor Play in Kwara South Public Primary School

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                                                       i Declaration                                                                                                     ii Certification                 �...

Influence of Socio-Economic Status and Environmental Factors on Primary Schools Pupils on Academic Performance in Kwara Central, Kwara State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examine the influence of socio-economic status and environmental factors on primary schools pupils on academic performance in Kwara state, Nigeria in Ifelodun Local Government of Kwara State. The main objectives of the study were to examine the effect of socio-economic status, and educational background of parents on the basic scholar’s academic performance in the above study area. Concerning methology, the researcher employed both primary and secondary data for the stud...

Influence of Availability and Utilization of Teaching Aids on Academic Performance of Pupils in Primary Schools In Ifelodun Local Government

ABSTRACT The influence of teaching aids on the academic performance of pupils in primary school is very important and cannot be ignored. The inputs consist of both human and material resources, pupils and students learn easily with teaching Aid. It cuts time wastage as the object speaks volume of what to learn. The availability is very significance for learning to take place. Instructional materials consist of concrete or physical objects which provide sound. Utilization of instructional mate...

Perception Of Teachers On The Causes of Indiscipline Among Post-Primary School Students in Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area of Kogi State

ABSTRACT          Indiscipline has become cancer eating deeply the educational sector. It connotes the violations of school rules and regulations capable of obstructing the smooth and orderly functioning of the school system. Indiscipline has become a social menace which has caused several scholars or educationist unrest and sleepless nights. Therefore, this study investigated the perception of teachers on the causes of indiscipline among post-primary school students. Simple random ...

Learning Environment as a Preditor of Pupils Academic Performance in Ado-Odo-Ota, Local Government, Ogun State.

ABSTRACT This study examined the relationship between learning environment as a predictor of pupil’s academic performance in Ado-Odo-Ota, Local Government Ogun state. The researchers used description   researchers, the method was found appropriate for the study because it involve a systematic investigation in to the relationship that exist between learning environment and pupils academic performance in Ado Odo Ota Local Government   Area of Ogun State. The researcher made use of simp...

Pupils Perception of the Influence Of Parental Involvement on Their Motivation to Learn and School Outcome in Abeokuta Metropolis’

ABSTRACT             This study investigated on pupil’s perception of the influence of Parental Involvement on their motivation to learn and school outcome in Abeokuta Metropolis’. Descriptive research of survey method was used for the study. Simple random Sampling techniques was used to select 10 schools and 300 respondents. Data was collected    using a structured questionnaire, validated by lecturers in the department of Primary Education studies and tested for reliabili...

Factors Affecting The Teaching And Learning Of English Language In Primary School In Ilorin West Local Government Area Of Kwara State

ABSTRACT This study examined the factors affecting the teaching and learning of English in Primary School in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. The research adopted a descriptive survey of correlation type. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select primary schools in the Local Government. One hundred respondents were selected using simple random sampling technique comprising of primary school teachers within the sampled schools. Questionnaire on the Factors Affe...

106 - 120 Of 197 Results