
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Numerical Simulation of Non-Premixed Turbulent Methane-Air Combustion.

Abstract This paper examined the heat-transfer coefficients and the Nusselt number for turbulent flow for a methane-air flame occurring in cross-flow streams in an open duct. The governing equation of momentum, energy, mass fraction and radical nuclei concentration were solved in a fully coupled fashion at each control volume. The model encompasses conservation equations of gas components participating in the process and energy equation. A FORTRAN code was written with a Tridiagonal matrix s...

Multi objective methods for welding flux performance optimisation

ABSTRACT The traditional welding flux development is by lengthy and costly trial and error experiments and the optimum welding flux formulation is not guaranteed. This paper presents discussions on promising multiobjective decision making (MODM) methods that can mitigate the limitations of the traditional approach to welding flux design. The methods are weighted-sum scalarization (WSS), desirability indices, goal programming and compromise programming. The steps a welding flux designer (WFD) ...

A Survey of Livestock Strcutures in South Western Nigeria

ABSTRACT A survey involving the use of structured questionnaires and personal communication was undertaken in South Western Nigeria to identify the livestock in the area, and their housing methods.. Chicken, pigs, rabbits, goats, sheep and cattle were the  major animals found while the housing structures include baskets, battery cages, deep litter houses, cages, hutches, eggs, sheds and yards. In about half of the sites surveyed animals kept were not provided with housing, while in other pla...

The application of fractal box dimensions in predicting the emission characteristics of colliding sawdust particles for sustainable sawmilling

The prediction of emission characteristics of sawdust particles immediately after the cutting operation from the interaction of band saw's blade and plank is a growing research area. Still, a wide gap exists with respect to understanding the behaviour of sawdust particles as they collide with one another. Previous efforts have focused on non-collision states of sawdust particles. However, in real life, collision of particles must occur, with several particles colliding after the cutting opera...

Potentials and projections of freshwater resources in Sub-Saharan Africa; focus on Nigeria

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the abundance of freshwater availability in Nigeria which is approximately 0.51 % of world freshwater resources. It further highlights the projected freshwater crises in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Base-t on analyzed country data retrieved from International Organizations, Nigeria and in fact many developing countries in Sub Saharan Africa is presently termed water secure based on total Actual Renewable Water Resources, but projections into the nearest future ...

Hydration Behaviour and Infrared Spectroscopy of Pre-treatments Effect on Portland Cement-Eremospatha macrocarpa and Laccosperma secund~jZorum Systems

ABSTRACT The effects of cold water extraction, incorporation of calcium chloride (CaC1,) and aluminium sulphate (Al,(SO,),) on the setting time (LA, maximum hydration temperature (T,,), time ratio (td and surface chemistry of Eremospatha macrocarpa and Laccosperma secundiflorum particles mixed with Portland cement was investigated. The mixtures were placed in thermally sealed thermos flasks for 24 h after which L,, T,, and t, were measured. The &, T,,andt,were 12.4 and 11.9 h, 59.1 and 583"C,...

Physicochemical, Nutritional, Sensory and Microbial Characteristics of Fresh and Pasteurised Pineapple Carrot-Ginger Beverage

ABSTRACT A beverage was prepared from pineapple, carrot and ginger juices using Response Surface Methodology to form a refreshing nutritional drink. Three independent variables were used to prepare the beverage: pineapple-tocarrot juice ratio (75/25-90/10), fibre size distribution (0.6-1.2 mm) and ginger concentration (2-5%). The effects of the variables were investigated and represented using quadratic models on pH, total soluble solids, beta-carotene and sensory attributes as responses. Re...


ABSTRACT It is expected that the discovery of oil and gas in commercial quantity in the jubilee field in Ghana raises the hope and expectation of revenue flow and job creation for the citizens. However, oil and gas could end up as a resource curse or blessing depending on how the expectation of citizens are managed. This study therefore examined the expectation management of oil and gas in Ghana. Specifically, the study ascertained the framework of expectations management, examined the expect...


ABSTRACT Validation of FAO AquaCrop model for irrigated hot pepper in the coastal savannah of Ghana was carried out using two field experiments between August, 2014 and January, 2015 at the School of Agriculture Research and Teaching Farm, University of Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana. The first experiment’s results were used to calibrate the model while the second were used to validate the model. Experimental design was the Randomized Complete Block Design consisting of four trea...

Fractal Characterization and [so-mapping of Parameter Plane of Harmonically Excited Pendulum

This study utilized fractal disk dimension characterization to investigate the system response of a nonlinear, harmonically driven pendulum of mass, m (or weight. W) and length I over a well-defined parameter plane of excitation amplitude versus damping factor. The system response was simulated at three drive ffequencies (symbol,*) of 1/3, 2/3 and 313. A Runge-Kutta fourth order algorithm, coded in FORTRAN programming language was used to simulate the System response over a 101 by 101 para...

Occupational Lead Exposure in Printing Presses: An Analytical Approach

ABSTRACT Lead absorption poses a great threat to the health of workers in printing presses where commercial publishing is done. A case example is the commercial printing operations in Lagos, Nigeria. Since regular exposure to lead dusts could result in lead poisoning, complications that could cause death of victims, monitoring and controlling lead absorption of operators is essential for the maintenance of workers’ health and for the avoidance of the risk of incurring heavy losses due to li...

Modelling the correlation between cutting and process parameters in high-speed machining of Inconel 718 alloy using an artificial neural network

ABSTRACT An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed for the analysis and prediction of the relationship between cutting and process parameters during high-speed turning of nickel-based, Inconel 718, alloy. The input parameters of the ANN model are the cutting parameters: speed, feed rate, depth of cut, cutting time, and coolant pressure. The output parameters of the model are seven process parameters measured during the machining trials, namely tangential force (cutting force, Fz)...

Chaos Diagram of Harmonically Excited Vibration Absorber Control Duffing's Oscillator

ABSTRACT This study utilised positive Lyapunov exponents' criteria to develop chaos diagram on the parameters space of &dimensional harmonically excited vibration absorber control Duffing's Oscillator. Relevant simulations were effected by choice combination of constant step Runge-Kutta methods and Grahm Schmidt Orthogonal rules. Simulations of 4-dimensional hyper-chaotic models of modified Lorenz and R&ler were used for validation purposes. Lyapunov's spectrums were obtained at (197 x 307) m...

Corrosion Behavior of 18/8 Stainless Steel and Nickel-Plated Low Carbon Steel in Cassava Fluid

ABSTRACT This research work investigated the corrosion resistance of nickel- plated medium carbon steel and 18/8 stainless steel in cassava fluid (i.e. containing hydrogen cyanide). It simulated the effect of continuous use of the materials in a cyanide environment where corrosion products are left in place. Low carbon steel sample was nickel electroplated at 4V for 35 minutes. The plated sample, the unplated and the 18/8 stainless steel were then subjected to a cassava fluid environment for ...

Chaotic Behaviours in Dynamical Systems with Application to Secure Communication

ABSTRACT Attention has recently been focused on irregular aspect of the behavior of dynamic systems. One of such behaviour models is chaos which has been widely reported as having a great potential in communications. This study aimed at demonstrating the major concepts in non-linear dynamics and chaos grid the application of these properties in communication. The behavioural modes of logistic map which is a simple dynamical system were investigated with different values of system parameters a...

2296 - 2310 Of 3408 Results