
Research Papers/Topics Law

Legal Analysis Of Labor Laws: A Case Study Of Uganda

ABSTRACT This report is entitled "legal analysis of labor laws in Uganda". The study was carried out based on three objectives, that is; to identify the various labor laws in Uganda, to establish the current working conditions of employees in Uganda, and to find out how the labor laws are being applied in the Uganda. The study was in form of a descriptive survey, to describe and analyze the condition of the areas being studied as it was at the time. The study population comprised of 300 emplo...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (10908 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Protection Of Banker- Customer Relationship In Uganda. A Review Of The Existing Legal Frame Work

ABSTRACT Over the last ten to fifteen years, and in response to the huge growth in demand for unsecured consumer credit, Ugandan banks have reviewed, automated, de-skilled and streamlined traditional credit assessment techniques. In pursuit of margin and market share, today's due diligence relies increasingly on centralized data and statistical certainty. During this same period the nature of the banks' safety net, the sanction of bankruptcy and court action has changed too. The effect of th...

SSA Research 57 PAGES (17880 WORDS) Law Dissertation
The Effect Of Peace And Conflict Resolution In Sudan A Case Study Of Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT This study "The Effect of Peace and Conflict Resolution" was carried out in Sudan with specific aims of establishing the factors that are leading to conflicts and their possible interventions, the importance of peace in conflict resolution and the challenges experienced in conflict resolution in Southern Sudan. To comprehend this, the study reviewed literature from various scholars on the specific aims as well as different laws from different countries that govern conflict resolutio...

Edu Frontiers 56 PAGES (12767 WORDS) Law Project
Contribution of the judiciary in fighting against corruption in uganda. A case study of kampala central division in kampala district

Abstract Corruption has been brought throughout the last decade to an important position m the development and political economy debate. It has been seen as a primary impediment to growth (Mauro, 2002) with dramatic consequences in the developing world. This analysis has been mainly founded on bureaucratic or public sector corruption, emphasizing in particular manifestations such as administrative bribery. This highlighting reflected the availability of cross-country indices of corruption tha...

Edu Frontiers 74 PAGES (21737 WORDS) Law Dissertation
How Far Imprisonment In Uganda Has Served Its Purpose As A Means Of Purnishment. (A Case Study Of Kampala District)

The term imprisonment is not defined precisely, although generally spealcing, it is the deprivation of personal liberty of a person. Thus, According to the "Black's Law Dictionary", imprisonment connotes the act of being confined especially in prison. Secondly, it is the state of being confined; a period of confinement. 1 Prisons as a threat and reality have for the last two decades been used as a tool to remove offenders from society as a means of attempting to ensure that societal nor...

Modern Developments In Capital Markets And Securities Laws In Kenya: Is The Law Up To The Task?

We live in a time marked by unusually rapid modern developments in commerciai Iransacriuu,. This is evidenced by the arrival of sophisticated telecommunications and computer technology, and the globalization of business especially in the area of capital markets and securities. In the global world where e- commerce has become prevalent and tremendous achievements have been made in areas of information technology, communications and the like, there is obvious need to adopt new reforms so a...

AfroAsia Research 59 PAGES (14305 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Law On Defilement And Its Effectiveness Case Study In Mljkono District

Abstract The research study mainly focused on the law on defilement and its effectiveness that is mainly faced by female sex being the most affected group in the universe. The offence of defilement is defined in section 129 of the P C A of Uganda and it provides that any person who unlawfully has sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 18 years is guilty of the offence and is liable to surfer death 1 • Before the amendment of P C A sections it used to define defilement to mean a man...

Edu Frontiers 48 PAGES (13450 WORDS) Law Project
A Critical Analysis Of The Legal Framework Ricgulating Domestic Violence In Uganda Case Study Of Makindye Division Kampala District

Abstract In the recent years Domestic Violence in Uganda has been on the rise and it has affected people in many families especially children. women and men. These continue to be adversely impacted b) the Domestic Violence which occurs in families and homes. However there has not been sufficient research professing the causes and impacts of Domestic Violence on women. children and men. This research is intended to fill the gaps left out. Domestic Violence as a term has turned out to be the mo...

Edu Frontiers 63 PAGES (14107 WORDS) Law Project
An Examination On Efficacy Of Disclosure Requirements In Capital Markets Authority Case Study: Kenya

Abstract World over, most securities investors stay glued to the affairs at the stock exchange markets. In Kenya, the situation is not different as one can easily find the investors either watching at the live trading of securities at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) or following up on the progress in the media. All these constitute the 'appetite' to know the affairs of their investment. Most of the investors in the securities market are yet to come to terms with the happenings at the Nairobi...

Edu Frontiers 69 PAGES (14398 WORDS) Law Paper
Cohabitation And Intestate Succession: A Human Rights Perspective

ABSTRACT General Comment 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights asks states to recognize and protect all families but leaves how to do this to state discretion. It is silent on whether all families must be protected equally in a II circumstances. 0 ften, stales make normative distinction between unmarried cohabitants and married s pauses s uch that cohabitants are normally not given the quality of rights and protections guaranteed to married spouses (Barlow et al, 200...

SSA Research 67 PAGES (21025 WORDS) Law Dissertation
Challenges Faced By The Legal Profession 1n The 21st Century Ln ~Ala Uganda

ABSTRACT  The study shows that challenges faced by the legal profession in the 21 '' century in kamala Uganda can be attributed to the inadequacy and inefficiency of existing advanced legal norms and enforcement practice. The author paints a brief picture of the state to which legal profession in 21'1 century has an impact on professions. A legal system will be of little benefit or value to people unless they are able to make use of it. Low literacy levels in Uganda and a larger proportion o...

Edu Frontiers 65 PAGES (20203 WORDS) Law Project
The effects of legislation on land disputes in uganda. Case study kampala district.

ABSTRACT. The importance of this land in Uganda is vast and the issue is gaining more and more importance, the number of conflicts both in comis and as well as out of court, is indisputably on the rise, tensions are increasing and ownership of land is becoming a strife political debate. Research on this topic is limited on the weakness of existing legislations, how land tenure affects land disputes, and the possible solutions to land disputes. -The goal of the research is to provide a compre...

Edu Frontiers 55 PAGES (17064 WORDS) Law Project
An Examination Of Enforcement Of The Rights To A Clean And Heal Thy Environment In Uganda. A Case Study Of Kampala District

ABSTRACT The right to a clean and health environment if often overlooked within the context of discussion on human right. Against this background, this dissertation examines how the right to a clean and healthy environment can be realized and be implemented by Ugandans. Recognition of the constitutional right to a healthy and clean environment can facilitate the implementation and enforcement of environmental laws. This research has demonstrated that the incorporation of the right to a clean ...

SSA Research 43 PAGES (9076 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Contributions Of Uganda Police In The Observance Of Human Rights; A Case Study Of The Right To Police Bond, In Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................ ; .................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................

SSA Research 52 PAGES (13824 WORDS) Law Dissertation
A Critical Appraisal Of Uganda Penal Code In Respect To Rape And Defilement

ABSTRACT Rape AND defilement violates the right of dignity of a girls and boys. It breaches the trust orwife. Even then, it is not criminalized as rape in Uganda. It raises a question, is a girls and boysbeing considered an object or the property of the husband. It also raises the question. as to does agirls and boys has right to save her body from the Just of her husband. No doubt the purpose ol·the being single is to provide right to have sex with' one u get married too. This paper points ...

Edu Frontiers 54 PAGES (15495 WORDS) Law Project

886 - 900 Of 1432 Results