Health Services Management Research Papers/Topics

Implementation Of Hospital Management Information Systems On Service Delivery: A Case Of Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital

Hospital Management Information Systems (HMIS) has the potential of improving the quality of services delivered as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare providers through integration of various hospital functional units. However, the benefits of this implementation in service delivery have not been adequately addressed. This study sought to appraise the impact of implementation of Hospital Management Information Systems, on service delivery in Moi Teaching and Referral Hospit...

Determinants Of Hospital Emergency Preparedness In Machakos Level 5 And Kangundo Level 4 Hospitals

ABSTRACT Emergency preparedness is a key security priority globally. Plans are needed, not only to maintain services continuity but also to guide in emergencies in hospitals. Kangundo level 4 and Machakos Level 5 Hospital have recorded 27% and 39% increase of emergency cases in 2018 respectively. In the face of these emergencies, the ability of Kangundo level 4 and Machakos Level 5 Hospital to provide emergency service quite literally make the difference between life and death. This study as...

Assessment Of Health Workers Perinatal Knowledge And Practices Related To Service Delivery In Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT A health system has six interdependent and interrelated pillars: health workforce; service delivery; information; financing; medical products, vaccines and technologies; leadership and governance. This study addressed health workforce pillar in order to strengthen maternal and new born services delivery in Makueni County. Globally, new born (neonatal) mortality remains unacceptably high. Neonatal mortality accounts for 60% of infant mortality rate in Kenya. In Makueni County, 1 in 2...

Determinants Of Uptake Of National Hospital Insurance Fund Primary Care Scheme Amongst Service Providers Within The Scope Of Nhif Nakuru Town Branch

ABSTRACT There is a growing international consensus on the importance of providing social protection through financing and providing access to healthcare services. Kenya has embraced this through the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF). Despite these efforts, the uptake of the NHIF primary care scheme among service providers in the country is still low. This study sought to assess the uptake of NHIF primary care scheme amongst service providers within the scope of NHIF Nakuru Town branch...

Implementation Of Hospital Management Information Systems On Service Delivery: A Case Of Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital

ABSTRACT Hospital Management Information Systems (HMIS) has the potential of improving the quality of services delivered as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare providers through integration of various hospital functional units. However, the benefits of this implementation in service delivery have not been adequately addressed. This study sought to appraise the impact of implementation of Hospital Management Information Systems, on service delivery in Moi Teaching and Refer...

Assessment Of Factors Influencing Service Delivery At Subcounty Hospitals In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Integrated and people-centred health services are critical for realizing universal health care coverage. This can only be achieved through provision of efficient and effective health services. Service delivery is one of the key building blocks of any health system; it is an immediate output of the inputs into the health system, such as the health workforce, procurement and supplies, infrastructure and financing. The rising burden of disease and weak health systems are being compound...

Influence Of Structural Arrangement On Provision Of Quality Primary Care Health Services In Public Health Centers In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 emphasized the importance of primary care as an approach to achieve health for all. Kenya has gradually expanded primary care health service delivery to increase access and comprehensiveness of healthcare services. It has equipped referral facilities with modern equipment, while primary care health facilities continued to struggle with limited resources. As a consequence, this gap has become a big impediment to Kenya’s quest to achieve universal he...

Influence Of Performance Management Systems On Employee Productivity In County Referral Hospitals In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human resource for health is one of the core pillars of health systems and performance management is one of its subcomponents. A performance management system in public health facilities is one of the tools for reforms which have been introduced in Kenya so as to improve employee productivity. Since its introduction in Kenya most health care workers assume performance management system is setting only performance targets; the whole cycle is not addressed. In addition, the performance...

Use Of District Health Information System Data To Facilitate Decision Making In Uasin Gishu Sub County Hospitals, Kenya

ABSTRACT Comprehensive and dependable information is basis for making decisions. WHO building blocks: services delivery, health information, products and technologies, health workforce, financing and governance. Aim of study was to assess use of DHIS2 data to facilitate decision making in Uasin Gishu Sub County Hospitals. Specific objectives were to determine level of knowledge, organizational, technical and individual factors prompting District Health Information System2 data use in Uasin G...

Evaluation Of The Effect Of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Among Children Living With Hiv In Ola During Children’s Hospital-Freetown, Sierra Leone

The second biggest killer disease triggered by a single infectious agent and the leading cause of mortality for children living with HIV (CLHIV) is Tuberculosis (TB), rendering it an significant public health concern that needs aggressive preventive steps. In some nations, Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) has been introduced to shield children from the development of latent TB infection to active disease and also to avoid TB reinfection after exposure to an open case of childhood TB. The im...

Influence Of Expanded Free Maternity Care Programme On Delivery Of Quality Health Care In Maternity Units In Public Health Facilities In Kajiado County

ABSTRACT A well-functioning health system works in harmony among the six pillars; trained and motivated health workers, functional infrastructure, consistent supply of essential medicines and technologies and sufficient funding.Africa is uniquely affected by maternal health challenges with a maternal mortality estimated at 686/100,000 live births. These deaths are avoidable with proper medical intervention.Kenya has high maternal mortality estimated at 360/100,000 live births.This study soug...

Factors Influencing Uptake Of Antenatal Care In Taita Taveta County, Kenya

  49% of pregnant women are able to make four or more ANC visits in Sub Saharan part of Africa. General objective of the study was to find out factors influencing uptake of ANC in public health facilities in Taita Taveta County. The specific objectives were; to assess influence of early initiation of ANC on uptake of ANC in, determine influence of skilled health providers’ attitude on uptake of ANC, establish influence of availability of community health volunteers on uptake of ANC and de...

The Influence Of Devolved Healthcare System On Delivery Of Health Services In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 birthed devolution. After the General Elections held on 4th of March of 2013, devolution of various public functions including healthcare gained momentum. However, challenges facing around the delivery of public healthcare exist. The influence of devolution on the delivery of health services in Kenya had not been evaluated, necessitating this study. The study analyzed how the various components of devolution, including devolved hea...

External And Internal Factors Affecting Management Of Hospital Drug Formularies By Health Facilities In Nairobi

ABSTRACT The use of formularies in drugs management is a widely accepted practice and Kenya has adopted the World Health Organization (WHO) drug formulary model to develop its own formularies or essential drug lists. This study explored factors affecting management of drug formularies by both private and public health facilities in Nairobi. Specifically, the study sought to determine the type of formulary in use by various health facilities in Nairobi as well as exploring extents to which bo...

Influence Of Organizational Drivers On Utilization Of Health Information For Management’s Decision Making: A Case Of Imenti South Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Today’s health systems rely on health information for effective management. In contrast, compromised global data control systems progressively undermine international disease control initiatives thereby cutting back on health gains. Allocative efficiency is strained by sub optimal Health Management Information Systems (HMIS). On the other hand, undetermined HMIS capacity challenges make it difficult to realize kenya’s informed county health priorities in a devolved health sector...

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