Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Local Communities’ Perceptions On Lantana Camara And Management Responses In East Usambara, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Lantana camara is one of the alien invasive species introduced to East Usambara about 100 years ago. The species is locally increasing in abundance and spatially advancing to new areas threatening the livelihoods of local communities and biodiversity in nearby Amani Nature Reserve. This study assessed local communities‟ perceptions on Lantana camara focusing on its origin, pathways, socio-economic impacts and management responses in East Usambara. Data was collected through househ...

Models For Estimating Tree Volume, Above- And Belowground Biomass For Acacia-Commiphora Woodlands In Same District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) framework demands measuring of carbon stock changes. In most cases, estimates of carbon stocks rely on volume and biomass estimation allometric models. Although species-specific and some generic models for biomass and volume estimation have been developed for some vegetation types such as Miombo woodlands, their use in Acacia-Commiphora woodlands in dry areas is questionable as they comprise short-height trees with small to...

Factors Affecting Pine Resin Productivity And Its Potential As Source Of Revenue In The Forest Sector Of Tanzania: A Case Study Of Sao Hill Forest Plantation

ABSTRACT  Tanzania is rich in pine forests which have the potential to produce valuable resin. In recent years Tanzania has embarked on commercial resin tapping at Sao Hill Forest Plantation. However, current information on resin tapping in the country is scanty and unreliable. Knowledge of factors that affect resin productivity is important for it is those factors that can be manipulated to enhance resin yield. The focus of this study was to fill this knowledge gap by exploring some pine tr...

Seismic Facies Classification And Identification Using Neural Net And Principal Component Methods In The Bemba Field In Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Seismic facies classification was done on 3D Prestack Time Migrated seismic data (PSTM) acquired in 1990 in the Bemba Field in the Costal Swamp Depobelt of the Niger Delta, with the aid of STRATIMAGIC™ ( a 3D stratigraphic interpretation tool) and VOXELGEO™ ( a Volume visualization tool) softwares. Three (3) horizons E2000, F2000, G1000 were interpreted. To clearly delineate and control the quality of the auto-tracked picks, horizons attributes (amplitude, dip and azimuth maps) ...

Analysis Of Housing Demand In Enugu Metropolis, Enugu State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at empirically identifing the determinants of housing demand in Enugu metropolis. To this end, the objectives of the study were to: (i) examine the trend of housing demand in Enugu Metropolis, (ii) identify factors that influence housing demand (determinants) in Enugu metropolis, (iii) determine whether there is variation in housing demand among various income groups (high, medium and low) in Enugu metropolis and (iv) identify residents’ perception of the hous...

Verification Of Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Over Tanzania

ABSTRACT There are several weather forecasting systems within and outside Tanzania issuing medium-range rainfall forecasts. However, few attempts have been made to evaluate the accuracy of these forecasts. Hence the major objective of this study was to evaluate some selected medium-range rainfall forecasts and forecasting systems issuing those forecasts. Based on the above objective, the study could firstly evaluate medium-range rainfall forecasts in selected bimodal and unimodal areas of Ta...

Source Rock Evaluation And Depositional Environment Of Middle Eocene – Early Miocene Sediments In Umuahia And It’s Evirons, Niger Delta Basin, Southeasthern Nigeria.

   ABSTRACT The study area is bounded by latitudes 5027’N and 5034’N, and longitudes 7025’E and 7035’E. It falls within the Northern Niger delta Basin. The aim of this present study is to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentials of the sediments in the area, determine their age and environment of deposition. To achieve this aim, geochemical analysis (TOC and Rock-Eval) and Palynological studies were carried out on fifteen (15) samples. Results from the analysis indicates that the total...

Landform And Soil Analysis For Predicting Distribution Of Plague Reservoirs And Vectors In Mavumo Area, Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  A study was carried out in Mavumo area, West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, to analyse the importance of landform and soil characteristics in predicting the distribution of plague reservoirs and vectors. The main aim was to contribute to information base that would link landscape and ecological factors with the spatial distribution of plague disease in the area so as to provide information to institutions that are dealing with health and land use programmes in Tanzania. Remote sensi...

Assessment Of Floristic Composition, Stocking And Disturbance In Mkulazi Catchment Forest Reserve In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study attempted to assess floristic composition, stocking and disturbance in MCFR. Specifically, the study aimed to assess plant species richness and diversity, stem density, basal area and volume of the trees, intensity and distribution of disturbance and determine land cover changes for the past 41 years in MCFR. A total of 20 clusters with 100 concentric circular plots with radii 2,5,10 and 15m aligned in four transects across the entire forest of 65710ha were used for the s...

Sanitation Systems and its Environmental Impact on Omdurman أطروحة تمكيلية منيل درجة املاجستري يف امعامرة و امتخطيط ( Case Study :Bait Almal Residential Area)

The objective of this research is to study the sanitation system in Omdurman and take Bait almal residential area as case study also to know which environmental and design criteria are taken into account during selecting the sanitation system , in addition to solve the problems of sanitary system . The methodology of the study depended on different sources for data collection on the theories of the impact of sanitation system on the environmental in cities, i.e. references, previous stu...

Orange Juice Bottling Company, Owerri, Imo State. (Enhancing Fu Nctioualiry Through Circulation And Safety)

ABSTRACT Research has shown that the popularization of plastic bottles in Bottling Industries has remained on the increase since middle of 1960's, when high-density polyethylene was introduced. They quickly became popular with both manufacturers and customers due to their lightweight nature and relatively low production costs compared with glass bottles. Except for wine or beer, the food industry has almost completely replaced glass with plastic bottles. Despite this innovation, there has con...

Assessment Of Diabetes Management Regimens And Effect Of Diabetes Educational Intervention Among Diabetics Attending Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital Nnewi Anambra State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study investigated diabetes management regimens and effect of diabetes educational intervention on diabetics attending Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital(NAUTH), Nnewi. A total of 146 diabetics were interviewed with structured questionnaire to obtain information on their lifestyles, diabetes management, diabetes knowledge and compliance to management regimens. Diabetes educational intervention materials were developed to educate the subjects on 3 crucial areas of diabe...

Comparative Analysis Of The Performances Of Formal And Informal Sectors In Solid Waste Management In Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to empirically compare the performances of formal and informal sectors solid waste management system in Uyo, with a view to identifying whether variation exists in their performance. The specific objectives of the study were to: (i) identify and classify the activities of formal and informal sectors solid waste management in Uyo, (ii) determine the level of performance of the formal and informal sectors and variation (if any) in solid waste management in Uyo...

Palace Of The Attah Igala A Study Ofarchitectural Identity And Symbolism

ABSTRACT Humans have an intuitive inclination to symbolize . Symbolism and Identity is viewed in this paper as the 'art of depicting' and 'what to be depicted' respectively. The research digs deep to buried meanings of symbols while paying attention to cultural identity and bringing focus to the heritage of Igala people. A study of symbolic buildings from different countries in the world is however carried out so as to bring to light an architectural application of identity. The deep rooted ...

Industrial Activities And Sustainable Development In Ninth Mile Corner Enugu, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Industrialization is the social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial one. Despite the fact that the presence of industries has given rise to purchasing power, it has resulted to adverse effects. The study was aim to highlight negative environmental, social and economic effects of industrial activities in Ninth Mile Corner, Enugu with a view to suggesting ways of adopting sustainable development. The study adopted a survey desi...

1336 - 1350 Of 2176 Results