Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Alkylation Of [Pt2(Μ-S)2(Pph3)4] With Boronic Acid Derivatives By Pressurized Sample Infusion Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (Psiesi- Ms) Technique

ABSTRACT This project work present the alkylating reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with boronic acid alkylating agents.The reactivity of the metalloligand [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with the boron-functionalized alkylating agents BrCH2(C6H4)B(OR)2 (R = H or C(CH3)2) was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) in real time using the pressurized sample infusion (PSI). The macroscopic reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with one mole equivalent of alkylating agents BrCH2(C6H4)B{O...

Problems Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT There are large areas of Nigeria and probably of West Africa that have never been visited or studied by a geologist or geophysicist. Not so in the region surrounding the Benue Trough. This area has repeatedly attracted a lot of attention in the past, and with the advent of plate tectonics the available geological and geophysical data from the region have been interpreted in various ways to suit different tectonic models. No attempt is made here to review the relevant published work o...

Mineralogical Compositions and Metamorphic Intensities of Contact Aureoles of Igneous Intrusive from the Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria

Abstract - Igneous intrusives of basic to intermediate (syenilic) compositions in the Lowcr Bcnue Trough had produced contact cffccts which ro.lge from the lowcr albite- cpidotc hornfels to the cordierite hornfels facies on the host sedimentary rocks which vary mainly from pelitic to calcareous pelitic types. Contact effects of low intensity and size were produced by three smaller igneous bodies of basic composition whose thicknesses range from 1 to 3 m. The mineral assemblages of the aureole...

Factors Affecting Efficiency Of Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Case Study Of Njoro Industrial Sewage Works, Nakuru County, Kenya

The efficiency of the sewage works depends on the quality and quantity of the influent and the design of the sewage works. Inefficiency of the sewage work has adverse health impact to the aquatic ecosystem. Pollutants can bio-accumulate and bio-magnify in the food chain causing health impact to both human being and wildlife. The main objective ofthis study was to assess the effectiveness of wastewater management system of Njoro  industrial sewage works. This study used descriptive resear...

Effect Of Human Activities On The Ecosystem Of Areas Surrounding Lake Elementaita, Naivasha Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The environmental degradation of areas surrounding Lake Elementaita arise from the livelihood activities of the residents. Uncontrolled extraction of resources such as trees, grass and soda/salt contrasts with conservation. This is further compounded by the free access to the resources as a result of absentee landlords. This situation leads to lack of control and management of resources thus exacerbating degradation activities around the Lake and its riparian ecosystem. This study fo...

Stakeholders’ diverging interests and emerging resource use conflicts in apiculture in West Usambara mountains, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania to assess stakeholders diverging interests and emerging resource use conflicts in apiculture with respect to natural resource management (NRM) by local communities. The study aimed at generating knowledge base for effective governance of NRM by farmers and draw lessons for guiding NRM efforts in the study area. Participatory Rural Appraisal, GIS, focused group discussion; questionnaire survey and participant observation we...

Volume And Biomass Estimation Models For Tectona Grandis Grown At Longuza Forest Plantation, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Quantifying tree volume, biomass and Carbon (C) stocks potential of tree crops by using allometric models is vital for understanding the contribution of forests on climate change mitigation effort. The existing allometric models for accurate estimations of total tree volume and total tree biomass for Teak (Tectona grandis) has limitation of application such as models being developed from few sample trees for model development and covered narrow range of diameters and excluded trees...

Determining the Local Importance of Non-Timber Forest Products Using Two Different Prioritization Techniques

Abstract Among the key uncertainties in the sustainable management of forest for non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is the high diversity of species and paucity of information on indigenous use pattern. In designing appropriate strategies for sustainable management of non-timber forest products, therefore, it is important to identify species with high local importance with the potential for sustainable and profitable extraction in a managed system. In this study, we assessed the use of two q...

Implications Of Land Use Land Cover Change On The Biodiversity Of Kibasira Swamp In Kilombero Valley, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Sustained wetland functioning needs proper land use planning which in its best requires integrated land management. High anthropogenic pressures on the Kibasira Swamp may undermine its potential in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provisioning. A study was conducted to investigate the implications of land use/cover on the biodiversity of Kibasira Swamp. Landsat TM and ETM+ images for the period 1990, 1998 and 2011 were used to quantify the changes. Plants and bird sp...

Boat Terminal, Port-Harcourt “A Study Of Circulation”

ABSTRACT Rivers State, The ‘Treasure Base Of The Nation’ and a commercial nerve centre of the Nation has over the years been confronted with the problem of rapid growing human and vehicular traffic congestion. This problem is largely caused by the rate of rural-urban migration of people into Rivers State. In fact, recent statistics have shown that over 10,000 people enter Rivers State on a daily basis. This figure results to an estimated five million people that move around Rivers State ...

Coal City Cinema Complex, Enugu, Enugu State (A Study On In Tegrating Cinema Into Nigerian Lifestyle)

ABSTRACT Chukwuenyem, (2007) "People have always sought to portray, in as possible, beliefs, lifestyles, social ills, history, and simple pleasant fiction, through many art forms especially drama recently films. For such exposition the cinema suffices as an invaluable tool." Cinema is an important tool in building cultural institutions, and reinforcing cultural pride. The cinema could be used to heal the psychological wounds created by slavery and colonialism and to provide moral upliftment....

Effectiveness of selected vegetation cover types as sediment filters: a case study of lake victoria shore line, magu district, tanzania.

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in Ihale Village, Magu District, Tanzania aimed to assess the effectiveness of selected vegetation cover types as Vegetative Buffer Strip Filters and their corresponding vegetation strip widths in filtering sediment delivery that are likely to enter the surface waters of the Lake Victoria from agricultural lands. Sediment laden runoff plots measuring 2 m by 20, 15, 12.5 and 10 m were established to determine the effectiveness of the selected filters and strip f...

An Assessment Of Diversity, Abundance And Distribution Of Herpetofauna In The Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT An assessment of diversity, abundance and distribution of herpetofauna in grassland, kopjes, woodland, riverine forest and wetlands habitats of Serengeti National Park (SENAPA), Tanzania was conducted between December 2012 and March 2013. Drift fence with pitfall, wire mesh funnel traps, active search and visual encounter survey, road survey and purposive point count methods were used to obtain data for this study. Besides, focus group discussion and literature review were used to s...

Aggregate stability of Nkpologu sandy loam soil under different soil and crop management systems

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in the runoff plots at the University of Nigeria Nsukka Teaching and Research Farm, in 2010 and 2011 to monitor the changes in aggregate stability, and some selected physicochemical properties of Nkpologu sandy loam soil under different cover and soil management systems. The management systems were bare fallow (BF), grass fallow (GF), legume (CE), groundnut (GN), sorghum (SM), and cassava (CA) cultivation. Following the characterization of the soil of the study...

Flood Risk And Vulnerability Assessment Of Owerri Imo State

ABSTRACT Flood is a water related natural hazard that affects a wide range of human activities. In the recent past many communities in Owerri have suffered losses as a result of flood. This work utilized Remote Sensing and GIS in flood risk mapping. Data on environmental indices were integrated in a GIS to perform risk / vulnerability assessment. The flood risk map produced and the ground truthing carried out confirmed that the area with the highest flood risk is located within CBN quarters,...

1321 - 1335 Of 2176 Results