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Education Research Papers/Topics

The Impact of Socio-Economic Factors On Academic Performance of Pupils in Matunwa Zone, Kiogoro Division Kish Central Disrict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Recent research statistics has shown that primary education level is faced by myriad of challenges. Kenyans cannot afford to complacent about it, thus there arise an immediate need to conduct an investigation on the issue of socio-economic influences on pupils academic performance. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the socio-economic factors affecting academic performance of pupils in Matunwa zone, Kiogor...

The Factors That Have Hindered The Rapid Growth And Development Of Small Scale Enterprises.A Case Study Of Namaingo Town Council In Namaingo District.

ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors that have hindered the rapid growth and development of small scale enterprises in Namaingo town council, to identify the causes of slow growth and development of small scale enterprise and to examine possible solutions to the slow growth and development of small scale enterprise of Namaingo town council in Namaingo district. The study took across sectional design where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in the study. The study used ...

Poverty And The Quality Of Education In The Selected Secondary Schools In Kalungu County Masaka District Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between poverty and the quality of education in secondary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in primary schools in Kalungu county, Masaka District Uganda , and to investigate the role of the community on alleviating poverty and improving education in secondary schools in Kalungu cou...

Impact Of Tribal Conflicts On Academic Performance:Karamojong Attacks On Ngariam Parish Schools, Katakwi District-Kenya

ABSTARCTThis study was intended to investigate Karamojong attacks and school drop out in the selected primary schools ofNgariam pruish- Katakwi district.Quantitative and qualitative data was used to analyze and interprete the results of the study. Purpossive srunpling was used in the study to select the respondents. Frequency courts, relative frequency, tables, graphs were used to analyze data.The finding indicate that Karrunojong have changed their mode (methods) of attac...

Role Of Education In Poverty Alleviation, In Tingey Subcounty, Kapchorwa District Uganda

ABSRTACT This research report is about education and poverty alleviating .It was carried out in Tingei sub county Kapchorwa Uganda The objectives of this study are To indentify the causes of poverty in Tingey Sub county Kapchorwa Uganda To examine whether education can play role in poverty Alleviation To determine the repercussions of poverty in Tingey sub-county Kapchorwa Uganda The study was descriptive it employed qualitative methods since qualitative methods showed the experience necessar...

Strikes And Academic Performance In Secondary Schools (A Case Study Of Amanang Sec Sch -Bukwo District)

ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that have contributed to student shrikes in public secondary schools in Bukwo sub-county. The objectives of the study were to establish the causes of strike in secondary schools of Bukwo sub-county, to investigate the challenges facing the Performance of students in secondary schools of Bukwo sub-county and toestablish impact of strikes on the student’s Academic performance in secondary schools of Bukw...

Factors Affecting Nursery Schools Enrolment In Ravine Zone, Koibatek District Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Ravine Zone in Koibatek District Kenya. Researched on factors affecting enrolment of nursery schools in the zone and came up with a report, conclusions and recommendations. The conclusions arrived at were to curb the issues of the findings and were to make sure that appropriate facilities and materials were used in the schools. They also had to have a well-organized management, educating parents on the importance of Early Childhood Education to their chi...

The Effect Of Women Leadership In Academic Performance Of Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education In Limuru Division Kiambu District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to find out the effects of women leadership on the performance of KCPE in public primary schools in Limuru Division of Kiambu District. Limuru Division is always ranked among the best divisions in the district followed by Kikuyu, Githunguri and Tigoni. Most of the schools in this division, are headed by women, hence the researcher was interested in finding out whether their leadership would be having any effects on the performance of ...

Challenges Faced By Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In Modogashe Zone, Modogashe Division, Lagdera District, Kenya

ABSTRACTThe impact of free pnmary education has been manifold and complex. The quality and magnitude of the programme has affected not only rhe normal physically fit pupil, but also the physically challenged learners in inclusive schools asveil as the wider community and society.The study adopted a Quantitative research design. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problems and impact of free primary education on the quality of special educat...

The Influence Of Pupil's Gender And Performance In P.L.E. Nganwa Junior Primary School, Kabwohe Town Council, Bushenyi District Uganda

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of gender related factors in performance P.L.E., Nganwa Junior Primary School, Kabwohe Town Council, Bushenyi district Uganda. It involved 80 pupils ( 40 boys and 40 girls) as well as class teachers and head teachers from Nganwa Junior primary school. A self administered questionnaire was used to collect data and descriptive statistics was used in analysis. The study found that more male parents had attained post primary education, and so offer i...

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Perforamnce Of Students Of Kamahia Primary School, Kamburu Zone, Lari District Kelfya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .... APPROVAL ... DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. TABLE OF CONTENTS .. CHAPTER ONE ... INTRODUCTION ... 1.1 Background of the study .. 1.2 Statement of the problem. 1.3 Purpose of the study .. 1.4 Objective  1.4.1 General objective ..  Scope of the study. 1. 7 Significance of the study .. CHAPTER TWO ..... REVIEW Of RELATED LITERATURE ... 2.0 Intr·oduction .. 2.1 Definitive review of poverty .. _ Causes of poverty  2.3 Effects of pove...

Conflict Resolution And Administrative Efficiency In Selected Secondary Schools In Tharaka South District- Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was an investigation on the relationship between conflict resolution and administrative efficiency in selected secondary schools in Tharaka south district-Kenya. The purpose of the study was to validate the theory on conflict management and resolution by Mcshare and Glinawn, reviews the existing literature, test the relevant hypothesis, contribute towards the existing knowledge and indentify the strength and weaknesses pertaining the variable studied. The objectives of the ...

Factors Affecting Physics Performance In Secondary Schools In Buikwe Sub-county, Mu.Kono District

ABSTRACT The researcher, set out to investigate the factors affecting physics performance in Secondary school in Buikwe sub-county, Mukono District, Uganda. The researcher has set out to investigate the background of the study, statement of the problem, hypothesis significance of the study, and scope of the study. The study will benefit all government officials, teachers, parents and especially students m secondary schools. In chapter two relevant study literature has been identified which gu...

Teacher's Attitude And The Performance Of Learners In Chemistry. A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Habaswein Zone ,Habaswein Division, Of Habaswein Villagein In W Ajir South District-kenya

ABSTRACT Guidance and counseling has been adapted as measure to stem indiscipline in Secondary Schools in Kenya . This proposed research attempts to highlight on the effectiveness of this strategy and examine other alternatives for stemming the teething problem. The proposed research problem is "Guidance and Counseling and discipline in Secondary Schools in Habaswein Division, Wajir South District, Kenya. This study investigates the effectiveness of Guidance and Counseling in Secondary School...

The Impact Of Family Type, Size And Socioeconomic Status On The Child's Academic Performance In Busega Parish, Nateete Zone Lubaga Division

ABSTRACTThe Research was intended to find out the impact of Family type, size and Socio-economic status on the child's academic performance in Busega parish, Nateete zone Lubaga division. The major objectives of the study were:i. Identifying major family typesii. Examining how the family type, size and socio-economic status affect the child's academic performance.iii. Determining the difference between family type, size, socioeconomic status and academic performance.T...

1276 - 1290 Of 8017 Results