
Research Papers/Topics Law

Money Laundering And The Legal Framework Governing Economic Crime In East Africa

ABSTRACT In East Africa, the idea of economic c1ime is a new concept in the legal perspective and has only been recently embraced in the 21" Century. Practically however, economic crimes, and more specifically money laundering, have been taking place for centuries. Among others, weak and poor legal systems and reluctance to enforce the laws has led to the growth of this type of crime. The end result is that East Afi·ica has become a huge hub for illegal drugs, illegal anns and most recently...

SSA Research 114 PAGES (26213 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Critical Analysis Of The Trademarks Law Of Uganda 2010 And Its Enforceability

Abstract Section 1 of Act 17 of20 10 defines trademark to mean assign or mark or combination of signs or of one under taking trom those of another undertaking. Section 1 defines a sign or mark to include any ward, symbol slogan logo sound smell colour Brand labelna;ne signature latter numerical or any combination of them. The private sector is the engine of Uganda's economic growth and the key to enforcement of legal regimes since the country is solely based on capitalism which is the main so...

Edu Frontiers 59 PAGES (19208 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Efficacy Of The Law And Policy On The Regulation Of Foreign Direct Investment: Case Study Of Uganda

ABSTRACT The prevalence of poverty in developing countries demands that these countries should improvise ways of encouraging move revenue generating projects to supplement or significantly reduce dependence on foreign funding. Foreign investment is thus encouraged to get rid of this challenge. This paper examines foreign direct investment as a tool of increasing the contribution of tax revenue to Gross Domestic product and consequently a means of reducing the gap between the rich and the poo...

Edu Frontiers 90 PAGES (22962 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Role Of Police In Human Rights Abuse When Effectin Arrests In Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv ACI ABBREVIATIONS .......................................

SSA Research 57 PAGES (17117 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Examination Of Women's Property Rights, Post 1995 Constitution In Uganda. A Case Study Of Busia District.

ABSTRACT Although the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and other International Conventions to which Uganda ratified give protection to women among other persons against abuse of their rights enforcement of those statutory provisions is difficult as they conflict on specific provisions towards women. According to this study, the problems that women face stem from socio-economic aspects. This study was carried out with the hope that it will enlighten and advance the Understanding of...

Sharing of properties under customary marriages in uganda: An examination of the law.

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining ~e law of sharing of properties under Customary Marriages in Uganda. The Objectives of the study were; to review the existing legal framework in protection and distribution of property, to analyze the effectiveness of the institutional framework governing property sharing in customary marriages and to examine the effects of the law _of sharing of properties under customary marriages in Uganda. The recommended a by analyzing this study on the topic of Sha...

Edu Frontiers 49 PAGES (14061 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Protection Of Rights Of Juveniles In The Criminal Justice System In Kenya

ABSTRACT The objective of this research is mainly to expose current abuses of the rights of juvenile offenders in order to ensure confonnity with international treaties and conventions. Having recognized that there are efforts towards achieving the protection· of the rights of juvenile offenders, it was discovered that much still needed to be done. The methodology used is library research, achieved through the analysis of books, reports and newspaper/magazine articles. Data was also sourced...

Edu Frontiers 67 PAGES (18742 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A critique of the relationship between kibanja holder (tenancy by occupancy) and registered proprietor under the land act of 1998 cap 277.

ABSTRACT The study is about the relationship between kibanja holder ( tenancy by occupancy) and registered proprietor under the land act 1998 cap 227 and establishes the rights of lawful and bonafide occupants on Mailo land and how such rights are violated, with specific aims of examining; the rights of lawful and bonafide occupants on Mailo land; the abuse of the rights on bonafide occupancy on Mailo land; the effectiveness of the law governing bonafide occupancy on Mailo land; and suggesti...

Edu Frontiers 72 PAGES (19371 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An examination of immigration laws in relation to human trafficking from human right perspective. Case study of tanzania.

ABSTRACT This study examined the immigration laws towards combating human trafficking in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were; to identify the main causes of human trafficking in Tanzania, to examine the anti-trafficking laws, both national and intemational in Tanzania, to identify and quantify the institutional bottlenecks that the society faces in trying to curb the vice of human trafficking in Tanzania and finally to provide policy recommendations based on the results of the study. ...

Edu Frontiers 58 PAGES (16308 WORDS) Law Dissertation
An Examination Of The Role Of Community Policing In Fighting Against Crime In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dar-Es- Salaam Region

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... i DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... iii APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. v ACK...

SSA Research 76 PAGES (14463 WORDS) Law Thesis
Group conflict and peaceful resolution: An overview of alternative dispute resolution in kenya.

Abstract Human beings have a deep seated universal need that desires to promote and protect relationship and when these needs are obstructed or thwarted conflict will always arise. The history of human conflict suggests that man has not evolved much beyond his primitive ancestors. Everywhere we look we see conflict. Again history has shown that the cause of conflict is the summering injustice that can not be hidden anymore. The arrangement of society into groups of either ethnicity or race ha...

Edu Frontiers 42 PAGES (16107 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Rights Of Workers In Uganda: A Myth Or A Reality?

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION : .............................................................................................................. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................

SSA Research 97 PAGES (29076 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Human rights violations in uganda prisons case study: jinja government prisons:

Abstract The need for effective protection of human rights at intemational, regional and national levels has been increasingly recognized over the last fifty years, particularly since the creation of the United Nations and adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights are the rights that every one has by virtue of their humanityl. They are intrinsic and are said to be natured because of nature. They are to protect, preserve and promote the intrinsic value inherent in hum...

Edu Frontiers 83 PAGES (17022 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Effectiveness Of The Law Towards Protecting Wetlands In Uanda

ABSTRACT The study was set to assess the effectiveness of the law towards protecting wetlands in Uganda. It was guided by three research objectives which included analyzing the legal and institutional tl·amework towards wetlands, establishing the effects and challenges in enforcement of law on conservation of wetland and making any recommendation that may be of help to future policy making. In order to produce a comprehensive research. substantive law. its interpretation by case laws. desig...

Edu Frontiers 67 PAGES (20998 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Protection Of The Rights Of Juvenile Delinquents In Uganda; A Case Study Of Kampala District

ABSTRUCT This research book covers "the protection of the rights ofjuvenile delinquents in Uganda; case study of Kampala District. " Throughout the exploration of this as the area of research, the researcher principally concentrated upon the ambits of juvenile justice, looking at its evolution, progression as well as the structure of the juvenile justice system of late in Uganda 's judicial system. The research further explores the rights of the juvenile offenders enshrined under the na...

SSA Research 80 PAGES (18448 WORDS) Law Thesis

841 - 855 Of 1432 Results