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Education Research Papers/Topics

Causes Of Poor Academicperformance In Science Among Children With Hearing Impairment In Mainstream Schools In Buyanga Subcounty, Iganga District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT iiiLIST OF TABLES viiABSTRACT viiiCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION 1Background 1Statement of the problem 2The purpose of the study 2Objectives 3Research Questions 3The scope of study 3Significance of the study~ 4Limitations 4Delimitations 5CHAPTER TWO 6REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 6Understanding a child with hearing impairment 6Teachers attitudes towards children with hearing impairment 8ivTeaching methods used by teachers in teaching children ...

Effects Of Languages In Relation To The Students' Perfomance In Science Subjects; A Case Study Of Meruboyssecondaryschoolmerucentral District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE .............................................................................. J1.0 Introduction ............................................................................. l1.1 Background to the study ............................................................. l1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................ 31.3 Purpose of the study .................................................... 41.6.1 Geographical Scope .....................

Education And Employment Of Physically Challenged Persons A Case Study Of Mbogoini Division, In Nakuru - North District Of Kenya.

Table of ContentsDeclaration ......................................................................................................................... iApproval ............................................................................................................................ iiDedication ......................................................................................................................... iiiAclmowledgement ............................................................

The Impact of Advertising On Drug Abuse Among the Youth in Kapseret Division, Uasin Gishu District of Uasin Gishu County - Kenya A Case Study: Kapseret Division

ABSTRACT This study was about the impact of advertising on drug abuse among the youth in Kapseret Division in Uasingishu District. The study was based on three objectives, that is, to find out the different types of instructional materials in Primary schools in Kapseret Division in Uasingishu District, to establish the relationship between teachers’ use of instructional materials and pupils’ academic performance and to find out the attitude of teachers towards the use of instructional mat...

Factors Leading to Poor Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Luuka District Uganda. A Case Study of St. Steven Kituuto Secondary School.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLISTOFFIGURES ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 11:1. Background 11:2. Problem Statement 21:3. Purpose of the Study 31:4. Objectives of the Study 31:5. Research Questions 31:6. Scope of the Study 31:7. Significance of the Study 31:8. Conceptual frame work 4CHAPTER TWO 6LITERATURE REVIEW 62:0. Introduction 62:1:0. School related factors leading to poor performance 62:1:1. Inadequacy school f...

Causes of Poor Academic Performance of Students in English in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (Kcse) In Samia District Kenya

ABSTRACT study was intended to investigate the causes of poor performance of students in English language in ia District, within Kenya. An authentic revisitation of the works of all those prior authors and/or, catchers on the same topic under study was made which assisted the researcher have a clear picture of what entire study was to entail. A descriptive design was adopted for this study since much of the entire work to ii giving an elaboration. Questionnaires were used as the main tools fo...

The Relationship Between Teacher Pupil Ratio On Academic Performance of Pupils in Selected Primary Schools in Busia District

ABSTRACT The study on the relationship before the teacher pupil relation on academic performance in selected primary schools in Busia District was conducted with the following objectives; establish the teacher pupil ratio on performance, teacher pupil ratio on classroom management and the relationship between the teacher pupil ratio on discipline. The research was carried out in selected primary schools in Busia District. The findings revealed that most of the respondents were males given tha...

The Impact of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development Programmes in Wote Zone, Wote Division, Makueni District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................. iiAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................. iiiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................

The Impact of Drug Abuse On Morals Behaviors in Homes in Muhoroni Division, Nyando District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ......................................................................................................... ....... iiiDEDICATION .. .......................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................... v...

Impact of Early Pregnancy On Academic Performance of Students in Secondary Schools; A Case Study of Amudat District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .1APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS vCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the study 11.2 The statement of the problem 31.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Research questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.5.1 Content Scope 41.5.2 Geographical Scope 41.5.3 Time Scope 41.6 Significance of the study 51.7 Conceptual Framework 61.8 Definition of key terms 7CHAPTER TWO 8LITERATURE REVIEW 82.0 Introduction 82.1 Impact of early pregnancy on academic performanc...

Gender Differences and Disparities in Educational Attainments. A Case of Selected Primary Schools of Olokurto Division, Narok North District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... ivTABLE OF CONTENTS .........................

Determining School Optimal Size and Internal Efficiency in Secondary School a Case of Public Secondary School in Tirap Division Marakwet District

TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle pageDeclaration HApprovalDedication ivAcknowledgement VDefinition of termsAbstractLiST OF TABLES viiiCHAPTER ONE. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the study1.2 Statement of the Problem 21.3 Purpose of the Study 21,4 Objectives of the Study 31 .5 Research questions 31.6 Scope1.7 Significance 41.8 LimitationsCHAPTER TWO. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 52.0 IntroductionS2.1 SchoolsizeS2.2 Internal efficiency 62.3Theoretical frame work 7CHAPTER THR...

Teacher Quality and Leaners' Achievement in Mathematics in Kikumini Primary Schooling Nzaui District, Eastern Province of Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION .................................................................................... iAPPROVAL .......................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ..................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................... ivTABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................

Teaching Methods and Pupils Academic Performance in Social Studies in Primary Schools in Ojwina Division Lira Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTDeclaration ............................................................................................................................ iApproval ............................................................................................................................. iiDedication .......................................................................................................................... iiiAcknowledgement ........................................................

Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Learners in Regular Schools in Lamu District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................. .iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .........................................................................................

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