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Education Research Papers/Topics

The Effects of Corporal Punishments On Academic Performance of Learners in Selected Primary Schools in Kenya: A Case Study of Katheka-Kai Location, Machakos District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The research was conducted in Katheka-Kai location, Machakos district eastern province, Kenya. A total of 60 (sixty) participants, 30 teachers, 10 parents, 15 students, and five political leaders were involved in the study. The study question was investigated in line with the research questions of the study. The first research question sought to find out the causes of corporal punishments. The study discovered that; poor performance, poor payments, school policies, government policie...

Parenting Style and Academic Performance of Pupils in Lower Primary in Kamuli District

ABSTRACT The Ugandan vision 2040 identified education as a major component of the social pillar of the Ugandan economy. The issue of parenting styles has been highlighted as a major component of academic achievement among children who make up the lower primary school population. This is because there is a belief that each parenting style sets its own demands with respect to the conduct of learners and the standards that they have to meet. Moreover, parents play a highly influential role in th...

Socio-Economic Factors and School Dropouts: A Case Study of Bwanswa Sub-County Kibaale District

ABSTRACT The study of this report is about the socio-economic and school dropout in Kibaale district 1 Western Uganda. It is directed by three objectives and these include: To assess the causes of school dropout in Bwanswa Sub County, To assess the effects of school dropouts among the children in Bwanswa Sub County, and To find out how socio-economic factors have affected child's academic performance. The study was descriptive where stratified sampling was used to select the population. It em...

Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Shuuku Sub County, Sheema District, Uganda

ABSTRACT This research is about the factors affecting students’ acadeihic performance. In other words, why is the students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Shuuku Sub County, Sheema districi the way it has been. It was guic[ed by four objectives, namely; to examine the teachers motivation and its effect on the academic performance of secondary students in Shuuku Sub County, Sheema District, to find out how the school environment affects the academic performance of secondary s...

The Effectiveness of Group Work in Teaching and Learning ~Thematics in The Selected Secondary Schools in Mombasa Island Mombasa District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group work in teaching and learning mathematics in the selected secondary schools in Mombassa island Mombassa District, Kenya Specific Objectives of the study were: find out the school related factors that hinder the implementation of group work in secondary schools, find out the different forms of group work in secondary schools, and find out what the attitudes of students towards group work in secondary schools. The ...

Drug Abuse and Students Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools of Kilifi District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of drug abuse on the academic performance of students. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the effects of drug abuse on student discipline, to explore the common drugs abused by secondary students; and to investigate if students who use drugs attend school regularly. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires and interview guides for students, and teachers of the schools involved in the study...

Understanding Rural Poverty and Investment Agriculture: An Assessment of Integrated Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Agricultural Institutions

ABSTRACT The wide range of poverty analyses conducted in Kenya in the last ten years is mainly based on the nationwide surveys conducted by the CBS within the framework of the welfare monitoring surveys (1992, 1994, and 1997). Further work was undertaken to 'explain' poverty through participator}' poverty assessments (1994, 1996 an

Drug Abuse, Its Causes and Effects in Primary Schools Within Tetu North Zone, Tetu Division, Nyeri District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Guidance and counseling aims to cultivate mold and maintain a trouble free society. It deals with societal problems ranging from marital, academic, financial, career and professional, e.t.c. its benefits in the society cannot be overemphasized. The drug use and abuse monster has refused to leave our schools. There have been grisly acts by students where lives has been lost, property destroyed, dreams chattered and generations formed but this problem is still biting. This research pap...

The Effects of Instructional Materials On Academic Performance of Children in Primary Schools: A Case Study of Lwengo Sub-County, Lwengo District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of instructional materials on performance in schools. The study was guided by specific objectives that included~ to determine different kinds of instructional materials, to identify the effects of instructional materials on performance and to assess the relationship between instructional materials and performance in schools. The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one with introduction chapter two consists of the related literature, chapter ...

Education Policy Implementation and Performance of Schools in Bududa District, Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study to explore the role of education policy implementation and performance of schools in Bududa district, eastern Uganda. The study set to examine the role education policy on performance of schools in Bududa district Eastern Uganda. To examine the challenges faced in policy the educational policy implementation in the schools and finally to establish the strategies for improving the performance of schools through policy implementation. The study was conducted b...

Impact of Utilization of Physics Laboratory Equipment On Students’ Academic Performance On Physics in Use Schools in Hoima Municipality, Hoima District

ABSTRACT The study sought to determine the available Physics Laboratory Equipment for the teaching and learning of physics in senior secondary schools in Uganda as well as the extent of utilizing the available equipment. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey. The sample consisted of nine hundred students who were randomly chosen and fifty Physics teachers who were purposively selected from five senior secondary schools in Hoima. Three instruments were used for th...

The Impact of Domestic Violence On Learners in Madiany Division, Rarieda District, Kenya:

ABSTRACT Exposure to domestic violence has significant negative repercussions for children's social, emotional, and academic functioning. In the past decade, mental health professionals have developed treatment programs and approaches aimed at mitigating these deleterious effects. Their efforts, however, are often hampered by difficulty identifying and gaining access to the target population because the occmTence of domestic violence remains a family secret in many households. Clinicians and...

Factor Affecting Performance in English at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education for Learners with Learning Difficulties, Kisanana Zone Kenya

ABSTRACT The study at finding the factors affecting performance in English at Kenya Certificate of Primary Education among learners with learning difficulties. The objectives of the study are to determine why learners perform poorly at KCPE. It also investigates the teaching and learning approaches used in teaching English in our schools and to involve stakeholders in provision of services and resources to improve the performance of learners. The research covered Kisanana Zone of Koibatek di...

Child Labour and Academic Performance of Standard Eight Learners: A Case Study of Rabuor Koguta Primary School, Rachuonyo North District, Homabay County

ABSTRACT This research is about child labour and the academic performance of standard eight learners. It was guided by three objectives; to identify the relationship between child labour and academic performance of standard Eight learners, to identify the effects of child labour on the academic performance of learners, and to establish the strategies used to curb child labour and improve academic performance. Stratified sampling was used where 60 respondents were selected. Among the strategie...

Effects of Neurological Problems On Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Adjumani District.

ABSTRACT The study was about effects of neurological problems on academic performance of pupils in selected primary schools in Adjumani District. The study's target population was teachers in primary schools and the method of sampling that was used was equal size cluster random sampling method using all a list of all teacher in each selected primary s.chool. A sample of50 teachers was drawn and the response rate.was 80% for the whole study. The study revealed that the most neurological probl...

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