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Education Research Papers/Topics


 Technology  can  be  integrated  in  teacher  education  and,  hence,  be  used  to  empower teachers to extend learning beyond their classrooms. Therefore, the present study was an attempt to investigate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of action research and explore  the impact  of  their  collaborative  action research  in  an  online  discussion  group  on their reflective  practice.  In  addition,  we  were  interested  to  ...

The Law Applicable In The Event Of a Conflict Between The Internal Order Of The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia And World Trade Regulations

World Trade Organization is considered a relatively recent financial entity, as it was founded in 1995, in Geneva – the capital city of Switzerland. The Article II of Marrakesh Treaty, which established the World Trade Organization, stipulates that all trade settlements and contracts under the treaty are intrinsic elements that function as a unified whole, and consequently, the organization itself constitutes the official framework, which legitimizes the trade relationships among all member...


   ABSTRACT The incessant increase in the rate of crime, hooliganism, cultism and other anti-social behaviours in the society led to this research work. A number of field work have been carried out and solutions preferred but not much efforts have been made by the family, the school and the government in this aspects. This study is an attempt to investigate absence of moral instructions in public schools and its effects on adolescents to drugs. Youths are the country’s asset and future te...

Strategies for Improvement of Records Management in

Public as well as private organizations are increasingly realizing that sound records management is linked to service delivery. However, Institutions of higher learning are yet to realize the role of records management to quality service delivery. This may be due to lack of policy frameworks on management, destruction of records and inadequate qualified staff among others. This makes success of such institutions impossible. This paper aims at rolling out strategies towards improving managemen...

The Impact of Education on Curbing the Spread of Corona Virus (Covid-19) Among Secondary School Students in Kaduna North Local Government Area, Kaduna State

ABSTRACT   This study identified the Impact of education on curbing the spread of Corona Virus (Covid-19) among secondary school students in Kaduna North Local Government Area, Kaduna State. The Nobel Corona virus caused a lot of havoc all over the world, affecting every sectors and industries especially the education sector as the lockdown measure of government becomes often an unavoidable measure towards curbing eth spread. However, it is discovered that despite the lockdown, the deadly vi...

Influence of School Types on Academic Performance of Students in Biology in Ndokwa East Local Government Area of Delta State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover pagei Title pagei Certificationiii Dedicationiv Table of Contentsvi Abstractx     CHAPTER ONE ……………….…………………………………………………………………….1  INTRODUCTION1 Statement of the Problem4 Research Questions4 Research Hypotheses5 Purpose of Study5 Significance of Study6 Scope/Delimitation of the Study6 Limitation of the Study7 Operational Definitions of Terms7 CHAPTER TWO9 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE9 Factors Influencin...

Current Perspectives on Weight Status and Body Image Perception in Adolescents

Abstract Weight status exists along a spectrum between being obese (ie, where one's body weight is in the 95th percentile for age and gender) to being underweight. The main influences on body image include the media, which may target adolescents, and peers who help shape beliefs about the perceived body ideal. Internalization and pressure to conform to these socially prescribed physical ideals help to explain the relationship between weight status and body image. Concepts of fat talk...

A Deep Tunneled Architecture For Creating Privacy Aware Secured EmailCommunication Using Visual Cryptography

Abstract  Nowadays online attacks have increased to a great extent and the most popular attack among them is phishing. Phishing can be basically defined as one kind of attack in which the type of email scam often associated with spam.  It steals the confidential information. Which is carried out by hacker, So it is very much important for the users to identify the fake website and avoid falling prey to it. It proposed a new approach named as Anti-phishing structure based on vi...

Knowledge Sharing and Reflective Practice Among ESP Instructors of Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract Knowledge  sharing  and  reflective  thinking  are  two  key  issues  in  any educational  system.  The  present  study  examined  the  willingness  of  instructors  of English  for  the  students  of  allied  medical  sciences  to  share  knowledge  and  think reflectively and  investigated their  reluctance  to  form  knowledge  sharing  groups.  To this aim, in the quantitative phase of the study, two questionnaires were completed by 14...

Factor Militating Against the Use of Online Learning in the Era of COVID-19 in University of Nigeria Nsukka

This study was carried out to determine the factors militating against the use of online learning during the era of Covid-19 in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The study adopted survey research design approach to investigate human resource development factors militating against the use of online learning system during COVID-19 era in University of Nigeria Nsukka, infrastructural challenge factors militating against the use of online learning system during COVID-19 era and institutional/adm...

Perception of Educational Administrators on Information and Communication Technology for Quality Management of Secondary School

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the perception of educational administrators on information and communication technology (ict) for quality management of secondary schools in Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos state. The study employed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in an educatio3nal setting to determine the perception of educational administrators to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for the quality management of secondary schools in Eti-Os...

Impact of Child Labour on School Attendance Among Junior Secondary School Students in Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the Impact of Child Labour on School Attendance of Junior Secondary School Students in Jalingo Education Zone, Taraba State, Nigeria. Three specific objectives with corresponding research questions were raised and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population for the study comprised of four thousand two hundred and seventy- two (4, 272) Junior Secondary School Students drawn from forty-eight (48) schools. Using multi...

The Great Recession of 2008 and the Impact of the Global Crises On Local Governments

Introduction The Impact and Causes of the 2008 Financial Crisis    In 2007, a global financial crisis rapidly gained traction from the crash of the United States housing market to the worst recession the world had witnessed in over six decades. Through an in-depth review of the crises in terms of causes, consequences and policy responses, this paper identifies the impact on Local Governments on both the revenue and expenditures side of the budget. Contrary to widely-held perceptions durin...

Actualizing Sustainable Development Goal Four (4) for Early Childhood Education in Nigeria

Abstract This paper dealt with actualizing sustainable development goal four(4) for early childhood education in Nigeria. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined the world we want.They apply to all nations and mean, quite simple, to ensure that no one is left behind. SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a“blue print to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all which was setup in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended ...

Evaluating Impact of the Quality Learning Environment Model Implemented by Save the Children to Hwange District Rural Primary Schools in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe to Promote Quality Education

Evaluating the impact of Quality Learning Environment Model implemented by SAVE the Children to Hwange District rural primary schools in Matabeleland North Province to promote quality education. Abstract: The study sought to evaluate the impact of the Quality Learning Environment Model implemented by Save the Children to  selected rural primary impact schools in Hwange District in Matabeleland North Province in Zimbabwe as a way of creating a quality learning environment and improving the qu...

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