ABSTRACT Oil deposits are often found in association with a communicating gas or water zone. The production of the oil often leads to the coning of water or gas. This dynamic interaction can be captured by a properly detailed reservoir simulation, which unfortunately may not always be practical. To brigde the gap, researchers over the years have developed both analytical and empirical methods of modelling gas and water coning in oil reservoir. The fundamental questions have always been: what...
ABSTRACT One of the major challenges in reservoir engineering is the accurate description of the reservoir. This description is essential in all aspects of petroleum engineering, and is typically achieved through reservoir characterization by integrating various kinds of information obtained from the reservoir. One reliable source of reservoir information is well testing. Analysis of well tests, especially interference tests in horizontal wells could be very complex but effective in that roc...
ABSTRACT As the demand for petroleum resources increases, drilling of oil and gas wells are often carried out in challenging and hostile environments. Among the top ten drilling challenges facing the oil and gas industry today is the problem of lost circulation. Major progress has been made to understand this problem and how to combat it. However, most of the products and guidelines available for combating lost circulation are often biased towards advertisement for a particular service compa...
ABSTRACT Formation damage is an undesirable operational and economic problem that can occur in many phases of field development including drilling, completion, workover, production, stimulation, waterflooding and enhanced oil recovery. In fact, it is among the major causes of a well productivity reduction in petroleum reservoirs. Proper understanding of the factors causing these damages is therefore of utmost important. A model for petroleum reservoir formation damage by chemical precipitati...
ABSTRACT Hydrocarbon production in the petroleum industry is often constrained by reservoir heterogeneity, deliverability and capacity of surface facilities, also optimization technique in the petroleum industry requires execution of several iterative runs by comparing various solutions until an optimum or satisfactory solution is found. In this study a comparative economic analysis to aid the optimization of petroleum production was done. Two key variables, tubing sizes and choke sizes were...
Abstract A composite reservoir is one with multiple lateral compartments; each having distinct rock and fluid properties separated by geologic discontinuities. Geologically, composite reservoirs separated by leaky faults are rife but literature containing detailed three dimensional analyses of such anisotropic systems is few. For the first time using transform methods, a general three dimensional point source semi-analytical solution for the drawdown response in composite clastic and natura...
ABSTRACT Heavy metals are very toxic to the environment and humans at large. Exposures to heavy metals have significant health disorders. In this research, the mandate to find novel adsorbent to reduce lead and mercury concentrations from water samples from Birim River in the Eastern Region of Ghana was studied. The turbidity of the water samples from Kibi, Anyinam and Kade indicated that, the river is very turbid (an average of 355 NTU) and therefore not recommended for domestic use without...
ABSTRACT Numerical reservoir simulators are employed to obtain meaningful and reliable solutions for an actual case due to extreme complexity of the reservoirs systems. Wilcox formation is a reservoir in the gulf of Mexico with various development challenges, to better maximize the resources in the reservoir, simulation studies is needed to make better informed decision. For this study, a compositional simulator model is developed for comparing CO2 injection in different API oil reservoir. T...
ABSTRACT This thesis investigates into the real time modeling of leak estimation in natural gas pipeline using fluid flow approach. The best bet to leak management is to provide a robust system that will provide a quick information on tracking the leak location, the actual time this leak occurred and the volume of fluid loss. This thesis employed a mathematical model of analyzing the fluid flow in the pipeline to provide these solutions of leak estimation in a natural gas pipeline which is...
ABSTRACT This Study examines the performance evaluation of natural gas utilization in Power generation as strategy for reducing Gas flaring in Nigeria. The evaluation method comprises of use of Modular Gas Technology (MGT) plant for flare gas capture and processing, use ofthe processed gas in Turbine for power generation andappraisal of investments on MGT plant that consider profitability as well as time value of money. Technical performance of this technology was evaluated in te...
ABSTRACT Computer software is used extensively to increase productivity and reduce man‟s hours of labour. This work presents the development of a solids control software (SOLCON) which is designed for real time mud system management and quick performance of routine rig computations: determination of total solids and low gravity solids content; mud property and density control requiring optimal ejection rate into the mixing pit; volume of mud and amount of barite, bentonite and additives to...
ABSTRACT This novel work is based on the study of Vongvuthipornchai and Raghavan, 1987. In this work a new 3-Dimensional non-linear partial differential equation describing the transient flow of nonNewtonian fluid in porous media is developed for a hypothetical no-flow boundary cuboid reservoir. The basic assumptions in the mathematical modeling of the differential equations are; permeability anisotropy with directional permeabilities ݇௫, ݇௬ ܽ݊݀ ݇௭ , an isothermal, single phase, s...
Crude oil is seldom produced alone from reservoirs. It is always produced as a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and formation water. 1 These mixtures undergo extreme agitation under high shear rate and turbulence as they flow from the reservoir pores through perforated casing into the wellbore, to the tubing and finally through the surface production facilities. This occurrence causes the water phase to be dispersed and stabilized as fine droplets in the bulk oil phase and hence forms emulsion...
ABSTRACT Gas condensate reservoirs are initially discovered as single-phase gas reservoirs. As the reservoir is produced below the fluid dew-point pressure, an increase in condensate saturation in the near wellbore region occur which reduces the relative permeability to gas and in turn causes productivity impairment. It is pertinent to predict condensate banking behavior accurately during a field’s operational phase to avoid problems with a well’s ability to attain production targets. Th...
ABSTRACT The production of formation sand is a problem associated with most oil deposits in the world. Major Sand production effects affect safety, well or field economics and continuous production. This has prompted the continued search for solutions to mitigate sand production in the oil and gas industry over time. The methodology often employed is through exclusive sand control or passive sand management. The ability to predict when a formation will fail and produce sand forms the basis a...