Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Public Acceptance Of A Proposed Ban On Plastic Bags In Nigeria: The Case Of Yola-Jimeta, Adamawa State

ABSTRACT Plastic litter negatively affects the environment and human health. Therefore, some countries and states have banned or taxed plastic bag use. For example, Rwanda, Mexico City, and China have introduced bans on plastic bags, as have Kenya and Rwanda in Africa. In this study, I assessed public perceptions of a proposed federal ban on plastic bags in Nigeria. Using a structured questionnaire, I interviewed 200 customers and 10 shop managers in Yola-Jimeta, northeastern Nigeria. More t...

Knowledge And Practice Of Exclusive Breastfeeding In Adamawa State (Case Study; Yola South)

ABSTRACT The importance of breast milk over all other types of milk as the main food source for infants cannot be over-emphasized as established by numerous health and nutrition organizations. Early childhood is characterized by rapid growth, development of tissues and formation of organs. Breastfeeding is the optimal method for feeding infants. All the nutritional needs of children are provided by breast milk in the right amounts and duration. In Nigeria however, young infants may not benef...

Fabrication Of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Using Natural Dyes From Lawsonia Inermis (Henna), Mangifera Indica (Mango), And Terminalia Catappa (Tropical Almond) Leaves With Polyaniline/Graphite

This study used natural extracts from Lawsonia inermis L. (Henna), Terminalia catappa L. (Tropical Almond), and Mangifera indica L. (Mango) as photosensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. The mango and tropical almond extracts were extracted using ethanol while the henna extract was gotten using alkaline extraction. The choice of extraction solvent was based on the ability to permeate the plant membranes and toxicity of the solvent. This study used TiO2 as the semiconductor material, iodi...

Identification And Characterization Of Bioremedation Potential Of Microorganisms In Soil From Waste Dumps In Yola-Jimeta Northeastern

ABSTRACT Biodegradation has proved over time that it is the cheapest and safest method human can use to tackle waste and population. The study of biodegradation of polypropylene revels that Actinomycyte and three other unknown strains are capable of biodegrading polypropylene (making new functional group) within 3weeks. The new functional group seen after 3 weeks were ester, cyanide, and ketone. The microbial community at the Yola waste are a community of diverse organism. Each with its own ...

Relationship Between Eating Breakfast And Academic Performance: A Case Study From Wuro Hausa Primary School Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Adequate nutrition is essential for a healthy growth. Research has shown how important it is for a child to have the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and it is very important for a child as it contains nutrients essential for good mental growth, and also learning outcomes. I used qualitative research methods to investigate the relationship between eating breakfast and academic performance using Wuro Hausa Prim...

The Incidence And Risk Factors Of Preeclampsia And Eclampsia Admitted In Antenatal And Postnatal Wards After 20 Weeks Of Gestation

ABSTRACT Main Objective: This study was therefore to access the incidence of Preeclampsia in women admitted to FMC Yola in their pre and postnatal wards during their last trimester. Study Design: The study was carried out among pregnant women who are admitted in antenatal and postnatal wards after 20 weeks of gestation and was carried out at FMC Yola Adamawa State from February to April 2015. Method: Structured Questionnaires from patients in antenatal and postnatal wards at FMC Yola. Res...

Dental Fluorosis In A Rural Nigerian Community: Is The Water To Blame?

ABSTRACT Drinking water can contain fluoride which is effective in preventing dental caries at concentration of ≤1.5 mg/L however at concentrations ≥1.5 mg/L, it could lead to dental fluorosis. Dental fluorosis is a disorder that occurs due to excessive fluoride intake during the mineralization of the teeth, resulting in an uneven distribution of brown and yellow coloration. I assessed fluoride levels in 19 samples of natural water sources (such as boreholes, streams, and wells) and comm...

Analytical Study Of Prostate Cancer In Men Living In Adamawa State; Case Studies In Federal Medical Center Yola, Daama Clinic And Zenithcare

ABSTRACT The research is on the analysis of prostate cancer in men living in Adamawa state, this topic is essential to determining certain degenerative factors that make individuals more at risk of being diagnosed with the condition. Some of these factors include age, genes, lifestyle etc. The sample size afforded an opportunity for data collection with the aid of questionnaires and interview techniques which enhanced the knowledge of prostate cancer epidemiology, screening methods and bioma...

Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Of Biomedical Waste Management Among Waste Handlers At FMC, Yola And AKTH, Kano

ABSTRACT The study uses FMC and AKTH as a case study in order to assess the knowledge, practices and attitudes of waste handlers on biomedical waste management. The study investigates the major problems associated with management and handling practices and the possible solutions to tackle those problems. Based on the findings from this study, recommendations will be proposed to the hospitals on ways to improve the system of biomedical waste management and handling. A total of 12 individuals ...

Investigating The Problems Of Agricultural Credit In Adamawa State (Case Study; Yola South)

ABSTRACT This research was conducted with the aim of pointing out the problems that prevent farmers from having access to credit in Yola south. The research also gives an analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of farmers in the study area and their access to credit. Furthermore, the research also identifies the main sources of credit to farmers in the study area and the benefits derived from the credit obtained. During this research, three communities were purposively selected in Yo...

An Assessment Of Coliforms In The American Univerity Of Nigeria Water Distribution System

 Generally, water has numerous purposes: drinking; bathing; washing clothes and dishes; cooking; flushing toilet, irrigation, just to name a few. Its significance cannot be over stressed. This is on the grounds that every day each individual uses water for one thing or the other. As water flows throughout the distribution system, microorganisms can contaminate the flow of water through the pipes, air valves, pump boosters, network of piping system and sometimes through the plumbing system. I...

Dynamics In Artisanal Gold Mining And Its Impacts On Community Livelihoods And The Environment: A Case Of Nandi And West Pokot Counties, Kenya

Many studies on Artisanal Gold Mining have estimated that it employs an estimated 13 Million people worldwide, with another 80 to 100 million people directly or indirectly benefiting. In sub Saharan Africa it is viewed as an economic mainstay activity providing direct employment to over two million people. Artisanal gold mining uses rudimentary processes to extract valuable minerals from primary and secondary ore bodies, and is characterized by the lack of long-term mine planning. In Ken...

Mothers’ Breastfeeding Practice And Attitudes Toward Exclusive Breastfeeding In Adamawa State, Northeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) practice have been a serious public health concern, not only in Nigeria but in the world at large. It have severally been reported that there is low practice and awareness of EBF in Nigeria. I evaluated the variation in the level of knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding between mothers in Yola and those in Fufure IDP camp as well as their perceptions towards its practice. I also assessed the most effective medium of awareness for the knowledge of exclusi...

Use Of Gamma Rays In The Medical Field

Table of Contents Content Page Preface i Dedication ii Acknowledgements iii Table Of Contents iv Chapter One: Research plan 1 Introduction 1 Problem of The Research 1 Importance of The Research 1 Objectives of The Research 1 Content ofThe Research 2 Chapter Two: Ionizing Radiation 3 Definition 3 Types of Ionizing Radiation 3 Penetration of Ionizing Radiation 6 Physical Effects 7 Uses 10 Background Radiation 10 Radiation Exposure 10 Occupational Exposure 11 Public Exposure 11 Chapter Three: Ga...

Contribution Of Secondary Schools Voluntary Environmental Clubs To Best Environmental Management Practices In South – Alego Ward, Siaya County

Environmental resources are key in supporting life systems and their destruction can lead to adverse effects on human wellbeing. In the management of environmental resources several intervention measures and strategies have been considered. Among these are the use of the school curriculum to enhance public awareness of the need for environmental preservation and protection. This study seeks to investigate the contribution of secondary school environmental clubs to best environmental managemen...

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