Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Heat Treatment On Corrosion Of Mild Steel Weld Metal In Cassava Juice ~

INTRODUCTION In west African and other tropical countries cassava tubers are a source of major staple foods. They are also used in the .manufacture of ethyl alcohol and the production of starch used as a binder in tablet making and as an animal feed, and are being proposed for use as an addition to wheat flour for bread making. Corrosion of mild steel machinery, storage facilities, and agricultural implements used in processing cassava roots has been widely reported by the processing industr...

Thermomechanical Processing And Constitutive Strength Of Hot Rolled Mild Steel

ABSTRACT This work examined thermo-mechanical and metallurgical parameters (temperature and cooling rate) that give rise to substantial improvement in the basic functional strength characteristics of high-yield reinforcing steels produced in a conventional mill. A new process tagged Temperature Tracking-Jet Water Spray (TT-JEWAS) was developed to achieve requisite in-process control of thermal variations on one hand and fast undercooling by spray quenching on the other. The alternative micro...

The Effect Of Particle Size And Particle Size Distribution On The Modulus Of Rupture Of Some Nigerian Clays

ABSTRACT    The  effects  of  particle  size  and  particle  size  distributions  of  three clay samples, on their modulus of rupture were studied. The three clay samples were collected from natural clay deposits  at  Nsu;  Ohiya-  Umuahia;  and  Awo-Omamma  all  in south  eastern  Nigeria.  The  particle  size  analysis  of  the  clay samples was done by laser diffraction in wet suspension mode and the results disclosed that Awo-Omamma clay has greater proportion...

Study Of The Properties Of Some Local Clays For The Production Of Floor Tiles

ABSTRACT   The suitability of some clay deposits in South Eastern Nigeria (Unwana, Ekebedi, Okigwe and Nsu) as materials for the production of floor tiles was investigated. The clay samples were analyzed using wet classical method to determine their chemical composition. Floor tile test specimens were produced using standard method. The test specimens were tested for physical properties such as compressive strength and porosity at 10500C and 11500C temperature levels. The chemical analysis ...

Carbide Precipitate Deactivation And Nodule Characteristics In Thin Wall Ductile Iron (TWDI) Castings

ABSTRACT Ductile iron (DI) thin section profiles (≤ 3mm) known as Thin Wall Ductile Iron (TWDI) offer significant potentials in automotive applications because of their high strength with good ductility, wear resistance, castability, machinability and good fatigue properties. “Globally” as-cast TWDIs in many foundries suffer macrostructural and microsructural defects such as solidification shrinkages, coldshuts, misrun, incomplete filling, carbide precipitation, poor graphite morpholog...

Inhibition Of The Corrosion Of Mild Steel In Acidic Environment Using Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Leaf Extract As Inhibitor

ABSTRACT   The inhibition of corrosion of mild steel by Azadirachta indica leaf extract in acidic environments of HCl and HNO3 from pH1 to pH6 has been investigated using the weight loss technique. The Azadirachta indica leaf extract is the inhibitor and the mild steel used was in the form of coupons. The investigations were carried out at ambient temperature. The optimum concentration of the extract used for the experimentation was obtained by soaking 200g of ground fresh Azadirachta...

Effect of Some Process Variables on Nickel Electroplating of Low Carbon Steel

Abstract This research work investigated the effect of current density, bath concentration, bath soIution volume and electroplating time on nickel electroplating of low carbon steel. Varying voltage between 0.3 and 0.8 V, bath concentration between 0.27 g/cm3 (0.79 rno~ddan d 0.35 glcm3 (1.02 mo~dmp, electropfig time between 1Q and 30 minutes and bath solution volume between 200 and 700 cm3, the effect of these process variables on electroplating was studied. The temperature was kept in confo...

Preparation And Characterization Of Doped Transparent Zinc Oxide Thin Films For Solar Cell Applications

ABSTRACT The growing demand for energy has resulted in the research and development of clean and renewable energy technology and related materials. In this work, the effect of acetic acid on the structural, optical and electrical properties of undoped ZnO was studied. Also, the effect of indium and gallium dopants on the structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO was studied. The ZnO thin films were deposited on glass substrates at 400°C using the spray pyrolysis deposition techniq...

Corrosion Behaviour Of Low Carbon Steel Used In Oil And Gas Aboveground Storage Tanks

ABSTRACT The cost and losses associated with corrosion annually is approximately $ 276 billion or 3.1% of the GDP in the USA, 3 - 4% of GNP in Australia, Great Britain, Japan and other countries. The associated cost and losses include aboveground storage tanks for petroleum products. For example, Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (L.P.R.C.) is the national refining company in Liberia. It imports all petroleum products such as lightweight cooking gas, kerosene, diesel, petrol, jet fuel, gaso...

Assessment Of Iron Ore Mining Gangues In Itakpe For Secondaryrecovery Of Other Metal Values

ABSTRACT Due to rapid industrialization, the demand for heavy metals is ever increasing, but the reserves of highgrade ores are diminishing. Therefore there is a need to explore alternative sources of heavy metals. Ore mine gangues which are industrial wastes can act as potential sources of industrial materials. Typical iron ore minerals may contain antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, as well as silver and zinc [6]. The economic viability of these metals wo...

Pressure-Assisted Fabrication Of Organic Light Emitting Devices

Abstract This dissertation presents an overview of the research work with the above caption. This research is divided into five major sections or parts. Part one deals with interfacial adhesion studies of the layers relevant to organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).The adhesion interactions, that is, force and energy between different interfaces of the adjacent layers relevant to the OLED structure used in this work are analyzed together with their implication(s) on the device performance. I...

Induced Sickling Of Erythrocytes Via Bending And The Effect Of Mechanical Properties On Cell Pore Entry

ABSTRACT Patients living with sickle cell disease are perpetually plagued with painful crisis episodes, caused by vascular occlusion. Over time, this leads to oxygen deprivation and the eventual damage of starved tissues and organs. Observations stemming from mechanical characterization of both diseased and healthy red blood cells (RBC), establish that shape and mechanical properties of human red blood cells are essential in maintaining normal functionality of these cells. From a molecular b...

Substitutional And Vacancy Defects In Two-Dimensional Alsb: A First Principle Approach

ABSTRACT AlSb is a semiconductor material which exist in 3D as well as 2D regimes. AlSb have a high electron mobility which is useful for application in high speed electronic devices. AlSb has potential applications in radiation detection. Defects, including intrinsic and extrinsic have been shown to influence the performance of AlSb for applications in electronic and optoelectronics. In this thesis, density functional theory with the aid of the generalised gradient approximation was use to m...

Investigation Of Peo-Polymer Blend Electrolytes For Electrochemical Capacitors

ABSTRACT Recently, there has been a drift of attention towards gel polymer based electrolytes owing to the fact that they are cheap and can achieve an extended potential window for improved energy density in supercapacitor devices when compared to aqueous electrolytes. Thus in this regard, the electrochemical characterization of symmetric supercapacitor devices based on different polyethylene oxide (PEO) based gel electrolytes was studied. The gel polymer electrolyte is based on methanol sol...

46 - 60 Of 149 Results