TABLE OF CONTENTSDI,CLARATION ........................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................
AbstractThe study was set to analyze of the law and practice of receivership in Uganda, it was guided by the following objectives which included; examine the adequacy of law on receivership in relation to duties of receivers and power of sale, to examine the liabilities of receiver and how such can be avoided, to examine the problems/challenges released to receivership in Uganda and to examine remedies available to the parties in receivership process. The research design u...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivLIST OF LEGISLATION vLIST OF CASES viTABLE OF CONTENTS viiABSTRACT XCHAPTER ONE 1GENERAL INTRODUCTION 11.1 lntroduction 11.2 Background of the study 21.3 Statement of the problem 61.4 Objective of the study 71.4.1 General objective 71.5 Research Questions 71.6 Scope of the study 71.6.1 Geographical scope 71.6.2 Content Scope 81.6.3 Time scope 81.7 Significance of the study 81.8 Methodology 91.9 Organization of the study 91...
CHAJ>TER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION This research intended to present an overview on whether the protection according to authors of musical works by the copyright and neighboring act is a reality in the real sense or a myth. Copyright, is among other categorics1 · an clement of intellectual property. So important is the consideration to the meaning of the word property which has an outstanding feature that the owner of' such property is free to use it to the extent of his/her wish as long as the&...
ABSTRACT This study "Promoting and Protecting Human Rights of Street Children in Juvenile Justice Systems: The Law and Practice in Uganda was carried out with different organizations and agencies in Kampala with specific aims to identify the circumstances which give rise to the arrest of street children and the legalities taken into account to protect the rights of children as supported by the juvenile justice system; to investigate the challenges of human rights violations experienced by str...
ABSTRACT Cohabitation unions have been on the increase perhaps due to the recognition of family units, as a result of increased urbanization and increased isolation of young people from their family network. These unions have become common as the meaning of family continues to increasingly transform in the wake of the fast changing societal values. The proliferation of divorce, re-marriage, step families and single parenthood has liberalized the idea of family from the way it was traditionall...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL .................................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... iiiLEGISLATIONS AND STATUTES ...........................................
TABLE OF CONTENT.DECLARATION ....................................................................................•................................. iiAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................
ABSTRACT The study was about the effectiveness of Kenyan law and policy in curbing the practice of FGM in Kenyan communitieo. my main focus being in Meru district. Female genital mutilation is a cultural practice aimed at signifying a girl's entry into womanhood and any fmm of rejection is viewed as subordinating culture. It is believed to prevent promiscuity in marriages and promote easy child bearing. Those who do not circumcise are believed to be of immoral character and adopting western c...
TABLE OF CONTENTSI .. DEDICATION ..................... : ...................................................................................... 11DECLARATION .................. !... .................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................... ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ·····j···· ....................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTDeclaration ................................................................................................................................ iS . ' A I .. upervtsor s pprova ............................................................................................................. nTable of content. ..................................................................................................................... iiiDedication .................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL BY THE SUPER VISOR ........................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii LIST OF THE OF STATUES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS ............................... iv...
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction The term plea bargaining is one which attracts different meanings worldwide and there is no standard universal definition. A broad and simple definition would be where an accused person is given an incentive to plead guilty by a promise, or at least a chance, that he will be 'rewarded' in a certain way.1 Black's Law Dictionary offers a definition of plea bargaining that refers to the accused person and the prosecutor as working 'out a mutually satisfactory dispos...
Introduction 1.1 Background Software is a computer program, which provides the instructions which enable the computer hardware to work. System software operates the machine itself and provides the interface to the computer and also controls basic operations like saving and printing. Examples of system software are operating systems and programming languages. Application software on the other hand such as spread sheet or word processing programs, provide specific functionality. System softwar...
ABSTRACT This article investigates on the role played by the International Criminal Court and the promotion of peace and justice in Kenya. It also seeks to see the potholes in the system and give recommendations where needed. Issues such as the post election violence in Kenya have also been discussed. Such includes the problems faced during the elections violence and the solutions that have been used and the ones that have already been used to promote peace and justice. Victims that have been...